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Outdoor activities groups near Paris, VA

Haymarket Outdoor Lovers Meetup Group

Haymarket, VA

Welcome to our Christian Intergenerational Outdoor Activity Group! We are a community of believers who are passionate about connecting with God, nature, and each other through outdoor adventures and fellowship. Our group meets every week after Sunday service to embark on exhilarating hikes, explore the beauty of creation, and engage in meaningful conversations that deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ. This group is open to individuals of all ages who are seeking a closer relationship with like-minded believers. Whether you are young or young-at-heart, a seasoned hiker or a beginner, we invite you to join us as we venture into the great outdoors and grow together in faith. Our gatherings provide a safe and inclusive space for seekers as well. If you are curious about Jesus, exploring the Christian faith, or simply seeking spiritual truth, you are warmly welcome. We encourage open dialogue and offer a supportive environment where you can ask questions, share your journey, and discover the transformative love of Jesus Christ. Here's what you can expect from our Meetup group: Outdoor Adventures: Get ready to lace up your hiking boots, pack your water bottle, and join us on exciting trails and scenic routes. We'll explore the beauty of nature, bask in the wonders of creation, and find solace in the presence of God. Fellowship and Connection: Our group values building authentic relationships and fostering a sense of community. We believe that fellowship is an essential part of our Christian journey. Expect meaningful conversations, shared experiences, and opportunities to grow together in faith. Spiritual Reflection and Inspiration: As we hike through breathtaking landscapes, we'll also take time for spiritual reflection, prayer, and meditation. These moments will allow us to connect with God, draw closer to Him, and gain fresh insights into our faith. Learning and Sharing: We encourage the sharing of testimonies, Bible verses, and personal insights during our hikes. Each member brings a unique perspective, and we value the diverse experiences and wisdom that enrich our group. It's an opportunity to learn from one another and discover new dimensions of faith. Support and Encouragement: Our group is a place of support and encouragement. We walk alongside each other, offering a listening ear, prayer, and encouragement in times of joy or difficulty. Together, we strive to strengthen our relationship with Jesus and grow in our faith journeys. Whether you are seeking adventure, spiritual growth, or a community of believers to journey with, we invite you to join our Christian Intergenerational Outdoor Activity Group. Come as you are, with an open heart and a desire to connect with God and fellow believers. Let's lace up our boots, hit the trails, and experience the transformative power of nature, fellowship, and the love of Jesus Christ together!
62 members · Public

Hike for Beer, VA

Bluemont, VA

Hike for Beer, VA

This group is for anyone interested in hiking longer distances (7+ miles), trips to cool pubs, and hanging out with like-minded individuals! We hike for several hours and then head over to a local brew pub. If you consider yourself an intermediate-skilled hiker, you are welcome to join us! Hike for Beer Next Step is a great combination of fantastic outdoor exercise and fun social interactions. You will be asked to sign a liability waiver on your first hike with the group.

If you feel that you are not quite ready to join us here (beginner-easy/medium skill-level hikers who want hikes under 7 miles in length), but you want to meet us and get to know our members, join our original Meetup group (Hike For Beer) where we seriously know how to have a good time! Most of not all of our leaders and members are involved in both groups! The people in both of our groups include different generations, genders, backgrounds, and cultures and we all bond over hiking and beer, food, wine, chocolate etc... this is a great group of hikers to be part of!

Visit our website!

Meet the Organizers!

Join us on Facebook!

[Quick Note:
Hike at your own risk. This group is simply friends coming together to hike through the woods with each other and then go to brewery's and events afterwards. Please consider your own skill level when deciding which hikes you would like to participate in. If you attend a hike, you should always research the area on your own prior to hiking in order to familiarize yourself with the area and hike difficulty. If at any time during a hike you should be concerned with the trail, the duration of the hike, or your experience level, feel free to stop at any point and walk safely back after letting someone with you know.
Always hike with plenty of water!

And of course, this goes without saying, but must be said: Any time you ever consume alcohol, always drink responsibly, and NEVER drive drunk or impaired. Don't drink and drive, drive with someone who has not been drinking or take an Uber.]

