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Outdoor activities groups near Warrenton, VA

Haymarket Outdoor Lovers Meetup Group

Haymarket, VA

Welcome to our Christian Intergenerational Outdoor Activity Group! We are a community of believers who are passionate about connecting with God, nature, and each other through outdoor adventures and fellowship. Our group meets every week after Sunday service to embark on exhilarating hikes, explore the beauty of creation, and engage in meaningful conversations that deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ. This group is open to individuals of all ages who are seeking a closer relationship with like-minded believers. Whether you are young or young-at-heart, a seasoned hiker or a beginner, we invite you to join us as we venture into the great outdoors and grow together in faith. Our gatherings provide a safe and inclusive space for seekers as well. If you are curious about Jesus, exploring the Christian faith, or simply seeking spiritual truth, you are warmly welcome. We encourage open dialogue and offer a supportive environment where you can ask questions, share your journey, and discover the transformative love of Jesus Christ. Here's what you can expect from our Meetup group: Outdoor Adventures: Get ready to lace up your hiking boots, pack your water bottle, and join us on exciting trails and scenic routes. We'll explore the beauty of nature, bask in the wonders of creation, and find solace in the presence of God. Fellowship and Connection: Our group values building authentic relationships and fostering a sense of community. We believe that fellowship is an essential part of our Christian journey. Expect meaningful conversations, shared experiences, and opportunities to grow together in faith. Spiritual Reflection and Inspiration: As we hike through breathtaking landscapes, we'll also take time for spiritual reflection, prayer, and meditation. These moments will allow us to connect with God, draw closer to Him, and gain fresh insights into our faith. Learning and Sharing: We encourage the sharing of testimonies, Bible verses, and personal insights during our hikes. Each member brings a unique perspective, and we value the diverse experiences and wisdom that enrich our group. It's an opportunity to learn from one another and discover new dimensions of faith. Support and Encouragement: Our group is a place of support and encouragement. We walk alongside each other, offering a listening ear, prayer, and encouragement in times of joy or difficulty. Together, we strive to strengthen our relationship with Jesus and grow in our faith journeys. Whether you are seeking adventure, spiritual growth, or a community of believers to journey with, we invite you to join our Christian Intergenerational Outdoor Activity Group. Come as you are, with an open heart and a desire to connect with God and fellow believers. Let's lace up our boots, hit the trails, and experience the transformative power of nature, fellowship, and the love of Jesus Christ together!
62 members · Public

Blue Mountain Hiking Club

Gainesville, VA

Blue Mountain Hiking Club
We love the Great Outdoors and explore it through many different hikes, backpacking tours and skiing events.  Join us on the trails in the mountains, the forests and the woods. Breathe deeply of the fresh air and feel nature's healing powers.  With easy banter, camaraderie, some socializing over food and drink, all in our world will be ok.  We value fellowship and camaraderie, practice good hiking etiquette by taking breaks as necessary, and have one guide in front with a "sweeper" in the back in order to leave no hiker alone. We are very supportive of each other, focus on trail safety and practice Leave No Trace ethics. Prospective members must confirm they have read the [BMHC Etiquette]( before being accepted into the club. Blue Mountain Hiking Club Organizers are not professional guides. Expect the same risks and take the same precautions you would take if you were hiking alone. With your RSVP you agree with the following. **DISCLAIMER/Liability Waiver**: The Blue Mountain Hiking Club (BMHC) and its Leaders and Organizers/Participants do not take responsibility for any harm, bodily injury, accidents, or damage to personal property. By clicking “Attend” you are confirming that you understand that all outdoor activity such as hiking, backpacking, and trekking have an associated danger, and you will not hold any hike leader/organizer, participant, BMHC member, or any group associated pet responsible for any hazard to your well being. You are fully responsible for yourself  and any person under the age of eighteen  you bring with you on any hike or event.
778 members · Public

Abhyasa Ashram Antar (Inner) Yoga

The Plains, VA

Abhyasa Ashram Antar (Inner) Yoga

Abhyasa Ashram is a place of the heart rather than a physical structure. We practice universal meditation as taught by the ancient tradition of yogis of the cave monasteries of the Himalayas, especially as transmitted through the lineage of Swami Rama. Our emphasis is on Antar (inner) yoga, rather than Bahir (outer) yoga. Swami Rama: "The central teaching of Yoga is that man's true nature is divine, perfect, and infinite." The tradition has no name, and is not affiliated with any of the institutions or religions of the plains of India or other countries surrounding the Himalayas, although individual meditators may personally align themselves with a wide variety of religions or institutions. We may refer to the tradition as "the tradition of the Himalayan masters" or "the Himalayan tradition", but that is for the sake of convenience, and is not a style or brand name as is popular these days.

