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Outdoor activities groups near Brodheadsville, PA

Widows and Widowers of Lehigh Valley Meet Up Group

Nazareth, PA

Widows and Widowers of Lehigh Valley Meet Up Group
This group was formed to enhance the lives of widows and widowers. We are a fun group whose lives have drastically changed due to the loss of a loved one. Let me first say this is NOT a dating group. Our group goal is to lend support and to provide you with an outlet for socializing. But we mostly like to have fun and laugh a little while enjoying each other’s company. We are an active group that meets regularly. We try to schedule events to suit those who want to be a little active and those who would like more challenging activities. Our group is meant to be inclusive, and we hope that you will recommend and provide your own ideas to enable us to enjoy, laugh and grow. We require potential members to authenticate their widowed status before being admitted into the group. Please provide responses to the questions and check your MeetUp messages for follow-up. You must also read and agree to the terms set forth in the below rules and waivers. It is at the discretion of the Group Founders to enroll members, change the rules, or remove individuals who did not comply to group policies. Our group charges a small fee to cover the meet up expenses incurred to run the group. The cost is minimal and is necessary so no one person is financially responsible for something that benefits us all. \*All New Members Must Agree To The Consent and Waiver Before Requesting To Join *** Consent For The Widows and Widowers of Lehigh Valley Meet Up Group Please have a clear and recent profile picture so we can identify you. Meetup profiles are intended to represent real people in a local area. Meetup member profiles must be honest and authentic.
 Attendance by any Member or guest at any event is evidence of acceptance and agreement of the following: I am an adult and responsible for my own behavior. In consideration of my attendance at any group event, I RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE any Organizer or Member of the Widows and Widowers of Lehigh Valley MeetUp Group (hereinafter referred to as RELEASEES) from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me, or to any property belonging to me, while participating in such activity, while in, on or upon the premises where the activities are being conducted.
By joining the group, you agree to adhere to the meet up code of conduct, which is listed below:
Be considerate, respectful, and collaborative. Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory or harassing behavior and speech. Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants. Alert conference organizers if you notice a dangerous situation or someone in distress.
Organizers reserve the right to remove people from the group at our discretion due to complaints.
103 members · Private

Nazareth AND surrounding areas: Empathy Circle

Bath, PA

Nazareth AND surrounding areas:  Empathy Circle
Would you like to speak and feel fully heard? Would you like to connect to yourself and others more deeply? Do you want to work on developing your empathy skills? Would you benefit from freely sharing, without the cost of a therapist? Do you want to feel understood? Valued? Excited about your life? Beloved Participants I warmly invite you to the Empathy Circle. In our circle, your well-being matters to us. We understand the importance of being heard, each and every one of us. We're are here to be present for whatever is on your mind and heart. You are not alone; we are here with you. And, I'm hosting these circles at no cost for you. The circles are Free. Our only focus is on being present for you now, in the moment. Your comfort and growth are the priority. We genuinely care about your experiences. Your thoughts and feelings are valuable. We're committed you your emotional journey. Become part of a caring community. You'll find a welcoming and understanding space. Together we foster a culture of compassion. Connect with like-minded individuals who care. Share your thoughts in a nurturing environment. Anyone can attend an Empathy Circle - but the circle is a small group of 5-6 people. The format is simple, and the results for all of us is nothing short of profound. Everyone will get a change to speak for 3-4 minutes. Your listener will reflect just what you have said. No judgment or comments of their own. Just repeating one idea at a time, whatever is on your mind and heart. Once the speaker has had their turn, they then become the listener. We will continue for 40 minutes. “Although our brains are built for positive emotions, one major obstacle gets in our way: Dr. Pert explained that our brain’s functions are hindered by “the thought that we are separate from each other and from the rest of creation.” In other words, if we lack empathy, if we lack this connection to others and the world by separating ourselves emotionally, indeed from creation itself, we interfere with the hardwiring of our brains. Developing empathy for others and self-empathy, and teaching others to do the same, will dramatically improve not only emotional health but physical health as well. Another huge benefit from the Empathy Circle is that it gives our amygdala a pause. The amygdala's role in the brain involves processing emotions, particularly fear and stress responses. After a stressful event, the amygdala can become activated, triggering the "fight or flight" response and releasing stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Chronic stress can lead to heightened sensitivity of the amygdala and a diminished ability to return to a balanced state. Practicing stress management techniques regularly can help improve the brain's resilience to stressors and facilitate a smoother reset process after stressful events. The active listening part of the Empathy Circle calms down the amygdala because you are only focused on returning a description of what the speaker has verbalized. We are not racing around in our brain to figure out what you want to say next, since all the is needed is just a succinct feedback. This is golden. “Empathy for ourselves and others — the emotion connecting us to the world — is a tremendous healing agent." Compassion “turns on” our immune system and improves health dramatically. All positive emotions, studies show, release brain chemicals called endorphins that dull pain and produce pleasure. Each empathy circle is limited to 6 people. Once we grow into a bigger group, I will be expanding. Of course, we agree to use first names only, and confidentially is expected. I have found that it helps me to feel more in the moment, and calms down my mind. Sometimes not even friends or family are available, or capable of being empathic. This resource is as close as you can get to a true friend without any of the drama. Here is a link that explains the value of empathy-
33 members · Public