3352 members · Public

MOSS (Mission: Outdoors. Solitude. Service)

Charles Town, WV

MOSS (Mission: Outdoors. Solitude. Service)
Mission  What differentiates MOSS from other outdoor groups?  We not only seek adventure but understand that by getting into wilderness the discovery is spiritual as much as physical.  It is our belief that God can be found at work in creation-that there is something within us that reacts to what can be experienced in the natural world.  For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made...(Romans 1:20 ).  Our mission is to facilitate a connection between our experience in nature with the Creator.  A unique way that this happens is during an intentional period of solitude on each event, called Withdrawal Time.  This is taken from the example Jesus gave us and found in the Gospels and is extremely beneficial for modern people who spend most of their time indoors and a significant amount of time interacting electronically.   Luke 5:16   ...Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.The inspiration for the name MOSS originated during time spent in Glacier Bay, Alaska.  Here, glaciers have advanced and retreated several times and with each advance, the ice (like any other natural disaster) destroys and recreates a landscape.  Slowly, with the help of mosses, lichens and other pioneer species, a complete ecosystem is reborn.   " favorable is this climate for the development of tree seeds and so fully do these trees obey the command to multiply and replenish the earth. No wonder these islands are densely clothed with trees. They grow on solid rocks and logs as well as on fertile soil. The surface is first covered with a plush of mosses in which the seeds germinate; then the interlacing roots form a sod, fallen leaves soon cover their feet, and the young trees, closely crowded together, support each other, and the soil becomes deeper and richer from year to year."      Travels in Alaska, John Muir (1879) MOSS has an intentionally soft approach to ministry that strives to do the hard work of producing good soil as it bridges the reaction people instinctively have nature to who we know as Creator. MOSS activities are adventurous and purposefully challenging.  By pushing ourselves beyond what we think we are capable, we gain physical and mental strength and are able to learn to trust God in a unique way.  WHY OUTDOORS? By intentionally exposing ourselves to experiences that stretch us, we grow in body, mind and spirit.  Physical challenges can be used to represent our real life difficulties.  For instance, if we achieve a goal in the outdoors such as hiking a peak or kayaking beyond what you thought our limit was, strength can be drawn into your life experiences.  With MOSS, there will be opportunities to push yourself physically and the benefits will be reaped in your everyday life.  MOSS is an extension of Shannondale Springs Chapel in Harpers Ferry, WV. ( Contact: Peter P. Petretta 304-283-4628 []( [](
150 members · Public

Winchester Connect “Gay Men’s Group” & Allies

Winchester, VA

Our mission is to create an inclusive and supportive community for LGBTQ+ individuals, fostering friendships, understanding, and empowerment. We aim to provide a space where everyone feels safe to express themselves, celebrate their identities, and engage in social, cultural, and recreational activities. Through connection and collaboration, we strive to promote equality, acceptance, and a sense of belonging within our community. Respect for All: Treat every member with respect and understanding, regardless of their background, identity, or beliefs.Safe Space: Create and maintain a safe environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgment or discrimination.Confidentiality: Respect the privacy of members. Do not share personal information or stories discussed within the group without permission. Open Communication: Encourage open dialogue and active listening. All voices should be heard and valued. No Discrimination: Discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other factor will not be tolerated. Constructive Dialogue: When discussing topics or providing feedback, aim for constructive and positive language to foster growth and understanding. No Solicitation: 1.)Refrain from promoting businesses, events, or services without prior approval from the group organizers. Participation: Members are encouraged to actively participate and engage in group activities, fostering a sense of community. Conflict Resolution: Address conflicts respectfully and privately whenever possible. If needed, mediation from group leaders can be sought.Have Fun: Remember that the primary goal is to enjoy the time spent together. Engage in activities that promote joy and connection!
17 members · Private

Shenandoah Area Secular Humanists (SASH) Chapter of WASH

Front Royal, VA

Shenandoah Area Secular Humanists (SASH) Chapter of WASH

SASH is a chapter of the Washington Area Secular Humanists. Become a Member to support our activities. 

Secular Humanists are distinguished by an emphasis on critical thinking and scientific methods of knowing, promotion of separation of church and state, and a commitment to the pursuit of humanist goals outside of religious frameworks. We are a group for non-theists, atheists, agnostics, doubters, free-thinkers, rationalists, skeptics and other like-minded individuals who are interested in exploring what it means to be "Good Without God". The main focus of the group is to build a sense of community for the "Nones" in the Shenandoah region through discussion groups, lectures, social activities and family-friendly events, as well as promoting a spirit of volunteerism and giving back to the community. There's no cost to join. Most of our events are free.

