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Outdoor activities groups near Stevensville, MD

Hiking & Outdoors Club

Gambrills, MD

Hiking & Outdoors Club
**About Hiking & Outdoors Club.** This is a group for: hiking, outdoor and social activities for men and women, young and old, to enjoy the beauty of God's creation and spend time together in fellowship. We have a hiking, outdoors or social event roughly bimonthly. Our first event was held in October 2023 (a hike at Patapsco Valley State Park near Ellicott City, Maryland). Any attendee under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a family member who is 18 or older. We typically hike trails in the Central Maryland area and enjoy outdoor and social activities. This group is run by the Men's Fraternity at Faith Community Church in Gambrills, Maryland. **Schedule:** We intend to have hikes or other social events bimonthly on the last Saturday of March, May, July and September. Unless otherwise noted, each event will begin at 11am. We may have an event on the first weekend in November - potentially a hike of Old Rag Mountain in Virginia. This would be a day-long, very difficult hike - so we're still discussing this possibility. **Note: all hikes are rain or shine.** **Recon Hikes:** A few weeks before each published hike we typically do a "recon hike" (which is not published) to check out the difficulty of the trail, the parking available, etc. If you'd like to help with recon hikes, please let Charles know at: or (443) 400-9130. **About Faith Community Church (FCC).** FCC is located at 1306 Riedel Road, Gambrills, Maryland 21054. The church website is here: Faith Community Church Men's Meetup (FCCMM) is an FCC meetup group developed to publicize the church's men's events and to spread the Word of God in accordance with Matthew 28:19-20. See here: **Men's ministry** events are available here: **Women's ministry** events are available here: **The church website is here:** For more information, see the church's About page here: **Church services are each Sunday at 9am and 10:30am at 1306 Riedel Road, Gambrills, Maryland 21054. Hope to see you there!**
349 members · Public

Singles on Sailboats

Annapolis, MD

Singles on Sailboats

The Meetup Singles on Sailboats Group is a vehicle to introduce prospective members to our club.

The club is an organization of singles in the Chesapeake Bay area (over 700 members) who enjoy sailing, or want to get involved in the sport. Members include skippers (boat owners - about 125) and crew looking for OPB's (other peoples boats) to sail on.

Experienced and novice sailors are welcome, and the club offers extensive learning experiences. Activities include a busy schedule of day sails, weekend cruises, and extended 10-day cruises during the sailing season (April thru November), and many social get-togethers during the off-season.

We also organize one or two bareboat charter events every year, to destinations literally around the world. Recent destinations have included several to the Carribbean, Australia, Lake Huron, Croatia For more info, visit our website at

Through the Meetup website we offer year-round monthly happy hours throughout the northern Chesapeake Bay area. These are located from southeastern Pa to northern VA, and numerous points in between. They are attended by both Meetup participants and active club members. Active members do not RSVP through Meetup, so you will find many more attendees at these events than this site might indicate.

During the off-season (November through March) we also offer monthly Sunday Brunches in Annapolis. These typically attract over 100 attendees, and always include a speaker on a subject of interest. Speakers have included noted authors, Bay Pilots, outdoors & nature photographers, celebrated sailors, among others.

Members and non-members are welcome at the happy hours and brunches, all posted on this site. We invite you to participate in our Meetups, meet club members, talk sailing, and consider joing the club.

