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Outdoor activities groups near Summerville, SC

PAINTING Plein Air Summerville * CRAMOLINI Group *

Summerville, SC

PAINTING Plein Air Summerville * CRAMOLINI Group *
Plein Air April 9, 2024 This is a Plein Air OUTDOOR PAINTING/ DRAWING group meetup, NOT VIRTUAL. Every 2 or 3 weeks, there will be a location in Summerville South Carolina choosen, where we will meet together to paint & draw. The location will be posted along with date and time frame for each gathering. April 9th, Tuesday...Join us at Azalea park in Summerville to paint plein air ( outdoor painting) landscape painting, or paint whatever you want! No experience necessary, and it's FREE! RSVP if you like, but NOT REQUIRED! Just show up. There is no fee. Bring all your own art gear, nothing is provided...bring a lunch or snack and something to drink. BTW, ALCOHOL AND DRUG FREE EVENT. Maybe bring something to sit on & a sun hat or umbrella! I will be at the Gazebo to welcome from 12 to 12:30. ( i will pretty much stay in that vicinity the entire 4 hours!) Show up late is fine too. You can just go off on your own in the park, or stay around other painters. Please don't bother other people that are painting unless you can tell It's okay with them. This can be a wonderful experience. All levels of talent and technical skill are welcome. Beginning intermediate or professional ... doesn't matter any kind of paint, any medium welcome. It's all fun. See you there! At the gazebo near the pond EVENT RUNS FROM 12 noon till 4 PM. the gazebo off Magnolia near the pond, there are 2 gazebos. Please message me with any questions.
31 members · Public

Summerville Ladies Who Lunch

Goose Creek, SC

Summerville Ladies Who Lunch

Do you want to have fun, make new friends, enjoy a leisurely lunch or dinner at one of our many local eateries, or attend exciting Charleston area events? If you are a woman aged 55+ in the Summerville, Goose Creek, Moncks Corner, or North Charleston area, then this is the group for you! We meet each Thursday at 12:30 at different restaurants to enjoy friendship and culinary delights. Meet Ups are also periodically planned for cultural events and festivals in the Lowcountry and beyond. We are a small, close knit group dedicated to forming lasting friendships in a supportive, inclusive, and uplifting setting.


1. Because this is a small group there may be a waitlist to join. Apply only if you are genuinely interested in being an active member, and I will work hard to find you a spot. If you join but are not participating you may be removed without notice to allow someone on the waitlist a turn to join in the fun.

2. We are a group of ladies aged 55+ dedicated to friendship and supporting one another through life’s twists and turns. This is NOT a group to network in for business agendas. Do not join if your goal is to sell us something or you want us to use your business services.

3. The only fee associated with this group is a nominal $5.00 per year membership due.

4. Do not be discouraged if events show a waitlist—if you want to attend, SIGN UP ANYWAY! Everyone makes it off the waitlist 99.99% of the time. When I see a waitlist I work with our venues whenever possible to create additional openings.

5. Do not RSVP to an event if you are not reliable!! I cannot stress this enough. When you RSVP for an event consider it a serious commitment (even if you are on the waitlist—because you will get into the event 99.99% of the time). The RSVP list and waitlist are only for members who are fully committed to attending. It is rude to RSVP only to ‘hold a spot’ for yourself to ‘keep your options open’ in case you decide at a later time that you may possibly want to attend. If a member is repeatedly dropping off the RSVP list they will be removed from the group without notice. I work very hard to forge good relationships with venues willing to accept larger groups. This has become increasingly difficult due to COVID/staffing issues. Restaurants specially staff to accommodate our group, and they lose money (and confidence in our group) when our numbers plummet ahead of an event. It is also highly inconsiderate to group members who wish to have the spot, but need and deserve adequate notice so they can attend. The majority of members are highly reliable and do not need to be reminded of any of this. These guidelines are detailed for those that do need reminding. I’m not trying to sound mean, but this is a serious issue for me and all Meet Up organizers.

I look forward to welcoming you to the ‘Ladies Who Lunch’ family! 