We are proud to be a Chapter of the Washington Area Secular Humanists (WASH). For more information on our parent organization visit our website at

112 members · Public

Abhyasa Ashram Antar (Inner) Yoga

The Plains, VA

Abhyasa Ashram Antar (Inner) Yoga

Abhyasa Ashram is a place of the heart rather than a physical structure. We practice universal meditation as taught by the ancient tradition of yogis of the cave monasteries of the Himalayas, especially as transmitted through the lineage of Swami Rama. Our emphasis is on Antar (inner) yoga, rather than Bahir (outer) yoga. Swami Rama: "The central teaching of Yoga is that man's true nature is divine, perfect, and infinite." The tradition has no name, and is not affiliated with any of the institutions or religions of the plains of India or other countries surrounding the Himalayas, although individual meditators may personally align themselves with a wide variety of religions or institutions. We may refer to the tradition as "the tradition of the Himalayan masters" or "the Himalayan tradition", but that is for the sake of convenience, and is not a style or brand name as is popular these days.

Our methods of meditation and contemplation involve systematic awareness of all levels of our being, including actions/senses, body, breath, mind, finally resting in the awareness of the Self (atman) which is one with the universal Self (brahman). At Abhyasa Ashram we wish for aspirant learning, not teacher training, although many of our friends are registered as teachers through Yoga Alliance. Our approach to training is mostly individual mentoring, as Yoga meditation and contemplation has been traditionally taught for thousands of years. 

The basic principles and practices of Yoga (Meditation and Contemplation) can be learned in a few minutes, but the refinement of understanding and practices becomes subtle only with considerable months and years of effort. For this reason, the people of our ashram community enjoy being together in a spirit of friendship to learn and practice.

From the perspective of our meditation tradition, each person is perfect, pure consciousness (atman, purusha, shakti) at the core of her or his being. The entire process of yoga sadhana (meditation and contemplation practices) is to reduce the colorings of attractions, aversions, fears, and false identities that usually veil that realization (often called Self-realization). This is done by systematically receding inward through senses, body, breath, conscious and unconscious mind. The final barrier is removed through a transmission of grace, which is known as shaktipata, the bestowing of the pure consciousness of shakti. It is also known as guru kripa, grace of guru. In our tradition guru is a force field of consciousness, and is not any person, although that grace of guru can flow through a person.

At Abhyasa Ashram the word "Yoga" is used in its traditional meaning, rather than the revisionist meaning of Yoga as merely a gymnastic or physical fitness program. Yoga means “union” of the individual consciousness and universal consciousness, Atman and Brahman, Jivatman and Paramatman, as well as Shiva and Shakti. It is pure consciousness (Purusha) standing alone from primal manifestation (Prakriti).

Yoga is traditionally taught, practiced and learned through close relationships in a community of noble friends, sometimes known as kalyana-mitra. Guru is a stream of knowledge of direct experience which, though it may operate through a person, is itself not a person. While some participants in ashram activities have a theistic (god) orientation and others a non-theistic orientation, we virtually all intuit that there is only one, nondual (advaita), absolute reality even though it may appear to be dualistic.

Our purpose is to share with people who have an interest in the principles and practices of the Himalayan masters, including traditional Yoga Meditation, Vedanta, and internal, meditative Tantra. Our community of meditation and contemplation is devoted to serving those who deeply long for the direct experience of union with the eternal, pure center of consciousness, the bliss of being that is one with the absolute reality, as the wave who seeks to remember it is one with the ocean. One word for that union is "Yoga."

The word "Abhyasa" means "practices." Abhyasa is purposefully choosing to do that which leads to "sthitau," which is a stable, steady, undisturbed inner calmness or tranquility. Abhyasa is one of the twin foundations of Yoga, along with Vairagya, the mental stance of non-attachment (Yoga Sutras 1.12-1.16). The root of the word Ashram is "shrama," which means "effort" or "striving." The hermitage, home, or training center of a swami or other person practicing and serving others on their journey is often called an Ashram. Thus, our community of meditation, contemplation and learning is known as Abhyasa Ashram. It is a place of the heart, an inner sanctuary of silence, rather than a physical location or building. Teaching and learning happens in a spirit of friendship of community and conversation, most often called satsang.

Our ashram is a small community of sincere and loving people, who live in many cities, states, and countries around the world. If you would like to see what we're doing, please take a look at the calendar (linked in the left column) or contact me through the "Contact Us" button if you have questions. Take a look at the ashram website, or my personal website on principles and practices, which are linked just below. You may find the video site to be especially beneficial. Many of our activities are online. Join us/me if you would like to learn and practice.

May your meditations today bring you peace, happiness, and bliss.

In loving service,

Swami Jnaneshvara ("Swamiji", "Swami J")


Ashram Website:
Online courses: 
Swami J Website on Principles/Practices:
Our video site (1,000+ videos) is at:

Click on "Join" to subscribe.

