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Outdoor activities groups near Canal Winchester, OH


Columbus, OH

This group is for anyone who likes to hike and walk on nature trails, backpacking trails and just about anywhere in the great outdoors. All those who are dedicated to hiking excursions in Ohio, with a focus on leaving no trace of litter on our lands can join us! We will get together for evening hikes on MetroParks trails, gather for day hikes in the Ohio State park and forest system.  So lace up your hikers and hit the trail with us! And don't forget to check out the calendar for upcoming Meet-ups. If you sign-up for an event, you are expected to attend the event.  If you cannot attend, you are expected to change your RSVP within 24 hours or risk being removed from further hikes. **Waiver:**  In consideration for being permitted to participate in HikeOhio and or HikeOhio events, I fully understand that outdoor activities can be dangerous and that the dangers inherent in such activities, including but not limited to exposure to severe weather, encounters with dangerous animals, equipment failure and misuse of equipment by myself and others, could result in my suffering serious bodily injury and/or death and I HEREBY: RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT HIkeOhio,, leaders and/or participants in any activities and or any of the individual organizers or members of the club, or hold them in any way responsible for any injuries, incidents or other problems to both person, property and schedule. I further expressly agree that the foregoing release, waiver and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by law and if any portion thereof is invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, not withstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. The Legal Stuff: Your hike leader is just a fellow member volunteer. By participating in this hike, you assume all risks of liability and injury inherent in hiking activities. You are responsible for your own safety and for determining if you are in a condition fit to participate. If you have any doubts, you should consult your doctor. You are also responsible for knowing and abiding by all laws and park rules during your participation on this hike. A valid individual photo of you is required for all profiles and new member requests. This means of you not pets, scenery, or other.
16648 members · Private

Childfree of Columbus

Reynoldsburg, OH

Childfree of Columbus
Childfree of Columbus gives those who do not have children and do not want children a place to hang out. This is not a politically or culturally targeted community group; just a place for those without children to make new friends and try to attend some fun events being hosted around the Columbus area. We'll have weekly events with the ability to host your own event at a designated location. Although we hold nothing against those who have children, we do not want children at any of our events. This group is mainly intended for childfree people; the views expressed by members may represent those ideas. **Community Events** Community Events allow our members to create their own MeetUp events with direct access to our members. Anything with a [Community] tag will indicate that the event is led by a member of our community, not necessarily the admin/mod team for Childfree of Columbus. Anyone who is a member can host Community Events, but there are a few requirements. 1. Must have participated in at least one event with the group. 2. Must be accessible on Discord for admin/mod team, or community members attending the events. 3. Event must be in a public place (concert, bar, etc). 4. You must list the date, time, location, title of event, and information about the event. The goal is to get people to show up and they feel more comfortable if you give them information. Interested in hosting your own event? Message us on Discord. **Communication** We use Discord to talk in real time to our members. We offer voting on events, suggestions, and the ability to make friends outside of the group. [You can find our discord channel by clicking here.]( **Three-Strike Policy** We ask that if you are interested in an activity, to please only RSVP if you know you can make it. While we understand that emergencies and cancellations will always happen, we ask that you message us to let us know. If you RSVP and do not attend an event *three separate times* within a *three month span* without any communication, you will be removed from the group. It takes a good amount of effort to plan these group events and we want to make sure we're offering the best events possible for those that want to attend.
495 members · Private

Connections Over Coffee | RISE | Kathy, Carmella and Ruth!

Canal Winchester, OH

Connections Over Coffee | RISE | Kathy, Carmella and Ruth!
**Welcome to Connections Over Coffee,** where your host, Kathy Binner, and co-hosts, Carmella Banks and Ruth Pierce invite you, the rockstars of life, an individual, an entrepreneur, or a solopreneur, to our Connections Over Coffee—a virtual party on Zoom that's all about connections, networking, laughter, and some good vibes. No sales pitch, no pressure, just good company. Now, let's dive into **RISE**, a four-step journey to create more impacts: **Step 1: RECONNECT** – Rediscover what makes you tick and what matters in your world adventure. It's your chance to define who you want to be, not just for yourself but as a superhero impacting your family, community, country, and even the whole planet. **Step 2: IMPACT** – Transform your life into a blockbuster by embracing a service approach. Make your daily routine more meaningful, so that every morning feels like a celebration. Imagine waking up ready to high-five the world because you're not just successful; you're making the world a better place. **Step 3: STORIFY** – Time to craft your story, not just for your ears but to inspire everyone around you. Join the league of storytellers making waves globally, turning personal tales into the superhero comics of positive change. **Step 4: ELEVATE** – Be the rockstar who actively inspires others to join the celebration. Whether it's sharing good vibes or giving away inspiration like confetti, you're building a community that's raising the roof for positive change. So, let's connect, contribute, and enjoy the wild ride of making the world a better, more fun place! Link to the book, RISE: To RSVP and get the Zoom ID: Join our Facebook group @ [(9) Connections Over Coffee | Our Time to RISE | Sponsored by World of Worth | Facebook]( ***Kathy Binner*** *is a Passive Income Coach and a Health and Wealth Educator. She is deeply committed to helping you discover a better healthier lifestyle and a passive income option so that you can experience freedom to live your dreams. Put your choices into action and watch your life change "while you sleep". #simplystart* *Kathy's unique background and certifications qualify her to identify the right opportunities, create an individual strategy, and personalize an action plan so that one can live a healthier lifestyle and earn income without having to "punch the time clock". She helps you create a plan for personal development. "Life is just better when we have done work on ourselves. That includes our mental, physical, emotional, social, and financial life. I think it’s fair to say: Personal Development makes you happy. You can’t really argue with that goal" \~Kathy* *Kathy and her significant other, Marc also own and manage the Carraway Guest House, a residential guest house in Canal Winchester, Ohio* *Find out more about Kathy at [](*
469 members · Public