59 members · Private

Charleston Social Group

Charleston, SC

Charleston Social Group

This group meets all over Charleston, Summerville, Goose Creek, Ladson, West Ashley, North Charleston, Mt Pleasant, The Islands and Moncks Corner..........we wil even do day trips to cities a little farther out. I am open to suggestions for ANY things you might want me to set up a meetup for. Sometimes I will ask someone else to be the host if I have a last minute business conflict. This is an all inclusive group for all ages and genders but geared primarily for adult activities. We welcome singles, couples........whatever. If you are new in town or just want to meet some new friends or some friends with different interests, check us out. Some of our events are obviously child friendly so it gives parents and grandparents a chance to get out and bring the children along, while socializing with other adults. Some of us who don't have children would enjoy the opportunity to see them. You'll know which events they are but if there is a question, just ask me. Some events even allow for your fur children. I don't make those rules.....the venues do.. The best meetup I was ever in was a mix of people from multiple countries and backgrounds, mostly people in their 20s and 30s with a few in their 40s, 60s and 70s........that's what I'm going for here...............a wide range of people who can compliment each other and be kind and have fun. NORMALLY I'm A HUGGER BUT during the CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC, we've been greeting each other with HELLO, the peace sign, Namaste or the Spock's Vulcan Salutation.....and we are washing our hands with SOAP and water and staying at home at ANY SIGN of illness.....Now that many of us have been vaccinated, I'm back to HUGGING....... I HAVE a large Banner on a stick, It's a burgundy color and says BE KIND. I will be holding this up at crowded events so you can find us.. Above all, let's stay safe, be kind and have fun.

Dues are $10 per year after a 30 day trial period.

244 members · Public

Charleston Women 50+

Charleston, SC

Charleston Women 50+
**PLEASE READ ENTIRE DESCRIPTION.  BY REQUESTING TO JOIN THIS GROUP YOU ARE ACKNOWLEDGING THAT YOU HAVE DONE SO.** Hey fabulous ladies over 50! Let's get together for some laughs and shenanigans!  Maybe enjoy dinner and a little wine (or your beverage of choice, of course!) or some other fun activity and talk about how great (or challenging... HAHA!) it is to be over 50! This is a no-agenda group... OK, we do have one agenda... we want you to HAVE FUN! Married, single, divorced, attached, unattached, with children, without children - it doesn't matter.  Just be a woman at or over 50 and you're in! There are a lot of transplants here in Charleston and some of us lost our great group of gal friends from back home... or you're a woman transitioning because of divorce, empty-nester or your significant other just travels a lot. Whatever the reason, we're glad to have you! Let's get together and just be silly. **We are still girls after all**! Please remember that if you join and sign up for an event that is beyond the trial period you must pay Membership Dues prior to the end of the trial (currently 60 days) or Meetup will automatically remove you from that event.  I unfortunately can not control this feature.  If your membership expires in the group and you have not visited the group in more than 4 months you are automatically removed from the group.  If you rejoin Meetup will NOT give you an additional "trial period". **IMPORTANT INFORMATION:** **This group is about having fun.  Any bullying, etc. will not be tolerated.  If anything like this is reported it will be discussed with individual involved and it will be at the sole discretion of Organizer whether the member will remain part of this group.  There is a ZERO tolerance for this behavior.**    **To reduce the number of "no shows" when we host brunch, lunch and dinner there may be an RSVP fee (or where the number of attendees requires a reservation).  This was a necessary step to reduce "no shows" and last minute cancellations.  If you "show up" your RSVP Fee is refunded in full to the method of payment.  If you "no show" or cancel within 24 hours prior to the event this fee is NOT REFUNDABLE. I have tried different ways around this and this seems to be the only solution.  Unfortunately this creates a situation where there is no "wait-list".  If you are interested in that particular event you can make a comment on that event asking that if anyone can not make it that you are interested in taking their place.  Please do not contact me or the Event Host to be put on a "wait-list".** **If you are a habitual no-shower, you will also be removed from the group after a warning. This is our "three strikes you're out" policy. It is unfair to the volunteer organizers** **and participants when you do not show up. They may be waiting for you to order dinner, or waiting for you at a meeting spot. Also, some events are limited to the number of participants and it is unfair to others that might have wanted to attend and the event was full.**   **Additionally, if you sign up for an event and your "trial period" or your membership dues have not been paid MEETUP WILL AUTOMATICALLY REMOVE YOU FROM THOSE EVENTS AND YOU MAY LOOSE YOUR "SPOT"  THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!  IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO KEEP TRACK OF EACH PERSON'S MEMBERSHIP STATUS.** **IT IS ALSO YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE YOU KNOW THE LOCATION OF THE EVENT.  WE GIVE AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE.  IF YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH THE AREA PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU GIVE YOURSELF EXTRA TIME OR SCOPE IT OUT AHEAD OF TIME.  WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU MISS THE EVENT BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT ON TIME (SUCH AS A BOAT TRIP).** EMAIL AND NOTIFICATIONS:  **IT IS ESSENTIAL**  as a member of our group, that you have your **EMAIL UPDATES** and **NOTIFICATIONS** turned on in **SETTINGS** both on your desktop computer, **AND ALSO ON YOUR PHONE APP**. It is also essential to check back frequently in the days before a scheduled event—stuff happens. For instructions on how to change your settings, go to the CHARLESTON WOMEN 50+ home page. Click on MORE (under the picture of the lovely ladies), then click on MESSAGE BOARD. Now select "Email and notification settings." Make sure you've checked all the boxes that allow me to email and notify you. The Message Board is only available on the web application, you can't see it on the mobile app. To edit Settings on the mobile app, go to your profile icon, (bottom right corner), then go to the 3 dots icon (upper right corner). Select "Push notifications", then select "Change email updates." Make sure you "greenlight" all the options. WE HAVE A **FACEBOOK GROUP** CALLED CHARLESTON SC WOMEN OVER 50.  THIS IS A GREAT PLACE TO DO "LAST MINUTE" THINGS AND ALSO A WONDERFUL PLACE TO ASK QUESTIONS "LIKE DOES ANYONE KNOW THE NAME OF A "DOCTOR, PLUMBER, ELECTRICIAN, ETC." By signing up as a member of the Charleston Women 50+ and/or attending our events, you and your guests accept that you fully assume all risks associated with such participation, including travel to and from the events.  You and your successors agree to hold all Organizers of Charleston Women 50+ harmless in the event of injury or death.
480 members · Private