2691 members · Public

Chesapeake Paddlers Association

Annapolis, MD

Chesapeake Paddlers Association
**Come join us - sea kayaking! JOIN CPA Here :** [CPA Membership – CPA Kayakers]( **The Chesapeake SEA KAYAKING Association is the one of longest running (30+ years) band of kayakers in the Chesapeake Bay Region!** During the cold months, many of our club go a-hiking & exploring, with safety/ online kayaking classes in the spring ...keeping in mind the Bay, its rivers & creeks stay colder with long spring rain runoff, despite the tempting warmer sunny days, so we consider water safety first. **PLEASE JOIN US & visit our webpage for lots more info:** **[](** \*\**Becoming a CPA member is easy - dues are $10/year: [](* **Chesapeake Paddlers Association is a registered 503 C(4) non-profit organization- with active club members since the 1980s.** Members mainly kayak all around Maryland, Virginia & District of Columbia region- there are so many creeks, rivers, islands, regional water trails, quiet wooded shorelines, cliffs & shady spots to explore. The club has many sea kayaking- volunteer trip leaders - who enjoy getting out on the water in sea-kayaks safely, sharing fun times, new locations, paddling & camping knowledge and experiences. **Please note that CPA is primarily a sea kayaking club. Most sea kayaks are generally run 14--16 feet or longer and 24″ or less in width, designed to track straight and be relatively fast. Wearing a spray skirt, for most sea kayaks, is an essential component, not an optional accessory**. Inflatable boats and folding boats are not generally recommended for coastal and open water trips where wind and waves can be major factors, and increases the effort to keep paddling together; please first ask the trip leader if you are considering joining an event. **CPA members do not have rentals or provides loaner kayaks.** **CPA is not an outfitter, nor offers kayaking skills certification.** The mission of the Chesapeake Paddlers Association is to promote safe sea kayaking and safe paddling practices through the education of the local sea kayaking community and the interested public. Club activities may include, but are not limited to, instructional kayak trips, instructional kayak camping trips, instructional workshops, and any other activities consistent with the mission that members of the club wish to organize. CPA has many events during the warmer months- especially regular mid-week-after-work casual paddling gatherings = Piracies. Please check the Meetup calendar and CPA website for details and locations, as several piracies go a'roving every week. Some educational workshops - Intro to Basic Sea Kayaking SK101 is offered once a year in mid-spring.  A full on-the-water weekend to practice basic kayak training & skills, SK102. is offered annually in end of April. Other club educational events pop up as volunteers get involved- including Basic Kayak Navigation, Greenland Paddle Carving -workshops, learning to roll your kayak opportunities, and strokes & basic skills sessions- please ask! While all are welcome to join, people with shorter, wider recreational kayaks, inflatables, and folding kayak styles may find their boat unwieldy on longer trips and may have difficulty keeping up to speed with the group over the miles or on open water with waves & windy conditions. Leisure paddling outings are the best places for shorter pleasant opportunities. The Kent Island Paddle (KIP) offers monthly opportunities for serious practice on open water conditions on the Chesapeake Bay. They are plan long distance paddling requiring monthly training, with their final goal to completely circumnavigate via kayak - that's 34 miles around Kent Island. Contact our CPA Coordinator for details. If you are kayaking -even on early spring warm sunny days-please always dress for water immersion, not the balmy air temperature. Getting dunked is never expected, but it happens to everyone!  Getting tossed in cold water in the early spring Bay waters is a BIG safety concern. Here’s the Guide to Cold water paddling gear written by Moulton Avery of [National Center for Cold Water Safety](   If you have any questions, please ask! For safety's sake:  Paddle with a friend, of course, it always more fun! Consider as well to improve your skill set, navigation skills, and know how to use a Marine Radio to call for assistance! On weekends, many volunteer trip leaders will post longer distance day trips, as well as occasional longer weekend camping/kayaking trips to many locations around the Chesapeake Bay area.  The club has been around since 1988 - growing from the shared love of being on the water in skinny boats!        Lots more on the CPA website: [](
1182 members · Private

The Not So Serious Chess Club

Annapolis, MD

The Not So Serious Chess Club
Love chess? Want to learn or get better? Come play with us at the Not So Serious Chess Club (NSSCC)! This is a chess meetup for all skill levels. The goal is to get together and have fun. We'll drink beer, talk trash, and checkmate each other. Please bring your own chess boards and clocks, just to make sure everyone can play. It's totally free but it'd be awesome if you supported the West End by ordering some food or a drink. This will be every other Tuesday from 7pm-9pm. Again, all ages and skill levels are welcome. See you there! (Any questions? Email me: Please note that is not responsible for the organization, management, or conduct of any events or groups listed on Meetup including those under the name. These events and groups are independently organized and managed by third parties. does not control, supervise, or endorse any activities, actions, or statements made by event organizers or participants. Participation in these events and groups is entirely at the responsibility of the participant. disclaims all liability for any injuries, damages, or losses that may occur during or as a result of participation in these events or groups, whether they are held in person, online, or at any specific venue. Become a member of Global Chess Community to connect with other chess enthusiasts all around the world. 1. Learn how to play chess; 2. Play games and tournaments online; 3. Get better at chess. 4. Attend in-person and online events, including exclusive watch parties and live chess events online. We have free and premium content, for players of all skill levels, from absolute beginner to master.  Help us build a great global chess community! 
192 members · Public

