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Outdoor activities groups near Wilmington, NC

Coastal Women 50ish + fun & active on the go

Wilmington, NC

This group is for women "50ish and up" who are interested in meeting other women for sincere friendships and the chance to explore Wilmington sites, events, restaurants, exhibits etc. All ideas and help welcomed and encouraged. When I attended a meet up group where only five of 12 RSVP's showed up, we ended up discussing how much there is to do but how often we don't want to do it alone. We don't want cliques. We want decent nice women who value female friendships for fun and adventures. Please join us and contact me with any of your ideas. When you see "informational" events, they are not formal ones; they are posted merely for members to know about.  If the event interests you, rsvp, and feel free to message others who have rsvp'ed and arrange a spot to meet, exchanging phone numbers help too so you can find one another at the event.

After almost a year of forming lifetime friendships with this group, it has become a major source of fun, entertainment, sharing, and support.  It is not just a meet up group anymore; it's a social club with a variety of activities and events that mean a great deal to each women involved.  The monthly dues are not only because it is so much more than a casual get together; it's what every woman wishes she had; wonderful girlfriends who are there for one another with a great deal of laughter as well.  We have trips to Charleston and Costa Rica planned, day trip outings, and so much more.  The women who are a part of this group get how much connecting with other women mean in life and appreciate the strength and depth of this group. If you're looking for meaningful friendships and a fulfilling social life as well, try us.

"A seasoned woman is spicy," writes Gail Sheehy, the over-50-and-proud author of Passages and founder of the Seasoned Women's Network online. "She has been marinated in life experience. She is at the peak of her influence and power. She is committed to living fully and passionately in the second half of life, despite failures and false starts."

Yep, that's us.

21 members · Private

New Hanover County Kirtan By Spirit Soul And Friends™

Wilmington, NC

New Hanover County Kirtan By Spirit Soul And Friends™
Welcome to New Hanover County Kirtan By Spirit Soul And Friends™ Are you a spiritual seeker? Do you want to deepen your spiritual practice? Kirtan may be just the activity you are looking for! Kirtan is simple, requires no experience and is always donation-based. Kirtan is call and response using transcendental mantras. You don't have to have a melodic voice or be a professional singer. All you need is an open heart and mind. Kirtan is a universally recommended activity in all spiritual processes throughout the world. Engage and experience Kirtan, a non-denominational practice that has been passed down since time immemorial and a constant in all paths and religions. Getting together as a group is a fun way to do this! It is a great activity for families and communities. You will be hearing and singing beautiful mantras and transcendental sounds that create peace and harmony by their spiritual potency! Come taste the sweet nectar of true happiness and peace by joyously chanting transcendental sound vibrations! **WHAT IS KIRTAN?** Kirtan is when two or more people get together to joyously sing or chant Mantras. 'Man' means mind, 'Tra' means that which frees. A mantra is a sound vibration that frees or delivers the mind from its attachment and preoccupation with worldly matters, and focuses it on the Supreme. Every day we hear sounds that increase our attachment and preoccupation with things and happenings in this material world, so obviously not just any sound is a mantra. Ancient Yoga texts describe the sound vibrations that hold the spiritual potency to free us from material conditioning, are Mantras. God's Names (Mantras) and Words have that spiritual potency and are as spiritually pure and purifying as God Himself. Kirtan is completely non-sectarian and non-denominational because the universal principle for spiritual reawakening through singing the Names of God is recommended in the Bible (both Old and New Testaments), Koran and Vedic Scriptures. Kirtan is a spiritual tool to purify one's consciousness bringing the soul real peace and happiness; Peaceful individuals create a peaceful society. **There Should Never Be a Charge For Kirtan** According to Yoga texts, it is forbidden to charge for Kirtan and teaching spiritual truths because these should be freely available to everyone, not just those who can afford it. Therefore, we do not list on New Hanover Mantra Meditation MeetUp kirtan events that require payment for admission. We look forward to seeing you and your family at one of the many upcoming events! Aloha and Namaste Patita Pavana, Director Of Community Events for [Spirit Soul And Friends™ - A Musical Peace Troupe](
465 members · Public

