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Outdoor activities groups near Milford, MI

White Lake Presbyterian Church

White Lake, MI

White Lake Presbyterian Church

Our worship style is traditional in form with modern, contemporary elements mixed in. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month and other special occasions.

There is guest parking in front of our main sanctuary doors and our building is ADA-accessible. Click here for directions.

Dress ranges from very casual to semi-formal. Come as you feel comfortable! Sandals, jeans, ties, suits, and dresses are all welcome.

Every Fifth Sunday is a "Family Sunday" in which the whole family can worship together and children participate in special ways to learn about worship.

There are special services throughout the year including:

Ash Wednesday
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Christmas Eve, December 24, 2017

4:00pm - Family Service with all the Kids
10:00pm - Candlelight Lessons & Carols Service
During the Summer, several worship services are held outside in our pavilion, with special outdoor and/or fun activities to follow.

Dates TBD for Summer


You can expect to be greeted with a warm smile, open heart, and the buzz of friendly chatter. You are welcome to grab a cup of coffee and a treat as you enter worship. After service, please join us for an extended time of hospitality with coffee, pastries, and other goodies. We would love to get to know you. Also, we invite you to turn in a Connection Card and pick up a free gift on your way out.

Children are invited to begin worship with their families. After the Gloria Patri, they are welcomed up for "A Time for Young Followers of Jesus" after which they will be dismissed to Sunday School. After the Hymn/Song after the Sermon, the children will be brought back into worship service. As a first-time guest, you are asked to come with them to fill out all the appropriate forms and meet the teachers.

The children will begin together with singing, then break up into two groups. Pre-K and Kindergarten kids meet in the Nursery, and Grade 1-5 meet their Kids Club Room.

Middle School and High School youth remain in worship service with the exception of "youth volunteer assistants".

Our nursery is staffed by volunteers or you may watch your own children if you choose. There is also a cry room at the rear of the sanctuary, where you can still participate and hear the worship service.

