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Outdoor activities groups near Rumson, NJ

Young and Fun in Monmouth County

Asbury Park, NJ

Young and Fun in Monmouth County
Connecting people in their 20s-40s -any young professionals, students, stay-at-homes, etc who are tired of sitting home watching life go by. Join this group if you're interested in getting out of the house to socialize, make friends and go on fun adventures! Whether it be low-key happy hours, outdoor activities, or extreme sports- we're down to make any events happen! Join if you see anything you like, or if you don't- any suggestions & event hosting opportunities are always welcome! This group is about YOU guys-whatever you want to do, I'm here to make it happen and connect you with other people who enjoy the same! **[Frequently Asked Questions](** **Q: Wasn't this group called "xxx"?** A: This group was founded back in 2013. Apparently, it has had different names over the years. The previous name I do know of was "Friends in the Burbs." The current staff changed its name in 2016 when they took over. **Q: Why don't you do meetups in "xxx" anymore?** A: As this is a group staffed by volunteers, we have a revolving roster of hosts. Sometimes we get too busy with work or life. If you'd like to step up and host some events, let us know. For instance, we used to have meetups in Freehold every week. That would be cool if we do them again. **Q: Doesn't meetup cost money? Do I need to pay any dues?** A: Yes and no. Essentially, it costs $15 a month to keep the group open. But some Organizers opt to absorb the costs for you. This is one of those groups. However, there is a that little button on the side which allows you to make a donation. Or you can buy the Organizer a drink the next time you see him. **Q: Is this a group for singles only?**  A: No. Many of the members of this group are in relationships (sometimes with other group members). Couples are always welcome! **Q: Why is there an age limit for this group?** A: When this group got established, there was a dearth of groups which catered to the 20s-30s community. However, there was a plethora of groups which events have members in their late 40s and beyond. I had to set a limit somewhere and that is 1970. While I've made exceptions in the past, this is few and far between. **Q: Why do I see the same event posted in multiple groups.** A: There are several reasons for this: > 1\. The event host happens to be a host in multiple groups and would like to bring different groups of people together for the mutual goal of having fun and making friends\. For instance\, there might be an event posted in this group which may be posted in another group which tends to attract an older crowd or it may be posted in another group which members mostly live outside of the area or it may be posted in another group which focuses on a particular subject matter\. > 2\. The hosts in this group are also good friends with the hosts in another group \(as we both share the same goals of having a good time\)\. There is no "us vs them" mentality\. In addition\, by commingling events\, there are hopes that the members of one group get to know the members of another group and maybe join that other group\. > 3\. The event is a publicly hosted event\. Meaning that unlike\, say\, a dinner party or a bar night organized by a meetup group\, the REAL organizers of the event are those off meetup\, such as local businesses or organizations\. We try to highlight events offered by the community when possible\, like wine tastings\, bonfires\, festivals\, etc\. Our free advertisement and attendance is our way to let them know that we appreciate what they're doing\. As far as the other groups who posted it the proper etiquette is that the host in one group first gets permission from the host of the event in the other group to crosspost\. This of course does not apply if the other group isn't targeted towards the same demographic\. Just note that if you do see an event like this\, the host who posted it will be there\. **Q: Can I be an event host?** A: Yes. We're always looking to expand our staff! But please note the following rules: > 1\. Please come to some of the other meetups\. This will help the members of the group get to know you and get interested in your events\. > 2\. Please keep in mind what I wrote above with regards to multi\-group postings\. That's fine if you're working with another group's host\, but please don't post up for someone else's happy hour without their permission\. > 3\. Please don't post a meetup which competes with another already posted meetup\. For instance\, if a meetup has been posted for Bar A\, please don't post a meetup at the same time for Watermark\. However\, exceptions are acceptable if the activity varies\. For instance\, a meetup for a hike is allowed to occur the same time as a meetup for a movie night\, since those are two separate types of activities\.  > 4\. If you run an organization in which you have to pay dues\, you cannot post an event in this group in which you have to be a member of your organization\. **Q: I run "yyy" group. Would you mind if I post your event in my group? Or would you mind if I post my event in your group?** A: We try to co-mingle with the other meetup groups. It's great to bring people together. That being said there are few cases where we might be apprehensive of such collaborations, mainly if your group has a religious or political bias. The idea here is inclusion! Granted, as I mentioned earlier, if there was a publicly hosted event, and your group decides to post for it after this group does, that's your prerogative. It's just that the goal of this group is not to inflict a bias. **Q: I have a problem with "so and so".**  A: Please talk to one of the hosts or organizers. Harassment will not be tolerated. This is important. We have a female Assistant Organizer if you're not comfortable talking to the Organizer or the male Assistant Organizer. If you don't feel comfortable talking to either of us, I've made an account for people to reach out anonymously if they feel they're being harassed, but don't want to reveal their identity. []( **Disclaimer** The hosts and organizers of this group are not responsible for any injuries or behavior of any members. You are ultimately attending all events at your own risk and responsibility. Any issues should immediately be reported to the organizers of the group in a private e-mail or message. Please drink responsibly and do not drive while intoxicated.
3864 members · Public