Brown Girls in Columbus

Columbus, OH

Brown Girls in Columbus

Hey everyone,

I have been a meetup member on and off since moving to Columbus. While I've enjoyed some of those experiences, I was interested in creating a group that incorporated everything I like to do all in one. I consider myself an eclectic person who enjoys doing a wide variety of things around town. I am hoping to find some fun ladies who would like to join me in experiencing all that Columbus has to offer to it's fullest. Our meetups will include travel, exercise, wine tastings, dining out, dancing, cultural events, festivals, museum tours, coffee/book outings, cooking classes...everything and anything I find that looks interesting around the city.

Who this group is intended for:

    Females only, this is not a dating group, so I'd prefer to keep this just for the girls. Now if we meet some guys while we're out enjoying ourselves, that's great but it's not the focus.

    Be mature, I would suggest you be atleast mid to late twenties; however, if you are a mature 23 year old, definitely join us. Otherwise, there is no age requirement.

    This group is not looking to exclude; however, many of our activities will be "people of color" friendly. What does this mean? It means that while we might attend dinner in German Village one evening and plan a trip to Europe next year, we might also have an event at a poetry reading in the King-Lincoln district. If you are comfortable in all of these settings and want to explore the culture and diversity of Columbus, feel free to join our group.

What this meetup is not:

    This is not a professional networking group. There are enough of those already on meetup. If the conversation legitimately leads to your business and you pass on a card, that’s fine but please do not use this group as a sales and marketing tool for your business. I mean who really wants to talk shop when they are trying to enjoy their glass of wine?

    Again, this is not a dating group.

    Involvement and input is crucial. Please be involved and provide feedback and ideas as much as possible.

    This group is meant to be a welcoming, inspiring, empowering group for women. We are truly looking to have fun. Mean-spirited, judgmental, gossiping behavior will not be tolerated here.

If you think this might be a fun group to join and you want to really start getting out and enjoying life, please don't hesitate and join today!!!



"When we're connected to others, we become better people." Randy Pausch (The Last Lecture)

Please read our attendance policy below:

*Attendance Policy:
*Respect and consideration for others in this group are top priority; please be considerate by refraining from being a "NO SHOW" (Not showing up and leaving your RSVP a "yes" or changing your RSVP to a "no" within 2 hours of an event). If there is an urgent matter please ensure you communicate with the organizer/host of that specific event and/or update your RSVP within 2 hours of the event. There is a meetup application that will make this very easy on your smartphone.

*Events take work for organizers to coordinate, especially those requiring upfront cost or a specific amount of attendees. Make sure you are able to make it to an event to which you RSVP and if you anticipate a conflict or being late, give us a heads up. We understand that things come up and life interferes, but please do your best to communicate this.

*If you find that you can't make it to something you've signed up for -- CHANGE YOUR RSVP as soon as possible, or call/text/message the event host if it is within 2 hours of the event. Events take time & energy to plan. If you don't show up AND make no effort to let the event planner know what happened --- that's a "NO SHOW".

*No Show/Late Cancel policy: Out of respect and courtesy to others that DO show up, we may bump you to the waiting list for meetups with limited space in favor of those with a positive attendance history. Having more than 3 "no shows" and/or a habit of "late cancels"  (within 2 hours) may require removal from the group. 

705 members · Private

Columbus Vegan Meetup

Columbus, OH

Columbus Vegan Meetup

Columbus Vegan Meetup community is open to anyone who is vegan, non-vegan, and vegan-curious.

It's a casual, nonjudgmental group that provides vegan support and offers opportunities for members to connect with like-minded individuals.

Vegan: Someone who respects the rights and autonomy of other earthlings, and opts not to participate in their exploitation or killing on any level, as much as is possible and practicable, in a society that is foundationally built on the flesh, bones and blood of animals. While a vegan diet is the most well known aspect of vegan daily decision making, vegan consciousness and conduct is comprehensive in our behaviors and includes what kinds of products we consume or wear and what types activities we support and participate in entertainment, sports, spiritual etc. We support sanctuaries (Sunrise Sanctuary) and animal-free performance art/circuses such as Circe De Soleil when there are no non-human performers.    