44 members · Public

Novi/Farmington Area Tennis/Pickleball Group - Intermediate

Novi, MI

Novi/Farmington Area Tennis/Pickleball Group - Intermediate
Welcome to our group page! We are in the midst of indoor season at the Sports Club of West Bloomfield--please see individual events for details. \*\* **PICKLEBALL**: We are starting to try adding Pickleball courts. If you are a player, feel free to apply for the group and note Pickleball in your comments. Assume all tennis comments below also apply to Pickleball. **\*\*** Below are the overall rules of the group. By attending any of our Meetup events, you agree to all of these and any additional details on the events. **\*\*\* GROUP OVERVIEW \*\*\*\*** Welcome tennis players. Our tennis group consists of a random group of people, some of which have been playing tennis for many years. This group was formed to find new and fun people to play tennis with, make new friends and to possibly take our game to the next level. We play outdoors in the summer and indoors at the Sports Club of West Bloomfield in the winter. Occasionally after tennis, we’ll go out for a drink. Please feel free to join us anytime. Please read everything below and join us for some tennis fun and exercise. See you on the courts! **\*\*SKILL LEVEL REQUIREMENTS\*\*** This Meetup is open for intermediate players and up (for example a [3.0-3.5 USTA ranking]( beginners, please. For this group, the minimum requirements are that a player is \*consistent\* with hitting and scoring medium-paced shots, keeping score, and serving. Sorry no beginners or learners, please. We appreciate everyone learning tennis (we've all been there) and just want to maintain a consistent level within the group. If you or the group's leadership team are not comfortable with your level, or if you just want a lighter level of play, please take drills or lessons, or join an appropriate group, such as: OR, if your level is too HIGH, check out our other group: **\*\*COURT ASSIGNMENTS\*\*** We organizers will do our best to match up similar skill level players with one another to keep the matchups fun for all. When possible we will switch courts and/or partners (if playing doubles) for variety. **\*\*WEATHER\*\*** In case of bad weather please follow the comment section of the current Meetup and the organizers will do our best make a decision between 4pm and 5pm on that day. **\*\*RULES\*\*** Players who fail to follow these rules could be subject to removal from the group. No-shows could also result in removal from the group. 1. MEMBERS ONLY: In order to join us for Meetups, you must be a member of Meetup and the group, no guests please. We need to ensure that every member has filled out the questionnaire for level of play to properly assign court matchups. See below for information on our one-time annual member fee. 2. RSVP POLICY: If you RSVP but are unable to attend, you can change your RSVP as soon as possible or at the very latest, by the cancellation deadline posted in the Meetup description. Not canceling your reservation could create an odd numbers of players and doesn’t allow those on the waitlist (see item 3) to play. For indoor season, since we have to pay in advance for court time we may ask you to pay for no-show time if we can't fill your spot. Players with 2 or more no-shows without proper cancellation are subject to removal from the group. Note: We understand that things happen in life and late cancellations may be necessary at times. We just kindly ask that you let the organizer know ASAP by sending a text/call, sending a Meetup message, or by posting in that Meetup’s discussion board so that they can make appropriate adjustments. 3. WAITLIST: Due to court availability, we place a limit of 8-12 players for each Meetup. If there are more than the limit, Meetup will automatically create a "Waitlist" and will move people from that list to RSVP if there's a cancellation. We respectfully ask that all players on this list be available to play in case someone drops on the RSVP list, even on the day of the Meetup. If you aren’t sure that you can make it please remove yourself from the waitlist. Note: If there are enough RSVPs on the waitlist, the organizers may open the Meetup to add a court for the players from the waitlist. This will depend on court availability at that particular location. 4. PHOTO: We request that members display their actual photo and name on our meetup site so we know who you are when you show up. 5. ARRIVAL TIME: We ask that all players do their best to show up on time and stay until the end of the meetup. If you are running late, please post on that particular Meetup’s discussion, PM or text the organizer. 6. EVEN NUMBER: We prefer an even number of players. If you were the last RSVP and you make it an odd number we kindly ask you to change your RSVP to “No” before the Meetup starts. We will do our best to see if we can find a player to keep it even. It is not always possible to avoid this situation. 9. USTA RULES: When playing, try to follow the [USTA rules]( We encourage this for those players that play on USTA teams, and for others to develop good habits. “If it’s close, it’s in.” 10. DELAYS: If playing in early spring, late summer or fall and there is a high school match being played, please do not go on the courts until an organizer confirms that it’s alright to do so. 11. RESPECT: Please be kind, courteous and respectful to everyone. We are all here to have a good time while getting some exercise and improving our tennis skills. 12. FORMAT: Unless stated in the Meetup header the format will be as follows. If enough players are willing to play singles, and we have enough courts available, we will do so. Otherwise, we will default to doubles. When possible, we will switch partners and/or opponents for variety of play. 13. TENNIS BALLS: Bring some tennis balls! Please don’t assume everyone will have some. If we all pitch in, it will be a lot cheaper for everyone in the long run. 14. FUN: Lastly and most importantly: have fun!!! **\*\*ANNUAL OUTDOOR FEE\*\*** We ask each player attending our outdoor Meetups to contribute a $10 ONE-TIME annual fee, which covers our $180 annual Meetup fee while giving you the convenience of a managed group and regular events. Any excess fees will be used to purchase balls or cover a fall outing. You may attend one Meetup without cost to see if you like it. If you'd like, you can PayPal, Venmo, ApplePay or Zelle to Ron Flannery (, 248-318-5016). Just be sure to say who you are. **\*\*RELEASE AND WAIVER\*\*** By signing up for this Meetup group, I agree that the organizers of this group and its members will not be held responsible for the actions of any participant at any event including myself. Each person attends an event at their own risk and is solely responsible for any injuries, losses, illness, or consequences to themselves or others, damages to equipment or other personal property, and any other consequence. Minors are allowed provided: A) They in good health and meet the skill requirements for the group; B) A parent or legal guardian must be present, the RSVP must be done in his or her name, and he or she must notify the group via the discussion in that particular event; C) Parent or guardian accepts the release and waiver above for the minor. **COVID preparedness.** We will be practicing recommended guidelines. Please also view the following safe tennis COVID-19 guidelines and stay home if you aren't feeling well or have been exposed: []( **\*\*CONTACT US\*\*** If you have further questions, comments, suggestions or concerns please contact us via text message or by sending us a Meetup message. Ron: 248-318-5016
588 members · Public

Oakland County Gamers - Board Game Community

Wixom, MI

Oakland County Gamers - Board Game Community
If you are looking to find local board game enthusiasts AND support local charities, this is the Meetup for you. OCG is a volunteer run charity organization that focuses on teaching board games as an avenue to build and strengthen personal connections and a local and online community to support our local charities.  All regular events are free and we have Coordinators on hand to assist you in joining groups to play games and make new friends.  The locations are chosen to support local community organizations and our annually adopted charity and offer the opportunity to support them while you play. We currently have members interested in everything from Catan and Ticket to Ride through Mare Nostrum and Food Chain Magnate, but this will ebb and flow depending on those participating.  Don’t worry if you’ve only every played games like Sorry and Monopoly.  Family board games have come a long way and OCG is here to teach and introduce you to next generation of games. Our main event is scheduled for every 2nd Saturday of the month.  Having just celebrated our 10 Year Anniversary, we have a very active core and consistently attract approximately 60-90 people to our 2nd Saturday gaming event. Smaller events are also posted throughout the month to give people the opportunity to game when available.  We are currently looking for dedicated teachers, event planners, and volunteers to further grow the community.  So, if you are interested, please contact the Organizer, Joe Brown for more information. Looking forward to gaming with you! Thanks!
2429 members · Public