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Outdoor activities groups near Lewisberry, PA

FROGS - Fun Recreational Outdoor Group for Singles

East Berlin, PA

FROGS - Fun Recreational Outdoor Group for Singles

We are a group of single people who like to participate in outdoor activities. We go hiking, biking, kayaking and camping. When the weather cooperates, we go ice skating, sledding and cross country skiing. We aren't into "extreme" sports...we let those for other groups. We plan some indoor activities too (but FRO/IGS wasn't a catchy name). We are 45 years old or older, and lead active lifestyles. We are minimal or non drinkers and all of our activities are alcohol-free. We are looking to meet other singles with these same interests.

                              IF ACCEPTED INTO FROGS, I AGREE TO:

...abide by the Members Only policy and will not bring Non-Members to events. If I think someone I know would enjoy FROGS, I will encourage her/him to explore membership via the FROGS Meetup website. I accept that the group is for adult FROGS only and I will not bring 'tadpoles' to the events. 

...make a small donation to the Organizer at FROGS events. This is instead of a yearly membership fee that is charged by some groups, and helps the Organizer cover the yearly fee that Meetup charges to run the group.

...participate in at least 4 FROGS events per calendar year, which contributes to a feeling of group cohesiveness.

...provide the Organizer with ideas for events, if inclined to do so, but I will not post my own activities on the FROGS website, nor will I post activities from other groups. I will not post FROGS events to my social media page(s).

...act in a safe, respectful and friendly manner while on FROGS events, and I will be especially encouraging to those who may be trying a new activity for the first time. 

...avoid the use of alcohol and non-prescribed drugs while participating in FROGS events, and while traveling to and from FROGS events. If I am a MMJ consumer with a valid card, I agree to be discrete in my use.

...avoid bringing weapons of any kind to FROGS events.

...sign a waiver at each FROGS event, which releases the Organizer of any liability should an injury or accident occur while participating in a FROGS event, or while traveling to and from the event. 

Thanks for carefully considering these requests before you apply for membership in FROGS. By doing so, you have significantly increased the likelihood that the group fits you, and, hopefully, increases your overall satisfaction with the group. 


FROGS Organizer

89 members · Private

20s 30s Adventurer Meetup

Mechanicsburg, PA

20s 30s Adventurer Meetup

This group is for 20-somethings and 30-somethings who love the outdoors and want to experience it with other like-minded people. All skill levels are welcome. Hikes will mostly be around Central Pennsylvania and will vary in difficulty and length. Looking to meet people? This is a great laid-back group where you'll be sure to have fun and make friends, all while staying in shape or getting in better shape and clearing your mind in the great outdoors. Dogs are welcome on hikes, but note that a small number of trails will not allow them, and these will be clearly noted beforehand. If you have any suggestions of hiking locations, feel free to let me know!!

Attendance/RSVP rules: - Members must RSVP and attend at least one event every 6 months to remain active in the group - After 2 no-shows in a 6 month period (RSVP'ing yes to an event and not showing up for the event), members will be removed from the group

Disclaimer: By participating in this voluntary group you expressly waive any and all claims that could arise from any of the activities planned to include travel to and from and during the trip and to understand the organizer and assistant organizer or event host do not assume liability for personal injuries, death, destruction or loss of personal property. When you RSVP yes to attend an event, or participate in the group, you and your guests expressly waive any and all such claims against each and every other member in the group, including without limitation any and all claims against the group organizer or assistant organizers or event hosts.

2093 members · Public

Valley to Summit Adventures - Harrisburg

Harrisburg, PA

Valley to Summit Adventures - Harrisburg

Are you a seeker of adventure? Do you daydream of the great outdoors? Is your soul itching for a wild wilderness immersion cleansing? Are you longing for crisp mountain air, meandering mountain streams, the sounds of silence and ridge-line hikes? Or do you have a longing to experience outdoor rock climbing and rappelling, or exploring the winter landscape with snowshoes and crampons?

Well, you’ve found the right place to quench your thirst, to satisfy that urge, to expand your comfort zone and to reconnect or deepen your connection with nature. We arrange day hikes, backpacking trips, outdoor rock climbing and rappelling adventures, white water rafting trips, snowshoeing trips, frozen waterfall exploration hikes and other exciting adventures. We're a group of outdoor adventure travel enthusiasts who love to explore Philadelphia and the surrounding areas, as well as other out-of-state destinations.