Mindfulness & Meditation

Annapolis, MD

Mindfulness & Meditation
Hello!! This is Monica Jordan. I have been practicing Mindfulness for over 23 years, and I've been teaching it for 15. Mindfulness has transformed my life in ways I never thought possible. I offer talks & meditations, courses and retreats to facilitate access to the wisdom of mindfulness and its these amazing tools. Everyone is welcome to our community!! And Im delighted you are part of this group. **What is Mindfulness?** You may not even know it, but most probably you have experienced mindfulness in your life already. Remember that moment in which you were totally immersed in an activity? That moment in which you were utterly absorbed, in a state of, what [Mihály Csíkszentmihályi]( calls, “flow,” a feeling of energized focus where your worries, anxieties.  [Learn More Here ]( **What are the meetings like? When & Where are we Meeting?** We are meeting virtually via Zoom once a month at 7 pm EST. Our meetings are on the last Tuesday of every month. **For a description of the topic of the day, and to [register for free you can visit this page](** Our meetings start with a talk. The talk is always about practical tools we can apply in our everyday life to live in harmony with ourselves and those around us. [Here's one of the talks I offered called ](*[How to Break Free from Emotion Addiction](*[ ]( After the talk, we practice the tools I shared in the talk with a meditation. At the end, everyone is invited to a Q&A period. You will be receiving an email reminder every month with updates, and the date we will meet that month I invite you to visit my website [](, my [YouTube Channel]( and let's keep in touch on [Facebook]( and [Instagram ]( Looking forward to sharing mindfulness with you. Warmly, Monica
1305 members · Public

Mindfulness & Meditation Group

Annapolis, MD

Mindfulness & Meditation Group
Hello!! This is Monica Jordan. I have been practicing Mindfulness for over 23 years, and I've been teaching it for 15. Mindfulness has transformed my life in ways I never thought possible. I offer talks & meditations, courses and retreats to facilitate access to the wisdom of mindfulness and its amazing tools. Everyone is welcome to our community!! And I'm delighted you are part of this group. **What is Mindfulness?** You may not even know it, but most probably you have experienced mindfulness in your life already. Remember that moment in which you were totally immersed in an activity? That moment in which you were utterly absorbed, in a state of, what [Mihály Csíkszentmihályi]( calls, “flow,” a feeling of energized focus where your worries, anxieties.  [Learn More Here ]( **What are the meetings like? When & Where are we Meeting?** We are meeting virtually once a month via Zoom on the last Tuesday of the month at 7 pm EST. **For a description of the topic of the day, and to [register for free you can visit this page](** Our meetings start with a talk. The talk is always about practical tools we can apply in our everyday life to live in harmony with ourselves and those around us. [Here's one of the talks I offered called ](*[How to Break Free from Emotion Addiction](*[ ]( After the talk, we practice the tools I shared in the talk with a meditation. At the end, everyone is invited to a Q&A period. You will be receiving an email reminder every month with updates, and the date we will meet that month I invite you to visit my website [](, my [YouTube Channel]( and let's keep in touch on [Facebook]( and [Instagram ]( Looking forward to sharing mindfulness with you. Warmly, Monica
2529 members · Public

Sovereignty Through Heart-Felt Presence

Annapolis, MD

Sovereignty Through Heart-Felt Presence

A MeetUp for old souls... <br> <br>As we are shifting to a whole new world and evolving consciousness, old ways of "doing & being" don’t work for us any longer. It's time to stop searching outside yourself. It's time to experientially know yourself.

We each have a unique mission on Earth. It slowly emerges with time as you live in unison with your INDIVIDUALIZED NATURE, and culminates in the full expression of YOUR POTENTIAL. It usually comes into play when you have planted a solid foundation & have a clear direction, and through which you can leave your mark on the world.

and "when inward tenderness finds the secret hurt, pain itself will crack the rock and Aaaah! let the soul emerge. ~ Rumi♥ <br>.

START ACCESSING YOUR INNATE WISDOM & LIVE AS SELF<br>Stop the repetitive story & fear<br>Let go of what no longer serves you<br>Be embodied<br>Become integrated, aware, empowered<br>Manifest what you truly want (aka need)<br>Step out of shadow imprints <br>... into emotional mastery & freedom (your imprinted Gifts & Essence)<br>.

How long have you been trying? <br>... 10 years? 30 years? 10 lifetimes? 30 lifetimes?