Columbus Vegan Meetup Policy, Objective and Conduct 
The Columbus Vegan Meetup community
 is dedicated to providing a safe environment allowing a culture where all attendees at our events are able to participate fully and comfortably. Consequently, any intimidating, threatening, antagonizing, sexual or other types of harassing conduct during our Meetup events are prohibited. This important policy is to apply to both organizers & attendees.

 events include any gathering sponsored, supported, or hosted by the Columbus Vegan Meetup that can be attended by our members or the general public, and that event organizers have control over conduct at the Meetup events. The Columbus Vegan Meetup will attempt to work with other groups who will support our policy or have similar policies in place for those Meetup events we may co-sponsor where applicable.


In general, prohibited conduct includes any abusive conduct that has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with another person’s ability to enjoy and participate in our events and social gatherings. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, yelling at or threatening other attendees, or any other disruptive behavior and otherwise abusive conduct. As a vegan platform, any promotion and/or use of animal exploitation/killing is in direct violation to our group's purpose.  While we support venues and events that support our community, there is an important line that must be clear:  Promoting "veg" messaging (which is ambiguous and confusing and leaves many people thinking animal products that are not flesh based such as eggs or dairy are still viable options), as an acceptable means of advocacy, is to promote animal exploitation and will not be tolerated.  While we absolutely support Veg Fests and Meatless Monday's that provide vegan options and platforms for sharing vegan ideas, we do not promote a veg messaging methodology, we promote veganism and vegan messaging only. 

Vegan-safe Environment: While many of our meet-ups are integrated into the non-vegan cultural norm (held at non-vegan venues), bringing or consuming animal products (animal based foods, body care products, clothing (fur, feathers, leather, wool, honey) etc.) at/to our events is also antithetical to the purpose our group and will offend our members. Example: It is inappropriate to consume non-vegan meal options within the group while attending a vegan meetup hosted event. While we understand our participants are on varying degrees of a vegan consciousness spectrum, we request participants be mindful of the culture they are participating in.  

Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, harassment based on 
race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, or veteran status, we affirm that diversity truly encompasses an infinite range of unique experiences and characteristics,
 as provided by local, state, or federal law. For example, abusive conduct directed at someone because of his or her race is prohibited. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, sexual harassment. For example, unwelcome sexual attention, lewd, sexual solicitations, staring, stalking, and physical contact such as pinching, grabbing, rubbing and/or pressing up against, or groping are prohibited. Continuing to contact people who make it clear they are not interested in personally interacting is also grounds for corrective measures.

We are a diverse group with a wide range of perspectives and ideals who have become vegan or are exploring veganism for various reasons. Embracing diversity enhances the effectiveness of the Columbus Vegan Meetup community by using the talents of people of different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Our vision of diversity fosters effective communication, leadership opportunities, and thought-provoking discourse, resulting in a productive and supportive learning environment and improved quality of life for all members. 

Critical examination of conflicting beliefs, including critical commentary on another person’s views, does not, by itself, constitute hostile conduct or harassment. The purpose of this policy is to promote the free exchange of ideas, not to inhibit it or retaliate in an aggressive manner.


If a person engages in hostile or harassing conduct, appropriate remedial action will be taken, which may include, but is not limited to, being asked to leave the event. Threats of hostile conduct that are made prior to an event will result in exclusion from our meetup events.

The precise remedy for hostile or harassing conduct will depend on an evaluation of all relevant circumstances, such as the severity of the conduct, and prior violations by the person engaging in the offensive conduct.


3977 members · Public

Warrior Sports - Columbus

Columbus, OH

Warrior Sports - Columbus
Warrior Sports was created to foster environments where individuals can make and sustain friendships.  We, as organizers, hope to create a far-reaching community in Columbus where we can enjoy the city together in mutual camaraderie. This is a responsible, active, and healthy group of individuals and professionals who want to gain more from life and from Columbus. We host dodgeball, kickball, volleyball, tennis, paintball, disc golf, go-karting, flag football, softball, wiffle ball, and more on a regular basis. All sports are welcome! The goal is for these activities to be free or nearly free and not require a weekly commitment. Just show up and play! Our team desires to build a community with a high standard of ingenuity that is both interesting and active. We strive to build consistency with recurring events that allow space to learn more about our active group. Feel free to explore our site and get to know our members. Remember that we take fun seriously! Also, please introduce yourself; we love getting to know new people!  Note: THIS GROUP IS OPEN FOR ANYONE TO HOST THEIR OWN PICKUP GAME OR SOCIAL EVENT, JUST MESSAGE ANY ORGANIZER AND WE WILL BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO HELP GET YOU SET UP. I schedule some events revolving around my own interests but the organization isn't about me. If there is a sport or social event that you enjoy why not get it started. You'll quickly discover how satisfying it can be organizing events and bringing people of all walks of life together to participate in a sporting event!
5332 members · Private