Tri-County Blueway Kayaking Meetup

Moncks Corner, SC

Tri-County Blueway Kayaking Meetup
We are a group of paddlers in the Berkeley, Dorchester, Charleston area who like to explore local rivers, lakes, and swamps. All skill levels are welcome including first time paddlers. Camping, photography, navigation skills, fishing, and stewardship will also be encouraged. This will be a great way to meet people and make new friends with common interests. All age groups and families welcome. The Tri-County Blueway Meetup Group is sponsored by Blueway Adventures. All members are encouraged to get involved in scheduling trips and other events. Please email or call group organizers Ed or Debbie if you would like to be an assistant organizer of the group, or if you have any questions. Below are conditions of participation, disclaimers, waivers and release of liability required for membership and participation in the Tri-County Blueway Kayaking Meetup.  Your membership in Tri-County Blueway Kayaking Meetup affirms your knowledge, consent and agreement to disclaimers, waivers and releases of liability. Disclaimer:  *This is a voluntary group.  By participating, you expressly waive any and all claims that could arise from any of the activities planned to include travel to and from and during the trips and to understand the organizer, assistant organizer, sponsors or event host do not assume liability for personal injuries, death, destruction or loss of personal property.  When you participate in the group activities, and or attend as a guest or family member,  you and your guests expressly waive any and all such claims against each and every other member in the group, including without limitation any and all claims against the group organizer or assistant organizers or sponsors or event hosts.*  Blueway Adventures, LLC - Waiver and Release of Liability In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in Blueway Adventures, LLC paddling, camping, instruction and/or other activities/programs, I, for myself, my personal representatives, assigns, heirs, and next of kin agree to the following: 1\. Acknowledge and fully understand that I will be engaged in activities that involve risk of damage to personal property or serious bodily injury\, including permanent disability and death\, and severe social and economic losses which may result not only from my own actions\, inactions or negligence; by the actions\, inaction or negligence of others\, the rules of play\, conditions of the premises\, or any equipment used\. Further\, there may be other risks not known or not reasonably foreseeable at this time\. 2\. Acknowledge\, agree\, and represent that I am qualified\, in good health\, and in proper condition to participate in such activity and willing agree to comply with stated and customary terms and conditions of participation\. If at any time\, I feel conditions are unsafe I will immediately discontinue further participation in the activity\. If I decide to leave early and not complete the activity/event as planned\, I assume all risks inherent in my decision to leave\.  3\. HEREBY RELEASE\, DISCHARGE\, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE Blueway Adventures\, LLC\, its affiliated volunteers\, independent contractors\, employees\, authorized representatives; their respective administrators\, directors\, agents\, officers\, members\, volunteers\, employees\, other participants\, sponsors\, advertisers\, and if applicable\, owners and lessors of premises on which the Activity takes place\, \(each considered one of the “RELEASEES” herein\) FROM ALL LIABILITY\, CLAIMS\, DEMANDS\, LOSSES\, INJURIES\, DAMAGE TO PROPERTY\, OR OTHER DAMAGES ON MY ACCOUNT CAUSED OR ALLEGED TO BE CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE“RELEASEES” OR OTHERWISE\, INCLUDING NEGLIGENT RESCUE OPERATIONS; AND I FURTHER AGREE that if\, despite this RELEASE AND WAVIER OF LIABILITY\, ASSUMPTION OF RISK\, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT\, I or anyone on my behalf\, makes a claim against any of the Releasees\, I WILL INDEMNIFY\, SAVE\, AND HOLD HARMLESS EACH OF THE RELEASEES from any litigation expenses\, attorney fees\, loss\, liability\, damage\, or cost which any may incur as the result of such claim\. 4\. I affirm that I am not under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances and will not use or consume these substances before or during any paddling or other activity with Blueway Adventures\, LLC\, its employees or entities\. 5\. I assume all foregoing risks and accept personal responsibility for all expenses\, medical or otherwise\, following any such damages\, injury\, permanent disability or death\. 6\. Prior to participating\, I will inspect equipment to be used\, and if I believe anything to be unsafe\, I will immediately advise a guide\, instructor\, or other Blueway Adventures authorized representative of such condition\(s\) and refuse to participate until equipment is repaired or replaced\. 7\. I grant permission to photograph my image\, likeness\, or depiction and to edit\, crop\, or retouch photographs and waive any right to inspect the final photographs\. I consent to and permit photographs of me to be used for any purpose and in any medium\, including print and electronic\. I waive any compensation of any kind for its use or publication\. I fully and forever release Blueway Adventures from any claim for damages of any kind arising from the use or publication of photos of me and agree not to sue for such use or publication\. All grants of permission and consent\, and all covenants\, agreements and understandings herein are irrevocable\. I HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS FREELY AND WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT OR ASSURANCE OF ANY NATURE AND INTEND IT TO BE A COMPLETE AND UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY TO THE GREATEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW AND AGREE THAT IF ANY PORTION OF THIS AGREEMENT IS HELD TO BE INVALID THE BALANCE, NOTWITHSTANDING, SHALL CONTINUE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT.
1608 members · Public