We are so honored to have Valley to Summit, LLC ("VTS") as the sponsor of this Meetup group. VTS, the region's premier outdoor guiding company, offers great discounts on most in-house adventures. To learn more about Valley to Summit, be sure to visit them at:


Subscribe to Newsletter:



Phone/Fax: 215-543-6171


Statement from Valley to Summit, LLC:

We have attracted a dedicated group of outdoor professionals to assist and guide us in our journeys. All are at least certified in wilderness first aid or as wilderness first responders. We also have guides who are certified by the America Mountain Guiding Association as Single Pitch Rock Instructors and guides with decades of experience in their respective skills. Still others have relevant water-based certifications from the American Canoe Association. And many are either Leave No Trace Master Educators or Trainers. VTS carries insurance and, where required, operates under permits.

Mother Nature gifted our region with a plethora of unique outdoor recreation opportunities. We offer the adventurous soul who is seeking an escape from the daily grind many options to get out there. Our goal is to facilitate fun, informative, inspirational and recreational outdoor rock climbing experiences.

3700 members · Public

Mindful Hiking

Harrisburg, PA

Mindful Hiking
Looking for a relaxed and leisurely hiking/walking group? You've come to the right place! Welcome and I hope you enjoy your time with us! What is mindful hiking? * Being present while on a hike, aka no cell phone, headphones, etc. activity. * Uniting with nature using all senses as a guide to appreciate all it's offerings. * Talking, laughter, and community is **strongly encouraged**, however, members should refrain from controversial topics of political, religious or gossip in nature and ALWAYS remain respectful to fellow hikers. Disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated and will be cause for immediate removal from the group. What isn't mindful hiking? * Not hiking point A to B as fast as you can. * Not a group where the sole purpose is to get exercise on a hike. * Not affiliated with any religion, but more a way of life…a peaceful and drama-free life! While most of the events will be leisurely hikes to appreciate nature, fresh air and outdoor activity, we will also welcome meditation, yoga, bird watching, and similarly aligned events. In order to be accepted in this group you must 1) have an identifiable photo of yourself in your profile picture and 2) use the name you'd like to be referred to in your profile and add your last name initial. It's suggested you do not provide your full last name, but it is up to you. I'm looking for event leaders so please send me a message if you have an idea for a mindful hike or other similar event.
250 members · Private

Introverts Coming Together

Mechanicsburg, PA

Introverts Coming Together
Fellow introverts, let’s get together once in a while (but not too often!). Even though we can be solitary, we still like to hang out with other humans sometimes, just in small groups and subdued settings. The pandemic experience slowed down the pace of life for a while and many introverts took that in stride, even thrived. Maybe we’re ready to get back out there now yet struggling to re-connect post-pandemic, especially with other introverts or in meaningful ways. Join this group to meet other people who may be more reserved, shy, or have social anxiety. Events will be held at smaller, quieter venues so that no one feels overwhelmed by too many people and too many noisy distractions. Both men and women are invited; diversity of age, gender, ethnicity, etc. is encouraged. Events will include restaurant outings, movies, festivals, board game nights, art showings, bowling, outdoor walks, miniature golf, and more. Maybe you have an idea for an interesting yet low-key activity? The intended region is both the East and West Shores of Harrisburg, so mostly in Dauphin, Cumberland, and northern York counties. However, we can venture further beyond at times, maybe for day trips to other towns and large cities. Because the event participation size will be kept small and the roadways over the river sometimes create a barrier to access, members are welcome to set up additional events to increase opportunities to get together. Some simple ground rules for the group include: **1\. You don't have to be the center of attention but no ghosting either\!** Please keep your attendee status up to date, especially if there is a waiting list. \~ If you decide not to attend an event you signed up for, please update your status, even if it's close to the event start time. \~ This group will be more understanding than most about "being in the mood" to leave your home on a given day, so no explanation needed. \~ However, ghosting is not respectful to the organizers and venues, and keeps other members on the waiting list who might have attended. Therefore, no-shows without status updates will be noted and that person's membership in the group may be affected. \~ RSVPs will often close an hour or more before the event. After the reservation window closes, members will need to contact the event organizer directly to update their status. **2\. Many hands make light work\!** Because we’ll usually meet in small groups of 8-12 people, the more events we hold, the more various members can attend. \~ Please message the group organizer, Michelle M., if you’re interested in helping out as an event host or want to suggest an idea for an outing. If it's a good fit for this group, she'll help you become the organizer for your event. \~ Most events will be limited to members only, but some events will allow members to bring guests. If this is allowed, it will be posted in the invitation. **3\. Nothing in life is free\!** There is no membership fee for this group currently, but there may be a small annual fee in the future and fees for certain events. Many thanks to the group's founder, Jen G., for recognizing the interest in and need for a Meetup group for we quieter folk in this area. It's time for local introverts to start coming together more often. Hope to see you soon!
465 members · Public