Code with the Carolinas

Wilmington, NC

Code with the Carolinas
Code with the Carolinas, a project of [Social Good Fund](, is a community of people working together as civic tech volunteers to improve wellbeing in North and South Carolina. We are an online-first hybrid organization. **Projects:** We work with community organizations, nonprofits, and government to improve public services and leverage open data to improve knowledge, transparency, and accountability. Current projects relate to housing, pedestrian accessibility, affordable broadband, and open government. **Partnerships:** We use technology and people power to support the work of non-profit and community organizations that improve the wellbeing of underserved and marginalized communities in the Carolinas. Our projects center the needs of our partner organizations and accountability to our communities. As we collaborate, our team of volunteer civic technologists transfers knowledge to allow partner organizations to successfully take over ongoing operations. We build with–not for–our partners, who then sustain the innovations we co-create. Recent partners include the [National Zoning Atlas](, [Sunshine Labs](, and the [Taskar Center for Accessible Technology]( **Inclusive Approach to Technical Skills.** There are plenty of opportunities to use your skills! Even if you are new to tech, or see yourself as more of a communicator, designer, or organizer, there will be opportunities for you to contribute. We welcome all skill levels and types - no coding or government experience is necessary. So come by and become part of a movement to improve our states! **Contact info:** Join this Meetup group to stay informed about upcoming events! For more info: website: []( [Join our Slack Workspace]( email: **Multiple Meetups / Where to RSVP:** We have multiple Meetups that post identical events. This maximizes our reach within Meetup's account structure. You are welcome to RSVP to any of the Meetups. With rare exceptions for local in-person events, **the events are identical**. If you are in South Carolina or the Triad/Metrolina area, it is especially appreciated if you RSVP to the Meetup for your area, to signal to the algorithm that the group is active. If you are in multiple Code with the Carolinas Meetups, you may want to adjust your settings to opt out of some notifications. Hope to see you soon! All activities of Code with the Carolinas, a project of [Social Good Fund](, follow our [Code of Conduct]( and are subject to this [Volunteer Waiver of Liability]( **History and Connections:** Our organization's history dates back to at least 2015 and precedes our membership (\~2017 to 2023) in the Code for America (CfA) Brigade Network, which [CfA disbanded June 30, 2023]( We look forward to continuing the work of civic technology in the Carolinas as an organization made up of the combined memberships of the former Brigades Code for the Carolinas, Code for Greensboro, and Code for Greenville (SC). If you are in the Asheville, NC area, we encourage you to join [Code with Asheville](, who meet monthly to continue their strong tradition of local community civic tech.
506 members · Public

Cape Fear Singles (= CFS) - Wilmington, NC

Wilmington, NC

Cape Fear Singles (= CFS) - Wilmington, NC
If you choose to join you are required to fill out an '*About Me*' form, consisting of a few basic questions. Additionally, you must post a \*RECOGNIZABLE\* picture of **only yourself**, (without sunglasses). **This is the #1 reason a person requesting to join is not approved.** **I suggest you not include your last name in your Profile.** Cape Fear Singles **(CFS)** offers singles of **all ages** a fun, comfortable and safe environment in which to meet and make new friends. We started our 19th year in 2024 and are one of the largest and most \****active***\* MeetUp groups in Wilmington, N.C. We have hosted over 7,500 Events in our 19 years. **WE ARE NOT A DATING SITE.** You must join CFS to see our: Upcoming Events (Calendar), Discussions, & Photos tabs, located on our Home Page. Events are added frequently so check often! There is no cost to join; you will have 30 days to decide if you want to pay the $12 annual dues to help cover the cost for our website & some of the Events we host. If you go past the 30 days (the trial membership) you will be dropped from our membership. **There are only 4 rules for our group**: #1) This is not a commercial site. No business may join. However, members may use the *Discussion Board* to sell your own car, look f/a roommate, sell a bike, etc.  #2) No member may harass, bother or annoy any other member. #3) If you RSVP for an event, be sure you can attend. If you can't make it, change your RSVP as soon as possible so members on the waitlist can make plans to go.  **Warning: If you consistently ignore this courtesy, you will forfeit your membership.** #4) No bad language or behavior will be tolerated. If you act badly, you reflect on our entire membership. Every member gets -**ONE**\- warning\. If your behavior continues\, you will be expelled without a refund\. Note: We want members who participate; why else would you join? If you haven't logged on or attended an event in the last 12 months, you will be removed. === Updated: 03/12/2024
203 members · Private