B2B Connect - Local B2B Networking

Charleston, SC

B2B Connect - Local B2B Networking
Founded by a passionate team of business aficionados, B2B Connect emerged from the collective dream of fostering a robust business community in Charleston, South Carolina. Recognizing a gap in the market for a platform that not only connects businesses but also cultivates growth, the team behind B2B Connect decided to take matters into their own hands. Each member of the organizing team boasts an impressive background in business development, marketing, and community engagement. Their combined experience spans decades and stretches across various industries, from tech startups to established corporations. It is this eclectic mix of knowledge and experience that gives B2B Connect its unique flavor. At the heart of B2B Connect is a genuine desire to see local businesses thrive. The team's philosophy is rooted in the belief that when businesses collaborate, it creates a ripple effect that benefits the entire community. They tirelessly work to create an atmosphere where every member feels welcomed, heard, and empowered to achieve their professional aspirations. Beyond just organizing events, the B2B Connect team is constantly in tune with the latest business trends and strategies. They are dedicated to providing members with resources, educational opportunities, and insights to stay ahead in a competitive market. Outside of their professional lives, the B2B Connect team shares a love for Charleston's rich history, vibrant culture, and, of course, an occasional game at Topgolf. They're not just organizers; they're active participants, continually looking to learn from members and evolve the platform for the better. Their door (virtual or otherwise) is always open for suggestions, feedback, or simply a chat over coffee. Join B2B Connect and become a part of a community curated by experts, driven by passion, and committed to your success.
111 members · Public