PA Restart: Hiking, Backpacking, Camping, Kayaking

Palmerton, PA

PA Restart: Hiking, Backpacking, Camping, Kayaking
This group is for folks 40+ who are new or are returning to hiking, backpacking, kayaking, and camping. Absolutely no experience is required, and all hikes are easy to moderate.  Our hope is to foster a love of nature, a passion for being outdoors, and a spirit of camaraderie with like minded friends.  This isn't a "singles" group; we welcome married, single, partnered folks and we celebrate diversity by being open and accepting to persons of diverse backgrounds. Please check the rating for each event listed.  If you are a fast hiker (a "rabbit"), you will hike up front at your own pace.  If you are an average/moderate hiker (a "turbit"), you will hike in the middle of the pack at your own pace.  If you are a slower hiker (a "turtle"), you will hike in the back at your own pace with the hike leader.  **Some hikes are only designed for turtles.**  If you are a Turbit or Rabbit, you may get frustrated by the slow pace.  **Some hikes are designed for Turbits and Rabbits; please don't sign up for those if you are a Turtle.**  Check the listing, ask the hike leader, and be honest about your ability. We are volunteers and are not liable for your health, poor planning, accidents, or, yikes, death.  By hiking with us, you agree you are in control of your abilities.  Hike leaders may ask you to sign a release waiver, but, even if they don't, registering for the hike means you are releasing the event leader and MeetUp from all liability, including injury and death. Attendance is important in case of emergencies on an adventure. Being a "no-show" means that another person couldn't attend.  3 "no-shows" will result in being removed from the group. Hike Leaders: \*\*We are always looking for hike leaders.  Please email Beth if you are interested! Beth "Squeak" RG is the hike leader for "Turtle" hikes.  She is a long distance backpacker on the Appalachian Trail, a Girl Scout Leader & Outdoor Adventures trainer, bagpiper, and the creator/organizer/leader for PA Restart and Palmerton Outdoors.  Previously, when she lived in NJ, she was the CO of Restart New Jersey for 10 years. She is a member of the ATC, AMC, Sierra Club and is a past Board member of the Appalachian Long Distance Hiker Association. She serves as an Outdoor Leadership Trainer for the Girl Scouts of Eastern PA and volunteers yearly at Harriman State Park. She has a passion for getting "unlikely" hikers out onto the trail.  Her hikes are always designed with new hikers in mind. Her hikes tend to be short (\~ 3 miles) and are reasonably flat with smaller inclines.  She also offers backpacking, camping, snowshoeing, and flat and Class 1 Rapid paddle kayak activities. Heather O. is the hike leader for "Turbit" and "Rabbit" hikes.  She has hiked and backpacked all over the world.  Her hikes tend to be a little longer and rugged, but well worth the effort!  She also maintains the attendance rosters for hikes. There are other hiker leaders that volunteer to lead events. Please read their descriptions carefully :-)
2430 members · Public

NEPA/ABE and surrounding area widow/er connections

Lehighton, PA

NEPA/ABE and surrounding area widow/er connections

Please read before joining, it's a bit long but very important: This is a group for widows and widowers in Northeast PA and the Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton areas. Started because there is a real need for those of us who have experienced a loss of our spouse to get together and share stories, laughs, tears, whatever! We as a group will do our best to promote a positive atmosphere for all. This widow/er group is open to all who join and to those in other groups as well. We are a diverse minded collection of people. The variety of our minds are what offers new and different experiences in our lives. With this life change we are going through, we all know how difficult it can be when you go it alone. We gladly welcome your attendance, friendship, suggestions, and feedback.  If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact any of the organizers through our respective email addresses or at an event.

The key to a growing, thriving group, is the contributions it's members make! We will be relying heavily on your input to make this group a successful growing and vibrant experience for you all! We have an open door policy. In this group, all active members will be made Event Organizers and will have the ability to post events. In fact, the group insists that there be more than just one or 2 event organizers! This practice empowers our members to become better, stronger, more involved people. And I will be watching, to see who stands out and steps up!