Our methods of meditation and contemplation involve systematic awareness of all levels of our being, including actions/senses, body, breath, mind, finally resting in the awareness of the Self (atman) which is one with the universal Self (brahman). At Abhyasa Ashram we wish for aspirant learning, not teacher training, although many of our friends are registered as teachers through Yoga Alliance. Our approach to training is mostly individual mentoring, as Yoga meditation and contemplation has been traditionally taught for thousands of years. 

The basic principles and practices of Yoga (Meditation and Contemplation) can be learned in a few minutes, but the refinement of understanding and practices becomes subtle only with considerable months and years of effort. For this reason, the people of our ashram community enjoy being together in a spirit of friendship to learn and practice.

From the perspective of our meditation tradition, each person is perfect, pure consciousness (atman, purusha, shakti) at the core of her or his being. The entire process of yoga sadhana (meditation and contemplation practices) is to reduce the colorings of attractions, aversions, fears, and false identities that usually veil that realization (often called Self-realization). This is done by systematically receding inward through senses, body, breath, conscious and unconscious mind. The final barrier is removed through a transmission of grace, which is known as shaktipata, the bestowing of the pure consciousness of shakti. It is also known as guru kripa, grace of guru. In our tradition guru is a force field of consciousness, and is not any person, although that grace of guru can flow through a person.

At Abhyasa Ashram the word "Yoga" is used in its traditional meaning, rather than the revisionist meaning of Yoga as merely a gymnastic or physical fitness program. Yoga means “union” of the individual consciousness and universal consciousness, Atman and Brahman, Jivatman and Paramatman, as well as Shiva and Shakti. It is pure consciousness (Purusha) standing alone from primal manifestation (Prakriti).

Yoga is traditionally taught, practiced and learned through close relationships in a community of noble friends, sometimes known as kalyana-mitra. Guru is a stream of knowledge of direct experience which, though it may operate through a person, is itself not a person. While some participants in ashram activities have a theistic (god) orientation and others a non-theistic orientation, we virtually all intuit that there is only one, nondual (advaita), absolute reality even though it may appear to be dualistic.

Our purpose is to share with people who have an interest in the principles and practices of the Himalayan masters, including traditional Yoga Meditation, Vedanta, and internal, meditative Tantra. Our community of meditation and contemplation is devoted to serving those who deeply long for the direct experience of union with the eternal, pure center of consciousness, the bliss of being that is one with the absolute reality, as the wave who seeks to remember it is one with the ocean. One word for that union is "Yoga."

The word "Abhyasa" means "practices." Abhyasa is purposefully choosing to do that which leads to "sthitau," which is a stable, steady, undisturbed inner calmness or tranquility. Abhyasa is one of the twin foundations of Yoga, along with Vairagya, the mental stance of non-attachment (Yoga Sutras 1.12-1.16). The root of the word Ashram is "shrama," which means "effort" or "striving." The hermitage, home, or training center of a swami or other person practicing and serving others on their journey is often called an Ashram. Thus, our community of meditation, contemplation and learning is known as Abhyasa Ashram. It is a place of the heart, an inner sanctuary of silence, rather than a physical location or building. Teaching and learning happens in a spirit of friendship of community and conversation, most often called satsang.

Our ashram is a small community of sincere and loving people, who live in many cities, states, and countries around the world. If you would like to see what we're doing, please take a look at the calendar (linked in the left column) or contact me through the "Contact Us" button if you have questions. Take a look at the ashram website, or my personal website on principles and practices, which are linked just below. You may find the video site to be especially beneficial. Many of our activities are online. Join us/me if you would like to learn and practice.

May your meditations today bring you peace, happiness, and bliss.

In loving service,

Swami Jnaneshvara ("Swamiji", "Swami J")


Ashram Website:
Online courses: 
Swami J Website on Principles/Practices:
Our video site (1,000+ videos) is at:

Click on "Join" to subscribe.