What is the fastest way to soar, in a fulfilled life of joy and grace as you?

Sovereignty Through Heart-Felt Presence is for those who:

🌐 Seek to remember who you are AND experience it by expressing your essence <br>🌐 Desire to remain calm & in joy regardless...<br>🌐 Stop searching for radiant health, fulfilling relationships, career... via a magic bullet outside yourself <br>🌐 Ask "is this it"? I've achieved all my goals. There has to be more to life!<br>🌐 Done living as Not Self - how most people live their entire lives, "barcoded" at birth<br>🌐 Looking for your unique User Manual and Sovereignty metrics to assess alignment with true Self<br>🌐 Listen to the body when it whispers, & not have to hear it scream <br>🌐 Have the courage to fully feel & take responsibility that something good can happen from everything in your life<br>🌐 Willing to feel into pain & avoidance<br>... that causes suffering and is your springboard to The Gifts & Siddhi (Essence)<br> 🌐 Open to compassionate, "tough-love" <br>. <br><br>. <br>Join us every other third Tuesday, as we explore a different topic of how quantum, spontaneous changes ARE possible.

Programming destiny...<br>Science and the mystical...<br>Healing healers in all walks of life...<br>.


Giving the body what it needs to heal itself from the inside out - physical, energetic/emotional, mental, intuitive/multiverse & spiritual support for rapid & sustainable transfomation (aka remembrance).

♥️ Sovereignty Sessions (see more below) <br>♥️ Human Design Foundation & Applying Your Design in Daily Life sessions <br>..♦️..Discover Who You Are & Life Purpose <br>♥️ Radiance Sessions <br>♥️ 30 Days of Blessing Balls <br>♥️ Connecting Sacred Sites Within

♥️ Medical Intuitive Reading <br>♥️ BioEnergetic Assessments <br>♥️ Grace Healing (24x7) <br>

♥️ Mentorship <br>♥️ Masterclasses <br>♥️ Healthy parents provide space for healthy children <br>.

Level 1 & 2 - Opening Channels, Deconditioning & Detox programs <br>.. Individual 1-on-1 sessions

Level 3 & 4 - Accelerated Awakening; Living Your Purpose/Self-Mastery group programs <br>.. Option for group or 1-on-1 sessions

Using METRICS OF THE HEART as a guide

Metrics help us understand where we are with respect to our intentions. Being fully aligned vs. living as Not Self. To experientially know what it feels like to have a metric at 33% & 90%, and later at 99%. (I.e, being fully in your heart, willingness to let go & receive, alignment to Divine Purpose.) Metrics help us realize the amount of resistance we have to being in the flow and getting our own insights & remember who we are (aka heal) -- in sessions & in everyday life. Explore how our daily life is impacted by our metrics. And calm down the mind and body, knowing it is safe to feel what is in front of us. <br>.


♥️"Sally is the real deal! She brings colors never seen before except in God's own garden." - C.H. <br>.

♥️"I spent over 35 years seeking knowledge about who I am & why I am here, how to achieve vibrant health, how to be embodied & aligned... Looking for answers from this & that religion, a multitude of spiritual teachers & programs, an extensive list of practitioners who all encourage their version of looking within for answers. Sally is the only one I know who insists on & enables an experiential knowing that all I need is already within me. When I am gifted with her insights & knowledge, it just feels like this vast, loving, familiar embrace. Or the kick in the butt that I needed to shift my perspective & remember who I am. Much gratitude! My life has changed for the positive in so many ways! My health, my relationships, being ok in my own skin, consciously responding to life vs. simply reacting... And oh how I wish Sally would be sharing herself with the rest of the world. She will blow you away. Thank you Sally!!" -- Karen <br>.

♥️"I HAVE KNOWN SALLY for many years and have watched as she has honed unique abilities to help one on their journey to health & well-being. The dynamic balance between keen logic & developed intuition allows Sally to see many facets of a person and also come up with quick solutions for their growth. I received guidance with my Human Design chart which aided me in understanding my strengths & weaknesses from an objective viewpoint, making self understanding a much easier task." - J. E. <br>.

♥️"MY EXPERIENCE WITH SALLY has been the most lasting & transformative session I’ve ever done with an intuitive. We began with grounding & I breathed in the sense of the sacred space which she had created. It felt safe, rooted & open to possibility.