Our purpose is to come together and explore new paths to happiness through entertaining, informative and FUN ways! We will provide many fun activities and opportunities for growth including... 

We will do fun things together! We will beat the grief monster who steals our selves! We will discover new things! We will go on field trips! We will find our new "normal"! We will eat, drink and be merry! (well, if that's what we want. and if we want to get together and cry, we will do just that..... CRY!). We will do day trips! We will do overnight trips! We will do trips to other states and maybe other countries! If you're out of the area (Philadelphia, New Jersey, Bucks County, Montgomery County, etc) we will accept you, BUT won't expect you to travel out of your respective areas (unless you want to of course ;) ). We will accept you, no matter your situation!  This is a great way to meet positive people, share experiences, get emotional support to help each other successfully navigate through our individual journeys and most of all HAVE FUN while doing it! From hurt to healing, we are all in this together!

Sound good to you? Then join us, you never know where this meetup will end up!

Our first new member meetup has come and gone. Stay tuned, you won't want to miss our next one! 

Sorry for asking the intrusive questions, I'm trying to weed out the trolls! Anyone want to add a question? Send me a message!

Please take a moment to review our guidelines before completing your profile. 

NEPA/ABE and Surrounding Area Widow/er Connections Guidelines

• 1) Profile Pictures: Please post a recent, identifiable, single picture of yourself on your profile. This allows the organizers and members to recognize you at our meetup events. If you join w/out a recent pic of you or it is offensive you will be deleted.

2) RSVP's: Please change your RSVP to "NO" if you cannot attend an event. This allows our waiting list people to fill that slot. Our events will be popular, and we would like everyone to have a chance to enjoy them. If you cannot attend an event, a simple change in your RSVP to "No" will do. Meetup sends out an invite to new postings and there is no need to RSVP "no" unless you were a previous "yes" and need to update. No-shows will not be allowed to sign up for subsequent events with limited attendance and/or MAY be subject to 2a listed below.

• 2a) One Strike Policy: . NEPA/ABE and surrounding area widow/er connections has a "one strike" policy in place that allows members to "no-show" (RSVP YES to an event but not attend, and not inform of change) up to 1 (one) time. If it happens again the member will be removed. Please be cognizant of your RSVP's as you would be to any other commitment you made, and consider how you would feel if you were in another's shoes. If you have an emergency, that is understandable, life happens, but at least apologize to the organizer/s the next day!

• 3) Wait Lists: Please know, if you are on a wait list, there is a good chance you will be able to come to an event. Meetup will automatically change your RSVP to "Yes" when a spot becomes available. The organizers have NO control over these changes or email notifications, so keep a close eye on the attendees lists.

• 4) Event Fees: IF there is an event fee, please be considerate and pay for it - even if something comes up at the time of the event. Organizers and event hosts will sometimes use their own money to make reservations or bookings and count on attendees' payments for reimbursement.

• 5) Promoting your Business: Talking about your profession is allowed, however using our group to promote your business is not. 

• 6) Slander:  All of us here are going through difficult transitions, and we want this to be a safe group to come to for enjoyment and support. Please do not harm anyone with gossip or harsh words. If you have a concern we ask that you please email that member instead of writing it in the conversation box for all to see.

• 7) Alcohol Consumption:  Please keep your drinking within safe and legal limits while at an event.

• 8) Personal Information: For your safety, we STRONGLY suggest limiting your sharing of personal information online. We also suggest refraining from posting your last name. Initials are fine.

• 9) Relationships:  WARNING! If you are a "troll" (male or female) and the organizers find out about it, you will be removed from this group faster than a bullet leaving the barrel of a gun. THIS IS NOT A HOOKUP SITE. If that is what you want there are plenty of "Dating Sites" to go hunting in.

And lastly; 

• 10) Spammers and Solicitors: Spamming and soliciting our members are not welcome. People looking to profit from it will be removed.

Here's to our helpful healing Suddenly Singles!

Karin & the Organizers Team

37 members · Public

NEPA/Lehigh Valley Lost & Found

Lehighton, PA

If you've lost, then you've found...... US! Please read before joining, it's a bit long but very important: This is a group for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one in Northeast PA and the Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton areas. Started because there is a real need for those of us who have experienced a loss of our family member to get together and share stories, laughs, tears, whatever! We as a group will do our best to promote a positive atmosphere for all. This group is open to all who have experienced a loss (parent, child, sibling) and to those in other groups as well. NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH MY WIDOW/ER GROUP! If you have experienced the loss of a spouse please join .