1064 members · Public

GRID Shenandoah Valley

Front Royal, VA

GRID Shenandoah Valley
Welcome to GRID! **GRID Shenandoah Valley is a real estate community built by investors for investors.** We are a group of real people doing real deals. Our core mission is to connect to, learn from, and collaborate with like-minded people interested in **building wealth and creating impact** through real estate. **We welcome investors of all experience levels.** We are life-long learners and believe everyone has value to share. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ **How it works** We meet once a month, 12 months a year, on the same day, week, and time of the month. Each month we cover a different investing topic in the Lifecycle of an Investor—ranging from wholesaling to rehabbing to becoming a bank through private lending. **Our meetings are not sales pitches.** They are opportunities for us to dive deep into a real estate topic, connect with local experts in our marketplace, and build long-term relationships with other doers and deal-makers. All of our events are 100% FREE. [Learn more about us at]( ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ **Join the GRID Facebook Community online 3K+** []( ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ **Did you miss it?** [Watch all GRID event playback on YouTube]( ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ **Your GRID Leadership** GRID Shenandoah Valley is led by Mike Cappello, Amanda Slate, Jenn Bond and Gage Wilson. **About Mike** Mike is a recent convert to a full-time professional real estate investor. As a serial entrepreneur, he has extensive experience in building and cultivating small businesses including but not limited to marketing activities, business development, sales, and operations. While he has always been interested in and involved in real estate and interior/exterior home renovation and design. Mike began his journey in real estate full-time in 2020 when he got his license and became an investor agent with The CAZA Group. Since that time, he has shifted focus to full-time real estate investor and is currently building Sell Simpli, LLC, an investing/ wholesaling business in the Shenandoah Valley. His passion for the outdoors and ability to see potential where others may not have helped him on his way to building a portfolio of short-term rental properties in Shenandoah. He also enjoys helping other like-minded individuals do the same! [Connect with Mike]( **About Amanda** With 20 years of experience in real estate, Amanda Slate finds her passion in helping people call the top of Virginia their home just as she has. Having roots in Front Royal, and growing up not far away in Winchester, She now lives on her slice of heaven in the Shenandoah Valley, where her and her family take care of their chickens and goats on their mini farm. Building her first home when she was 19 she enjoys the smell of fresh paint and developing land. Amanda is dedicated to her community by sponsoring public school and organizational events, networking with and supporting local businesses, as well as participating as President of Warren County Habitat for Humanity. Further highlighting her dedication to real estate and bettering the place she calls home, Amanda has received the Presidents Award from the Blue Ridge Association of Realtors and the Community Service Award as well. Not only does Amanda have the desire to assist in making the surrounding community an inviting space to live, she also has intimate knowledge of the area to find and suggest just the right spots for her clientele experiencing any circumstance. [Connect with Amanda]( **About Gage** Gage has been involved in the industry since the 1990s, progressing through various roles from laborer to lead, residential construction manager to project manager, and eventually transitioning into commercial hospitality management. He served as the Director of Logistics for a hospitality firm, where he was instrumental in opening 5-star hotels internationally. In the past six years, Gage has returned to his roots in Virginia, where he has been dedicated to shaping The Envision Group into an investor-minded service entity. Gage and his wife, Jessica, have embarked on a mission to create a better life for themselves and those around them. Together, they run family-owned businesses and operate a non-profit animal rescue, enjoying the growth and fulfillment this journey brings. [Connect with Gage]( About Jenn Bond **Jenn’s passion for real estate and entrepreneurship fuels her journey of revitalizing properties one by one.** From purchasing her first home in Front Royal over 20 years ago to transforming diverse spaces like an old police station, a parking garage, and abandoned homes, she is dedicated to enhancing the beauty of Warren County with each project she undertakes. Jenn is on the Board of Directors for four Front Royal, VA-based companies. With decades of experience as a landlord, with both residential and commercial properties, Jenn deeply understsands the complexities of real estate and business. Jenn’s mission in forming Five15 Properties is to assist everyday individuals in overcoming their real estate challenges, no matter how daunting they may appear. Whether facing foreclosure, tax issues, repairs, inheritance concerns, or a variety of other circumstances, she takes pride in crafting mutually beneficial solutions for her clients… and can help you do the same! Naming her business after her and her husband JB’s May 15th wedding date it represents the love and passion she pours into her work every day. When not involved in real estate Jenn can be found taking care of all her chickens, kayaking on the Shenandoah, hiking on the Appalachian Trail, and enjoying all that the Shenandoah Valley has to offer. [Connect with Jenn]( ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ **Our Partners** **SellSimpli** SellSimpli provides options for selling your Front Royal home. We buy houses with No listing fees, no agent commissions, and a quick and hassle-free closing process. You won’t have to worry about repairs or renovations. Getting rid of the headache of dealing with an unwanted property is our service to you. [Learn more about SellSimpli]( **Envision Interiors** [Envision Interiors]( is our material retail store, enabling us access to every material needed for residential construction.  As well as interior design, furnishings and, staging. Envision Homes is my class A contracting firm. We specialize in renovations, new construction, development and high end kitchens & baths. We work with investors with new builds, flipping, as well as short, mid and long term rentals. From conception to completion, Our services encompass full turn key ability to guarantee a seamless experience. We are structured for growth and focused on becoming the best in our field for our community. [Learn more about Envision Partners]( **Five15 Properties** [Five15 Properties]( is a real estate solutions company based out of Linden. They focus on helping homeowners find win-win solutions for their problem whether they’re going through a foreclosure, pre-foreclosure, can’t sell their property, have put off the necessary repairs, owe back taxes, or just need to sell their house quickly for any reason at all. [Learn more about Five15 Properties →](
161 members · Public