Sally led me to where I could visualize & feel the place of trauma inside me. As we gently explored this, she began to offer ways I could start to encompass my feelings – in visualization & as feeling in the body. It was like being handed a toolbox with all the right tools to begin enacting change within.

I’ve worked over the years with both intuitives & clinical therapists, & often found that sessions open some energetic doors… but soon afterward, I lose the sense of it and forget much of what felt within reach during the session. Sally helped me to more deeply & physically feel and own the work of our sessions. I have much more easily retained the sense of release & empowerment that I received." - Linda <br>.

♥️BELIEVE IN MAGIC & MIRACLES <br>Yes, Sally is the REAL DEAL. Her wisdom, love & empathy for not only you, but humanity is inspiring and the truest form of love. I have worked with Sally for human design & healing sessions. For the time and heart that goes into this life changing experience, it is an extraordinary value & deal! She helped me feel safe in myself and work through illusions that were preventing me in becoming a better version of myself. Even when I am not physically working with Sally, I hear her, sense her & feel her support flowing & gently allowing space for me. Though the words are tough to convey exactly what happens through our time together, the best way I can describe it is multidimensional, vivid, ever-evolving, ever flowing and life changing. The investment with Sally is a benefit to the "past, present & future" self! Thank you for EVERYTHING Sally!! -- April <br>.

♥️"Sally is so much the REAL DEAL. Wisdom & comfort just flow through her emails & it’s so much appreciated! She provides a safe & accepting space within which I feel welcome for who I am, in her workshops & private sessions. Priceless! I’ve been to many health workers, all fields, and haven’t found A PLACE THAT I COULD BRING ALL OF ME until Sally. What a gift she offers! Ultimately the “hunting & pecking” with this body worker, that workshop, these practitioners, that we hope will lead us to that accepting place is really dragging out the process as it’s more avoidance than work. (My conclusion after I finally stopped all the nonsense & got honest with myself that I was looking for the quick fix, something easy & not too drawn out.) I feel so much better having dropped running in circles. When I am gifted with Sally's insights & knowledge, it feels like this vast, loving, familiar embrace. I feel humbled & honored. Yes, working with Sally costs money, but IT’S A CHOICE OF WANTING TO FEEL GOOD FOR A DAY or FEEL GOOD FOR LIFE. -- K <br>.


. <br>USING THE BODY AS YOUR GPS <br>To navigate a life of purpose, growth & expansion.

Fully feeling... <br>...fears, pain, trauma, dreams...<br>Tapping into consciousness... <br>Shifting perceptions...<br>Giving the body new instructions... <br>Integrating all aspects of <br>your multi-dimensional self... <br>...Past lives/parallel lives/future lives, <br>in this/other dimensions <br>Transmuting ancestral, familial, cultural, planetary karma...<br> Building awareness... <br>Connecting the dots... <br>Experientially finding your truth... <br>Embodying who you truly are <br>And thriving!

Restore radiant health in all five bodies: physical, energetic/emotional, mental, intuitive/multiverse & spiritual. <br> <br>[An issue is resolved by modalities in its level or above. Lower levels help provide energy for higher-level work. I.e., if not a physical body issue, supplements may help you cope but not resolve the root cause.] <br>.


Is your life one of JOY, FULFILLMENT & EASE? Do you love getting up in the morning & seeing what new miracles/ syncronicities you will encounter?

Or do you keep running into resistance fulfilling your dreams? Tired of surviving in autopilot? Exhausted trying to control all aspects of your life? Done being a victim? Is your body in pain & dis-ease -- a plea to realign with who you are & the design of the body?

Or no matter what life throws at you – you know that what you make out of it is up to you. That something good is meant to happen from everything in your life. To experience what you came to experience in this life. <br><br>.

WHAT IS NEXT? <br><br>Empowering you to have your own connection with your Innate and Source

"If you gain a little more mastery over your mind, body, and life energies, you can become the master of your destiny." ~~ Sadhguru<br>.

Know thyself <br><br>Practice mind-heart coherence & embodiment

Emotional mastery

Express your Essense/Spirit. <br><br>.

More quotes from Sadhguru:

"If your happiness depends upon what is happening outside of you, you are a slave to the external situation."

“THE WORST THING THAT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU IS TO BE AN UNUSED LIFE. Whatever your capabilities, you must stretch them to the limit & a little beyond."

"Only if you do something larger than yourself, will you feel forever fulfilled."