Charleston Consciousness Laboratory

Charleston, SC

**Welcome to Charleston Consciousness Laboratory** *– Experiments in Practical Spirituality –* There has got to be more than this. We get up, work hard, distract ourselves with fleeting moments of amusement, and count down the hours until weekends and holidays. Sure, there are moments of brightness and emotional peaks and valleys, but it often feels like life is on auto-pilot. Maybe we feel a little robotic, at the mercy of programing we didn’t choose. If we take a pause from all the routines, we can fantasize about deeper meaning, but it's elusive, like a distant echo or an out-of-focus image. Despite living in a modern, sci-fi wonderland that would appear like heaven to our ancestors, a nagging guilt persists — as if what we have isn't quite enough. We yearn for significance, whether it's constructing a meaningful life or simply finding conscious connection with our many experiences. It is uniquely human to face debilitating or demoralizing circumstances and yet know, deep down, the powerful truth: we can indeed access the divine. We have all, at one time or another, accidentally stumbled upon a tingle of recognition or connection, a sudden profound silence and clarity, or a fleeting moment of illumination — a rainbow after a storm, the breathtaking view from a mountain top, greeting an old friend. These tiny, powerful glimpses of our own latent power speak volumes and give us the hope to struggle onward. There is depth to life that beckons us. How can we draw nearer to it? Is there a path to becoming whole? These foundational questions linger forever until we summon the courage to confront them. Conscious commitment is what brings us together. Welcome to *Charleston Consciousness Laboratory*, where we explore the realms beyond the ordinary, seeking that elusive completeness, and share the journey toward a more profound understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Join us in the pursuit of a life that goes beyond routine, where expanded consciousness is not just a concept but an active investigation! **What Sets Us Apart:**  In a world flooded with information, our focus is on the effective and the transformative. *Charleston Consciousness Laboratory* is not just about discussing theories; it's about hands-on, practical approaches that lead to real, meaningful spiritual growth. We draw inspiration and courage from the collective to try new techniques, make observations, and return to share and learn from experience. **Guiding Principles:**  1\.    Life extends beyond the tangible\, sensory world\. An existence based solely on materialistic understanding feels incomplete on a long enough timeline\. 2\.    All the tools for exploration\, learning\, and growth are already at our disposal\, right here\, right now\. 3\.    We seek balance in our approach — blending objectivity and subjectivity\, skepticism with open\-mindedness\, seriousness with levity\, and personal comfort with a willingness to take risks\. 4.   Communication is crucial, but meaningful change requires energy. We value intention and proactivity as a catalyst for transformation. 5\.    We recognize that working together is essential\. Ultimately\, we must figure out how to collaborate effectively for collective growth and understanding\. 6\.    Your freedom is paramount\. You have the autonomy to choose—whether to act or not\, believe or not\. No external force compels you; the power to decide is yours\.  Always\. 🌱 **Practical Techniques:** Explore hands-on methods for expanding consciousness and fostering spiritual development. From mindfulness practices to ancient wisdom traditions, we aim to provide tools that can be integrated into daily life. We also want your feedback: what worked; what didn’t. Your experiences aren't just interesting, they're informative for fellow seekers.   🤝 **Community Support:** Join a supportive community of individuals who share a common goal. Connect with like-minded folks, share experiences, and learn from one another's journeys on the path to personal and spiritual development.   🌍 **Broad Perspectives:** Embrace a diverse range of approaches and perspectives. Our group is a melting pot of ideas; we draw inspiration from the individual to benefit the group, creating a wide field of exploration. Come with your unique goals, a few ideas, and curiosity; leave with some interesting new approaches and unexpected inspiration.   🔍 **Research, Not Dogma:** We celebrate curiosity and encourage an open-minded approach. Our focus is on practical experimentation rather than adherence to a specific set of beliefs. Attendees are encouraged to find their unique paths within the broader spectrum of spiritual exploration.   **Our Standard Event:**   🕰️ **2-Hour Sessions:** Our standard event is a 2-hour session with dedicated time for both discussion and practical exercises/demonstrations.   💬 **Interactive Discussions:** Sharing our own practices, techniques, and experiences is the lifeblood of the group. Engage in meaningful discussions that enrich your understanding and practice.   👐 **Hands-On Demonstrations:** Attendees are invited to bring any practical exercises (audio, special materials) and share them during the event. If you'd like to set up a demonstration, feel free to contact the event coordinator in advance.   **Join Us:** If you're seeking a community that values practical spirituality, conscious living, and the mutual kinship of a quest for self-discovery, you've found your tribe. Let's embark on this transformative journey together!   *Dive into the practical side of spirituality with Charleston Consciousness Laboratory - because consciousness is not just a concept, it’s an active investigation*
66 members · Public

Charleston Friday Night Board Games and Social Club!

Charleston, SC

Charleston Friday Night Board Games and Social Club!
WELCOME FRIENDS! The purpose of this group is to build a community of friends that enjoy playing tabletop board games together, as well as other non-game activities. We play in member's houses on Friday evenings, usually rotating amongst a few gracious hosts. (Regarding vaccines: Yes.) We play different games every week, depending on what people want to play. Some common favorites include Codenames, Pandemic, Secret Hitler, Salem 1692, The Crew, Settlers of Catan, Coup and many more. Knowledge of any particular game is never needed, because we usually teach the game right before playing to any newcomers. Likewise, owning or bringing games is never required because we have dozens (if not hundreds!) of games between us all, unless of course there is a specific game that you are excited about wanting to play with others. Speaking of newcomers, this is an open and welcoming friends group. Many of us are regulars, but we almost always have new people every week. There is also no commitment to come every week, as people often have other activities -- but please only RSVP if you're going to attend, so we can plan for which games to play. Overall, this group is simply about happy vibes, playing games, and hopefully making some new friends. We sometimes also do other activities like picnics and cookouts in the park, which may or may not get posted here. Please feel free to send a Meetup private message to me at any time with any questions or simply a hello. Game on!
406 members · Private