Leesburg Tennis Outdoors Meetup

Leesburg, VA

Leesburg Tennis Outdoors Meetup

The RJ TENNIS BOOT CAMP® adult tennis program is for all levels of play: Beginners to the 5.0 USTA player. When I was first getting into tennis as an adult I didn't know of all the options that were available for me to play tennis. As for tennis during the winter and rainy spring months, I thought indoor tennis was out of the question. I didn't know that you didn't have to join a club to be able to participate in any of the tennis clinics. Back when smoke signals was the form of communication from one location to another, I didn't know of all the great opportunities to play tennis at various locations. MEETUP is a great way for tennis players of all abilities to find opportunities to play. There are great MEETUP clubs on this platform. 

If you have been looking for a place to play some invigorating tennis and to work on growing your tennis game, may I encourage you to give the RJ TENNIS BOOT CAMP® adult tennis program a try.  Membership is not required to participate in any of the drop in clinics. There are member/non-member clinic fees to participate in all of the RJT clinics. 

If you have never done the RJT class before or if it has been sometime since you have done the class, please ask to get onto the RJT emailing list so that you can keep up to date with the schedule of classes.  And when your schedule allows, please email me to see if there is availability for you to drop in.

I look forward to the opportunity to serve you.


108 members · Public

Français Finesse - French Conversation Group

Leesburg, VA

Français Finesse - French Conversation Group
**Bonjour et bienvenue à Français Finesse! Hello and welcome to Français Finesse!** We are a passionate and diverse community of French language enthusiasts who come together to immerse ourselves in the beauty of the French language and culture. Whether you're a fluent speaker, just starting to learn, or somewhere in between, our group provides a friendly, safe, and supportive environment for all levels. **What We Do:** * Casual Conversations: Engage in lively and casual conversations to practice and improve your French speaking skills. * Themed Discussions: Explore various topics, from culture and arts to travel and everyday life, in themed discussions to broaden your vocabulary and understanding. **Where and When:** Check our meetup schedule for upcoming events and join us for an enjoyable time en Français! **Who Should Join:** * French language learners of all levels * Francophones looking to connect with like-minded individuals * Those who want to practice and improve their conversational French speaking skills in a relaxed and supportive setting * Everyone is welcome to join us, as long as you are friendly too. **Why Join?** * Community: Connect with fellow Francophiles who share your passion for the French language and culture. * Practice: Improve your French speaking skills through engaging conversations and activities. * Fun: Enjoy a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere where learning is both educational and entertaining. **Join Us Today!**
 Whether you're a native French speaker, a fluent speaker, or just starting your French journey, we invite you to join Français Finesse! Embrace the joy of speaking French in a welcoming community. **Affiliates** 🇫🇷✨Français Finesse🇫🇷✨ is delighted to announce our partnership with Colibrí Tutoring! Come visit [Colibri Tutoring's Facebook page]( to explore their offerings and sign up for a free 30 minute trial lesson! As a member of the ✨Français Finesse✨ group on Meetup, you also receive 25% off your first class. Get ready for the next part of your #languagejourney with Colibrí Tutoring as your guide! Feel free to join this meetup's private Facebook group for all things Francophone! []( \*Our Meetup operates on a tip-supported basis, and if you wish to contribute, we would truly appreciate it. If you're interested in making a donation, please visit our PayPal link: []( ✨🇫🇷✨Merci beaucoup! À bientôt! (See you soon!) ^_^
727 members · Public