"When we say unleashing human potential, it is not about reaching the peak. It is a trajectory.” <br>.


Remembrance <br>...Heart-Mind Entrainment <br>......Embodiment <br>.........Programming Destiny <br><br>Intuitive, Activator, Mentor, Quantum Healer, Engineer, Business Consultant

My passion is the fusion of ancient wisdom & spirituality and cutting-edge technology & engineering. Uplifting & empowering you to embody all aspects of yourself and live a fulfilling life in your unique way, with ease, grace & joy. <br> <br>Helping you to: <br>- Experientially know your uniqueness & be you in every day life & exquisite moments. <br>- Detoxify what gets in the way. <br>- Create through inner engineering. [Sadhguru reminds us that what was once considered mystical (ie, man flying), can be engineered (airplanes).]

I love applying my extensive experience researching complex systems issues, putting pieces of the puzzle into an integrated whole. Including over 30 years in energy healing, metaphysical and processing groups (that kept me sane :=). And then finally remembering that the heart is the key to getting out of my own way & allowing "miracles".

• Lyme Dis-ease literate (ie, coinfections, heavy metal/chemical toxicity; mold; limiting beliefs; hypercoagulation, electro-hypersensitivity; detoxification issues; autoimmunity; dynamics of physical, energetic/emotional, mental, intuitive/multiverse, & spiritual bodies) <br>.


1/3 Splenic Manifesting Generator <br>Right Angle Cross of Laws <br>Channels of Mastery, Exploration, Integrity/Vitality, & Mutation

A design of seeing laws can become outdated or simply not apply anymore. Knowing that everything can change in the next moment. Here to transcend confusion & establish order so something new & viable can take hold in the world.

UPLIFTS & FUELS AWARENESS. A design of impressive energy that EMPOWERS others toward individualism - displaying & celebrating your uniqueness. FINDING JOY in every day life. Reactivating wholeness & unity.

Perceives what is “off” in a pattern; great for any kind of diagnostic work. A drive to challenge the Not Self, to reveal your full True Self. A tremen-dous asset to those ready to hear. Always testing & retesting, SHARING what works & does not work, saving time, expense & suffering for those who ask. Not here to simply improve - Sally mutates on a genetic level. Assisting you to deprogram your DNA of its low frequency patterns (the Shadows), then reprogram your cells with the higher frequency patterns of your genius (the Gifts & Siddhis). Gradually increasing awareness & in time transcend a sense of separation & return to essence.

Richard Rudd defines Siddhi as the frequency relating to full embodiment & spiritual realization. The very concept of frequencies & levels dissolves when the Truth is realized as a Siddhi (meaning ‘Divine Gift’ in Sanskrit). The siddhic state only comes when all vestiges of the Shadow have been transformed into light. The alchemical process of transformation begins to accelerate until, finally, all falls silent. Each of the 64 Siddhis refers to a different expression of Divine Realization. Its expression will differ & can even appear contradictory, even though the realization is the same in each case. A process of letting go, expressing, re-member-ing... <br>.




The world can be a very confusing place and everything is becoming progressively faster & more complicated. Many people fall by the wayside, caught up in relationships that don’t work well and work that isn’t fulfilling. Trying to just survive (not thrive). They do their best but often their dreams seem to dissipate over time. We accept this as normal, but it doesn’t have to be that way! <br>.


1) NOT KNOWING who you are, your strengths & hidden talents, and why you are here

2) Letting your MIND make decisions vs. knowing how to make correct decisions in alignment with your basic nature

3) TOXICITY that blocks flow. <br> - An average person's thoughts are over 98% negative; most are subconscious <br> - Heavy metals & chemicals<br> - Nutritional deficiencies<br> - Shock rings from physical & emotional shock & trauma

4) Working strictly at the physical & energetic levels if your core issue is on a higher level (mental, intuitive/multiverse or spiritual), and WITHOUT TAKING RESPONSIBILITY that something good happens from everything in your life. Selecting only modalities that TEMPORARILY SOOTHE and delay feeling into what shows up in your life and where you are & are not in alignment.

"WE REPEAT WHAT WE DON'T REPAIR" <br> -- Christine Langley-Obaugh) <br>. <br>.

"There is a difference between a genuine spiritual process & spiritual entertainment. I have decided I will not enter entertainment business."

-- Sadhguru <br>. <br>.