1064 members · Public

Divine Collaborative

Haymarket, VA

Divine Collaborative
Welcome to The Divine Collaborative, a sacred space where the mystical meets the mundane, and where extraordinary women like you gather to explore the realms of spirituality, intuition, and self-discovery. 🌟 Are you intrigued by the mysteries of the universe? 🔮 Do you yearn to unlock your hidden intuitive gifts? 🐾 Are you curious about the unspoken language of animals? If any of these resonate with you, then you've discovered your tribe! 🌸 Our community is a sanctuary for women who are passionate about: \- Spirituality: Embark on a journey to uncover the profound wisdom of your inner self\. \- Meditation: Find serenity in the depths of your own consciousness\. \- Sound Healing: Experience the transformative power of vibrational therapy\. \- Crystals: Harness the energy of these ancient Earth treasures\. \- Oracle and Tarot Cards: Learn to decipher the messages of the universe\. But that's just the beginning! Our vibrant sisterhood offers a rich tapestry of activities and classes every month, both in-person and online: 🎨 \*\*Intuitive Painting\*\*: Express your soul's deepest insights through art. 🍷 \*\*Wine Tasting\*\*: Sip, savor, and celebrate life's divine pleasures. 🃏 \*\*Oracle Card Readings\*\*: Dive into the wisdom of the cards to illuminate your path. 🎶 \*\*Sound Healings\*\*: Harmonize your spirit with the rhythms of the cosmos. ... and so much more! Each gathering is an exquisite blend of enlightening conversations, mouthwatering cuisine, delightful beverages, and heart-centered connections that nurture your mental and spiritual growth. At The Divine Collaborative, we're not just a group; we're a sisterhood of extraordinary women walking a path of authenticity, love, and openness. Our mission is simple yet profound: to nurture, empower, and encourage each other on this journey called life. Join us and step into a world where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary, and where deep connections and spiritual growth become your constant companions. Let's authentically do life together, dear sister. 🌟🌙🔮💖 Are you ready to embrace your divine potential? We can't wait to welcome you into our circle! 🌟🌈🌠 Join us now and awaken your inner mystic!
88 members · Private

Culpeper Dungeons & Dragons 5e - World of Greyhawk

Culpeper, VA

Culpeper Dungeons & Dragons 5e - World of Greyhawk
We're an open-table Dungeons and Dragons group in Culpeper, VA. All players are invited and we hold periodic games where no background plot is necessary so that anyone can just drop in. We want to make it easier to play D&D more often and with less pressure. Any member is welcome to suggest a game and if a DM is available, game on! Characters adventure in a shared world (Greyhawk, Duchy of Urnst). Adventures are primarily location-based, not plot-based, so that there's no pressure for a character to make every session. Most adventuring assignments are issued by a sort-of ‘adventuring academy’ named Keep Resolute just northwest of the town of Kalifane. Membership is not required, but it is the easiest way to be connected to adventuring opportunities. The mysterious ‘Founders’ of Keep Resolute have the honor of having trained some of the most promising adventurers of this generation including: Sir Odo, Krowde Sleifd, and Delim Thord. Active members still on the roster include: Midaj, Groz, Droopy, Mor, Resina, Gyana, Nezitic, Meander, Calder, Milo, Chizu, Symbione, Brogan, Roman, and Calum. [Read this for more about our Open Table philosophy]( The Duchy of Urnst is a safe, prosperous, pleasant land in the central region of Greyhawk. It has temperate weather, bountiful soil, rich mines, a strong army, and few enemies. To an ordinary person, life in the Duchy is quiet and boring - just right. But there are some who will never be content with the quiet life. For seekers of arcane knowledge, hunters of eldritch treasure, agents of influential men lusting for ancient power, hard-driving wealth-winners, or simply those who cannot stomach the idea of peacefully working a farm or store their whole lives, Urnst holds greater things. Just to the south, the evil wizard Rary and his fighter lieutenant Robilar have claimed dominion over the Bright Desert, the first step in their plot to expand the Empire of the Bright Lands. The ancient and unopenable Castle Maure holds wealth beyond telling - for those who can get in. The Delagos caverns - whose upper levels are mined clean, but whose lower levels see few return - are surely full of fell creatures and the secrets they hoard. The wild, barbaric Cairn Hills are rich with mysterious, ancient constructions like the Walking Stone of Eyes, the Choking City, and the Milky Caves - but beware of hillmen, ogres, and worse. The harsh, spiked Abbor-Alz mountains are just the sort of place where the hardest, meanest creatures love to hide their lairs - full of treasure, but also full of creatures! So put down your hoes and sickles, close up your shops, abandon your staid professors! Join Keep Resolute and find your fortunes by the strength of your sword-arm, the sharpness of your mind, the thickness of your spellbook, and the sheer power of your will! Accepting all applicants. Disclaimer: By reading this advertisement, the reader waives all rights to bring suit against The Founders or any agent of Keep Resolute in case of loss of equipment, limb, or life incurred as a result of reading this advertisement or any activity emanating thereof. Any damages incurred on Keep Resolute business are the exclusive liability of the injured party. The Founders strongly advise against breaking the law, digging up graves, entering unexplored caverns, making deals with mysterious strangers, challenging anyone to riddle contests, picking fights with things bigger than you, or any other activity considered “insane” by an ordinary person. The Founders of Keep Resolute make no guarantee of wealth or success for its members, and also note that most materially successful adventurers frequently engage in - at their own risk -  the above “insane activities.”
26 members · Private