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Goddess School, Coventry of Healing Arts and Pagan Studies

Dumfries, VA

Goddess School, Coventry of Healing Arts and Pagan Studies

Merry Meet!


Due to these unprecedented times, all face to face classes and meetings have been canceled.

I was hoping to start again in June, however, I do not see that happening as yet.

I do offer online classes and you may find these offerings here:

Please take care and feel free to email me:

I do hope I can answer some of your questions on our Priestess training program and community, please feel free to try all of the links, read the material and e-mail me back. 

There is an application link at the bottom of this page.

1. We do not teach Wicca or any other religion, but honor all paths of the women who come to us.

2. We offer you a foundation for your path and a fantastic support system, for those just starting out or those that have been on the path for a life time.

3. There are no time limits and I do not push you to rush through the lessons.

4. The texts that we use are not included, you may purchase them from any source, new or used.

Shamanism refers to a range of traditional beliefs and practices concerned with communication with the spirit world. The feminine form of the word is not "shamaness"
but "shamanka", however, here we will use the word "Priestess".

Healing, creating, gathering and growing food, keeping communities in balance, presiding over ceremonies and rites of passage,
maintaining relations with the dead, teaching, ministering to those in need, communing with nature to learn her secrets,
preserving the wisdom traditions, divining the future, and dancing with Goddesses-these are shamanic arts. And these are the arts of women.

The Burning Branch, is our part of the "shaman's tree”, an image found in several cultures as a symbol for mediation. 
The tree is seen as a being whose roots belong to the world underneath; its trunk belongs to the middle, human-inhabited world;
and its top is related to the upper world.

The curriculum of Sisters of the Burning Branch, is eclectic, borrowed from the teachings of many paths,
but rooted in Women's Spirituality as it has evolved over the last 30 years.

I will show you how to access the power that you have with-in, this gives you the basis
for any path that you choose to enter. We do much introspection during the first level...
going within...learning techniques to recognize and reclaim.

The teachings here are based on ordinary magick, the principle that the mundane
and the Divine are not separate, but peacefully coexist in all things. But first you
will delve with-in. We work from the inside out. 

 I  do ask for a commitment from you for this course, it is a year and a day
(thirteen months) and in that time period you will reach three levels/degrees.
A fourth level, High Priestess is available for those that wish to dedicate herself
further to the Goddess.

A little about me...I am the head and Mother High Priestess here at Goddess School
(Sisters of the Burning Branch) which I opened in 2000. I am a minister with the Metaphysical Interfaith Church,
and past staff member of the Esoteric Theological Seminary; Doctorate in Theology and Divination;
Reiki Master; Lifetime Member of Herbal Healer Academy, Inc.

Please feel free to review the lesson feedback from some of my High Priestesses.

All of the lessons are on line... I will send you the URL for one lesson a week.
I suggest you print them off. You can either e-mail your lesson response (quickest)
or mail it via U.S. Postal Service. That process will be much longer how ever.

You send your lessons to me directly, I personally give you lesson support and feedback.
It is your choice to share them with the group. We have a very active on-line community at Yahoo,
where we share support from our sisters, post our lessons after feedback is given and generally get
to know each other.

We have face to face gatherings (retreats) twice a year (or more), as well as monthly circles.
Retreats, circles and gatherings are entirely optional.

Paying your tuition:

The fee per level is $120. You may pay by credit card or e-check (through PayPal only).
There is a tuition payment plan available for those in need of it. $30 - US per 4 weeks of
lessons, this works out to about one payment per month. Money Orders are also accepted.
Students must also buy approximately three textbooks for each course level.

Tuition covers online lessons and assignments, instructor evaluation and feedback, discussion,
as well as support from other students. In addition, students will receive some course materials
through the mail, downloadable guided meditations and exercises free of charge. Any other materials
needed should be readily available around your house. No expensive tools are needed!


Frequently Asked Questions

This school offers a 4 Part Curriculum:

Level I The Foundation (4 months)
Level II The Temple (4 months)
Level III The All (5 months)
Level IV - High Priestess (3 months)

The entire course takes 16 months to complete (all four levels), although
students are welcome to work at their own pace, at no extra cost. (Students
are required to complete at least one lesson per month or they may be placed
on inactive status and eventually disenrolled.) Lessons include short daily
assignments, longer weekly assignments, and end-of-level assignments,
so it is usually not possible to work through the course faster than this.

The course is intensive, in order to give it your best, I would suggest not
doing other "spiritually intensive" courses at the same time. So, I must ask
for your commitment to the entire course. This includes sending in a weekly
lesson, etc.

Goddess Studies (I*, II, III)
Creating Sacred Space (I*, II, III)
Making Ritual (I*, II, III)
Meditation (I, II*, III)
Energy Work (I, II*, III)
Divination (II*, III)
Dream Work (II, III*)
Astral Work (II, III*)
Healing (II, III*)
Ordinary Magick (II, III*)
High Priestess Work (Level IV)

I = Level I
II = Level II
III = Level III
IV - Level IV
* denotes a strong emphasis

Students must satisfactorily complete all of the assignments in order to receive course certificates.
Levels II & III include some elective course offerings (students may choose what to study).
The following completion certificates are given at the end of each level:

Level I Initiate of Sisters of the Burning Branch, white cord
Level II Adept of the Sisters of the Burning Branch, red cord
Level III Priestess of the Sisters of the Burning Branch, black cord
Level IV High Priestess, Sisters of the Burning Branch, green cord

We also have a special Order of the Crone for those 40 and over.

Ceremonial Cords and framable Completion Certificates are awarded at no
extra cost to those completing each level.

Take a look around at the above links and read the FAQ, then, if you feel
that you can make this commitment, please....

1. Fill out the application.

2. Make payment or payment arrangements.

3. Purchase the first three books.

Honoring the July Goddess ~ Sol

Sol comes to us from Norse mythology. She is one of the few solar goddesses that we know about. She was honored as a goddess of protection and victory. She was also known as a healer.

Her birth created the distinction between day and night. Her brother is Mani, the moon. Sol and Mani's father names them after the sun and the moon, respectively. As punishment, each was tasked with pulling a chariot for their namesake across the sky while being chased by the wolf Skoll. When Skoll got close to the sun chariot, to nip at the heels of Sol, we experienced a solar eclipse.

Sol, to protect the waters from being engulfed in flames, would place her shield between her chariot and the earth. She reigns supreme for 10 weeks, in the "Land of the Midnight Sun."

Sol is honored each week on Sunday (Sunnudagr), leading me to believe she was more revered than surviving text indicate.

To honor Sol, take some time to enjoy her radiant beauty. A walk by a body of water would be fitting. Or take the time to go through a round of Sun Salutations.

Sources: Goddess 365


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