🔺️A WAY TO KNOW YOURSELF <br>(Your Unique User Manual)

The Science of Awakening (Human Design) -- breakthroughs that combine modern biochemistry & genetic understanding with ancient wisdom.

We enter into this life with a Soul Plan & Life Purpose. The unique expression of who you are has a specific reason for being here on planet. We truly are different from each other. We are not designed to live someone else's life.

When we are born, the energy of the world begins to take us away from the Truth of Who We Really Are. Your genetic lineage, experiences, pain, trauma, & beliefs that you learn from the people around you condition you away from that Truth.

The Not Self -- how most people live their entire lives, living life as a clone of someone else, never experiencing or sharing the uniqueness of who they truly are & why they are here. <br>.


✔ The HUMAN DESIGN System states it takes seven years to cellularly decondition the Not Self once you start living in alignment with your STRATEGY & INNER AUTHORITY (make correct decisions for using your energy/ focus/ ideas/ reflections -- & what your nervous system is designed to handle). <br>.

✔ SOVEREIGNTY THRU HEART-FELT PRESENCE quantum-evolution sessions quicken decondi-tioning of the Not-Self. (With focused intention & attention, it does NOT need to take 7 years to cellularly decondition the Not-Self & radiate the True You.)

If you could have anything in the world, what would it be? Radiant health, fulfilling career, loving relationships, financial abundance...? <br>Incongruencies in your body to manifesting this are identified. After doing what you need in order to be grounded, in heart presence, connected to Source & allowing (for some this is a huge, new experience by itself as these are key to manifestation), you will be guided to feel what comes up in the body. Guidance suggests areas to tap into to stir up your juices -- questions invite you to feel deeper. You notice your focused attention brings up certain energies, colors, sensations & messages. Eventually you fully feel your pain, the core negative emotion is transmuted, the divine emotion re-activated & flow of light can again circulate in your body.

You begin to know experientially that you have all you need already inside you. You transmute emotional & physical trauma from childhood & parallel lives. You alchemize the shadow side you took on to transmute for yourself, family, ancestors, culture... You begin to no longer rely on something outside yourself, or create what someone else tells you is best (takes energy to live someone else's life). You learn to shift perceptions using sensations in the present moment to revive the body's natural ability to heal, let go of what no longer serves you, activate your Soul's purpose, integrate soul fragments/ multi-dimentional timelines, remember who you are & why you are here, manifest what you truly want, share your unique abilities. <br>.

✔BIOENERGETIC ASSESSMENT. The body is a flow system; disease is a result of toxic load in the body, nutritional deficiencies, and emotional & physical shock/trauma. Based on your intentions & The DESIGN OF THE BODY (TM), I eavesdrop in on the communications system of the body to find what it needs to heal itself, top-down & from the inside out -- the way the body developed.

Connecting the dots... <br>.




Making CORRECT DECISIONS based on your true nature

Restoring VIBRANT HEALTH, if can't remember when not had brain fog, pain, low energy, feeling disconnected... and don’t believe that’s “normal” at any age


. <br>to:

REMAIN calm & in joy, in the middle of chaos <br>FINALLY LEARN that life lesson

<br>EVOLVE beyond pain & avoidance <br>..OVERCOME fear, stress, anxiety & depression <br>.. .. FREEDOM from addiction & being a victim <br><br>STOP caretaking & take your power back <br>SHED Not-Self conditioning <br>... and PREVENT needless suffering <br>BECOME AWARE of your design's mechanics <br>... and STOP making who you are a problem <br>START LIVING as you <br>... not what others want you to be <br>DISCERN your truth

THRIVE when the world overwhelms others <br>REACTIVATE innate healing <br>EMPOWER children to be their healthy selves <br>RESTORE balance, clarity, joy & ease <br>REAWAKEN to true nature & untroubled heart

<br>FAST TRACK your remembrances <br>EMBODY your multidimensional aspects <br>SHIFT consciousness <br>RADIATE your magnificience <br>SHARE your unique abilities <br>MANIFEST what you truly want <br>.

DISCLAIMER: Information you receive from any & all services, communications or consultations with Sally T is for educational purposes only and is not intended to, nor should it take the place of any medical, financial, traditional psychological, or other professional advice. The choices you make & the actions you take are solely your responsibility. You agree to completely hold blameless & absolutely indemnify Sally T, from any & all liabilities & expenses.

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