Port City Golf Club

Wilmington, NC

Port City Golf Club
Port City Golf Club is a social group of men, women, youth, and young at heart golfers. We plan golf outings on weekends and weekday evenings ( 9 & Dines ), as well as keep you posted on clinics around the Port City. The host for each event will determine the pairings for each foursome remembering that at the heart of our organization is socialization. Our golf outings cover Pender, New Hanover and Brunswick Counties as well as two 3-day travel weekends a year. We request for $1 donation at each 18 hole event to cover the yearly cost of maintaining the club. We welcome all golfers who want to join our events. We usually plan 6 to 8 foursomes per golf outing, and strive for negotiated prices. When joining the Port City Golf Club you agree to the following 3 strike attendance policy. \*\*\* A 24 hour cancellation notice is required for all events. You must change your RSVP for the event. There will be some exceptions with weather related issues. We understand some have more tolerance of poor weather elements than others and weather can create last minute decisions. That being said, changing your RSVP is always required. The Board of Directors will determine if weather was a factor. \*\*\* A no showing, no communication is an automatic strike. If a member reaches 3 strikes he/she will be removed from the Port City Golf Club. We don't WANT to take this action. We do want to be fair to active members AND our hard working Board members who organize the events.
463 members · Public

New Group

Wilmington 20s / 30s - Friends and Social Group

Wilmington, NC

Wilmington 20s / 30s - Friends and Social Group
*NOTE: This is a new group as of late September 2024 and I am working to populate more events for the upcoming months.* **Who We Are:** We are a social group in the Wilmington area that focuses on creating social connection through repeated events. The focus is to create a common ground with an activity or event and form friends through that shared interest. **Who Should Join:** This group revolves around the 20s and 30s age bracket because there seems to be a need for a young college grads, young professionals, and transplants to have an easy way to make connections. The hope is that these events can become parts of your regular schedule and that you make friends here of your own to carry outside of this group. **What to Expect:** Our events will vary but the main goal is to have something central to focus around, so even if the people who show don't click with each other (we hope you still do though), there is still something to do if conversation doesn't flow. Also, we aim to have events on regular days/times, hopefully alleviating some of the awkwardness of "that person was cool but I probably won't EVER see them again" that you get with one-off events that change every time. The idea here is that if the day/time worked this week, it'll likely work next week. **A (little) About Your Group Owner:** Frankly, I am the person this group is targeted for. I've moved a few times in my twenties and had to start my social life over numerous times. I have run similar events in the past and many of my friends come from groups just like this. Hoping to facilitate the same success I have had, just here in Wilmington instead. Also, meetup has always been a tough spot to coordinate after an event, feel free to meet in the middle by tagging event photos, finding friends, and more here on the Instagram group I manage: []( ***NOTE:*** *We value any input and openly welcome suggestions, so please reach out if you have any ideas for improvement. Also, reach out if you'd be interested in any form of leadership role within the group. Not sure what that entails yet but I likely can't host every single day something is happening.*
38 members · Public