We are a diverse minded collection of people. The variety of our minds are what offers new and different experiences in our lives. With this life change we are going through, we all know how difficult it can be when you go it alone. We gladly welcome your attendance, friendship, suggestions, and feedback.  If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact any of the organizers through our respective email addresses or at an event.

The key to a growing, thriving group, is the contributions it's members make! We will be relying heavily on your input to make this group a successful growing and vibrant experience for you all! We have an open door policy. In this group, all active members will be made Event Organizers and will have the ability to post events. In fact, the group insists that there be more than just one or 2 event organizers! This practice empowers our members to become better, stronger, more involved people. And I will be watching, to see who stands out and steps up!

Our purpose is to come together and explore new paths to happiness through entertaining, informative and FUN ways! We will provide many fun activities and opportunities for growth including... 

We will do fun things together! We will beat the grief monster who steals our selves! We will discover new things! We will go on field trips! We will find our new "normal"! We will eat, drink and be merry! (well, if that's what we want. and if we want to get together and cry, we will do just that..... CRY!). We will do day trips! We will do overnight trips! We will do trips to other states and maybe other countries! If you're out of the area (Philadelphia, New Jersey, Bucks County, Montgomery County, etc) we will accept you, BUT won't expect you to travel out of your respective areas (unless you want to of course ;) ). We will accept you, no matter your situation!  This is a great way to meet positive people, share experiences, get emotional support to help each other successfully navigate through our individual journeys and most of all HAVE FUN while doing it! From hurt to healing, we are all in this together!

Sound good to you? Then join us, you never know where this meetup will end up! 

Our first new member meetup is coming up in March! So stay tuned, you won't want to miss it! 

Sorry for asking the intrusive questions, I'm trying to weed out the trolls! Anyone want to add a question? Send me a message!

Please take a moment to review our guidelines before completing your profile.  

NEPA/ABE and Surrounding Area Widow/er Connections Guidelines

• 1) Profile Pictures: Please post a recent, identifiable, single picture of yourself on your profile. This allows the organizers and members to recognize you at our meetup events. If you join w/out a recent pic of you or it is offensive you will be deleted.

• 2) RSVP's: Please change your RSVP to "NO" if you cannot attend an event. This allows our waiting list people to fill that slot. Our events will be popular, and we would like everyone to have a chance to enjoy them. If you cannot attend an event, a simple change in your RSVP to "No" will do. Meetup sends out an invite to new postings and there is no need to RSVP "no" unless you were a previous "yes" and need to update. No-shows will not be allowed to sign up for subsequent events with limited attendance and/or MAY be subject to 2a listed below.

• 2a) One Strike Policy: . NEPA/Lehigh Valley Lost & Found has a "one strike" policy in place that allows members to "no-show" (RSVP YES to an event but not attend, and not inform of change) up to 1 (one) time. If it happens again the member will be removed. Please be cognizant of your RSVP's as you would be to any other commitment you made, and consider how you would feel if you were in another's shoes. If you have an emergency, that is understandable, life happens, but at least apologize to the organizer/s the next day!

• 3) Wait Lists: Please know, if you are on a wait list, there is a good chance you will be able to come to an event. Meetup will automatically change your RSVP to "Yes" when a spot becomes available. The organizers have NO control over these changes or email notifications, so keep a close eye on the attendees lists. 

• 4) Event Fees: IF there is an event fee, please be considerate and pay for it - even if something comes up at the time of the event. Organizers and event hosts will sometimes use their own money to make reservations or bookings and count on attendees' payments for reimbursement. 

• 5) Promoting your Business: Talking about your profession is allowed, however using our group to promote your business is not.  

• 6) Slander:  All of us here are going through difficult transitions, and we want this to be a safe group to come to for enjoyment and support. Please do not harm anyone with gossip or harsh words. If you have a concern we ask that you please email that member instead of writing it in the conversation box for all to see. 

• 7) Alcohol Consumption:  Please keep your drinking within safe and legal limits while at an event. 

• 8) Personal Information: For your safety, we STRONGLY suggest limiting your sharing of personal information online. We also suggest refraining from posting your last name. Initials are fine. 

• 9) Relationships:  WARNING! If you are a "troll" (male or female) and the organizers find out about it, you will be removed from this group faster than a bullet leaving the barrel of a gun. THIS IS NOT A HOOKUP SITE. If that is what you want there are plenty of "Dating Sites" to go hunting in. 

• 10) Spammers and Solicitors: Spamming and soliciting our members are not welcome. People looking to profit from it will be removed.

And lastly; 

• 11) Membership Fee: Running this meetup group page costs $$, your $5 membership fee to be here helps  defray some of that cost 

Here's to our helpful healing Lost Souls!

Karin & the Organizers Team

1 members · Public