Henry Hudson Trail Bike Riders

Keyport, NJ

Henry Hudson Trail Bike Riders

This group is for people who like to ride bicycles on trails mainly the Henry Hudson Trail located in Monmouth county NJ. We are open to advanced riders who are able to ride 30 + miles . We can accommodate others who can meetup at a half way point on the trail. This not about racing through trails we are about moving at a safe determined pace while taking in the scenery. Anyone over the age 30 is welcomed.



HENRY HUDSON TRAIL BIKE RIDERS meetup group allows outdoor enthusiasts the opportunity to participate with one another in recreational events with like-minded people.

You agree when you sign up for this group or any of the events, that you have read and understand the below.  As a participating member, you certify that you are responsible for having appropriate skills, physical conditioning, equipment and supplies to participate in events that you chose to attend.

Activities can involve certain risks, hazards and dangers that can cause or lead to injury, property damage, illness, mental or emotional trauma, paralysis, disability or death to participant or others. Some, but not all of these risks, hazards and dangers include: hazardous and unpredictable ground, water or weather conditions; misjudgments made by Event Hosts or others; travel in remote areas that can cause potential delays or difficulties with transportation, evacuation and medical care; equipment that can fail or malfunction; the potential that the participant or others (e.g. co-participant, driver, medical and rescue personnel) may act carelessly or recklessly.

If you join us for a bike, hike (or any other event), please understand that you are responsible for your own preparedness and well-being.  You agree not to hold the Organizer, Co-Organizers, Assistant Organizers, Event Organizers, Event Hosts, or any other members responsible for any injuries, mishaps, or any other situation that may happen at a planned event. You are responsible to research the event, know the area, and bring the proper gear.

HENRY HUDSON TRAIL BIKE RIDERS meetup group, does not provide liability insurance for the protection of individuals who may participate in any of the events.

Your attendance on an event signifies that you have read and accepted the above terms of this liability waiver. By signing up for this group or event you understand that you are attending all events AT YOUR OWN RISK.  Organizer, Co-Organizers, Assistant Organizers, Event Organizers, Event Hosts of this group are just that, we organize the events and do the activities together as friends.

This group is not a guide service nor should event organizers be regarded as guides. We are all outdoor enthusiasts and regular people like yourself.

NOTE regarding Covid-19:
While Covid-19 is still a factor, I ask that anyone joining remains respectful of others. Until we become more comfortable with each other, masks will be required...and social distancing should always be considered. Also, I ask that you do not show up if you have been sick or exposed to someone who has been sick.  Thank you for your cooperation.

427 members · Public

Monmouth County Kruizers Motorcycle / Adventure Group

Asbury Park, NJ

Monmouth County Kruizers Motorcycle / Adventure Group

The new MCK motto is "Ride your own ride, be happy!"

The purpose of this group is to RIDE MOTORCYCLES. No drama, just motorcycle riding. All bikes are welcome and having a bike is mandatory  The group is open for any suggested routes/destinations so feel free to contact an Organizer with your ideas. 

This is a group of gentlemen and women with good value for life. We ride today peacefully so we can ride again tomorrow. ALL LIVES MATTER. No annual due, no vest to buy, no voting for officials, no management official, no slogan, no allegiance, rides are all voluntary and by willing friends. Rides are peaceful, no acrobatic display, no excessive speeding, no crazy ideas.

Please note: Ride your own ride. NEVER attempt a pace you can't handle comfortably. You won't be left behind. You don't need to run red lights or go faster thru curves than you are comfortable with because the group will wait at the next safe spot until you catch up. Please be considerate of the others in the group and do not sign up for a spirited ride if you are not comfortable with above average paces.

Ride rules can be found here

We are also on facebook:


By becoming a member of Monmouth County Kruisers: 


If you disagree to the above, you are required to remove yourself from MCK immediately. 

42 members · Public