Wilmington Photography Group

Wilmington, NC

Wilmington Photography Group
We are photography enthusiasts who meet frequently to shoot different subjects, learn from each other and share our best work. This group is managed by a small group of volunteers who are working to organize outings that allow members to photograph a variety of subjects and to develop their skills. We want feedback from the community regarding its interests related to photography and will look for opportunities to address them. We meet monthly to review what we did, discuss what is coming up and cover a topic of interest. Between the monthly meetings we schedule events to shoot anything from macro to astrophotography. We are always on the lookout for other groups and businesses to partner with where we can photograph an interesting subject and the organization gets some pictures resulting from the event, it’s a win-win. We want photographers to be actively involved and are willing to share their experience and knowledge either during our monthly meeting or during outings. We need members who are willing to take a leadership role, large or small. It takes very little time and skills to contribute to one of our projects, especially when more members participate. The Wilmington Photography Group has instituted a policy requiring members to pay $20 annually to be part of the group. This is a nominal fee and is to cover the cost of this site and materials used by this group. If a small surplus materializes, we will invest it in group outings. Organizers receive NO money for their efforts. Please note that this group is open to anyone and their guests who are 18 years or older. If you want to be around like-minded people and “paint with light”, please join us.
29 members · Private

Humanists & Freethinkers of Cape Fear

Wilmington, NC

Humanists & Freethinkers of Cape Fear
**The Humanists & Freethinkers of Cape Fear (HFCF) strive to lead and promote a humanistic and freethinking life stance with ideals based on ethics, freedom, rationalism, and human concerns.** We are a diverse group of Humanists, Atheists, Agnostics, Freethinkers, Rationalists, Skeptics, and all those who question organized religion. We welcome people with an interest in promoting secularism, social justice, environmentalism, peace, and personal liberty. HFCF organizes periodic meetings with various nationally and locally recognized speakers, and an exciting calendar of discussion, service and social activities. We want to learn, encourage discussion, have fun and build friendships with like-minded people. If you would like to learn more about HFCF and become a dues-paying member, visit us at [Humanists and Freethinkers of Cape Fear website]( Help us maintain a positive, polite online community by adhering to the following membership guidelines: • Ensure that your profile name is real - no aliases, fictional characters or silly combinations of symbols and numbers will be accepted for membership. • Add a photo to your profile. This is not a strict requirement because we do understand the desire to be anonymous on Meetup, but we like to know who you are when you attend HFCF events. If your profile does not appear to be that of a real human being, not having a photo will do you in. • Resist any temptation to troll, harass, spam, self-promote, or engage in any of those other "non-productive social networking behaviors." • Use the Meetup message function to relay personal communications and be courteous not to infringe upon any other member's privacy. • Do not use the Meetup message function to solicit personal financial support, political endorsements, or similar appeals. Note that there are other forums where these are more appropriate, i.e. GoFundMe. *Please note that this Meetup group is paid and maintained by the HFCF Association and HFCF reserves the right to deny membership and to delete and/or block any members, without notice, for any violation of the basic protocols of social networking.*
620 members · Private

Wilmington, NC Singles Golf Meetup Group

Wilmington, NC

Wilmington, NC Singles Golf Meetup Group
We are the Wilmington, NC Chapter of the American Singles Golf Association. We're a group of singles who like to golf. We'll get together and golf/socialize around the area. The American Singles Golf Association ( is a group of chapters throughout the United States and Canada composed of real people you meet face-to-face and, of course, play golf with. We golf as a group as often as they would like. Many social-only events are also held throughout the year and our national office sponsors trips to great golf locations throughout the year. Meeting others through golf is probably the best way to begin any relationship, business or personal. It allows you the opportunity to see others in an environment where there's no loud music, or smoke-filled rooms. And you get to see them at their best and not-so-best. But most importantly, we're all about having FUN! There's nothing like a group of 32 friends getting together on a Saturday afternoon for a great round of golf followed by dinner at a local restaurant. It's just a great way to spend your time. Our Wilmington chapter will plan to meet for a social/membership gathering once per month and then plan golf throughout the golf season at various times. Our local chapter will have a small Board that will do the planning. If interested in helping to plan or serve on the Board, please email Tom or Irene at Our national office is located in Charlotte, NC and we're here to assist anyone who wants to serve in a leadership position. In addition to chapter activities which your chapter plans, the national organization (ASGA) hosts MCEs (Multi-Chapter Events) throughout the year. Our last event was at PGA National in Palm Beach Gardens, FL ([]( We've been to Scotland, Ireland, Spain, Hawaii, Cabo and had river cruises so travel is a big aspect of membership. Now is the perfect time to join our singles golf group, as the golf courses are waiting!
41 members · Public