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Outdoor activities groups near Harpers Ferry, WV

MOSS (Mission: Outdoors. Solitude. Service)

Charles Town, WV

MOSS (Mission: Outdoors. Solitude. Service)
Mission  What differentiates MOSS from other outdoor groups?  We not only seek adventure but understand that by getting into wilderness the discovery is spiritual as much as physical.  It is our belief that God can be found at work in creation-that there is something within us that reacts to what can be experienced in the natural world.  For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made...(Romans 1:20 ).  Our mission is to facilitate a connection between our experience in nature with the Creator.  A unique way that this happens is during an intentional period of solitude on each event, called Withdrawal Time.  This is taken from the example Jesus gave us and found in the Gospels and is extremely beneficial for modern people who spend most of their time indoors and a significant amount of time interacting electronically.   Luke 5:16   ...Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.The inspiration for the name MOSS originated during time spent in Glacier Bay, Alaska.  Here, glaciers have advanced and retreated several times and with each advance, the ice (like any other natural disaster) destroys and recreates a landscape.  Slowly, with the help of mosses, lichens and other pioneer species, a complete ecosystem is reborn.   " favorable is this climate for the development of tree seeds and so fully do these trees obey the command to multiply and replenish the earth. No wonder these islands are densely clothed with trees. They grow on solid rocks and logs as well as on fertile soil. The surface is first covered with a plush of mosses in which the seeds germinate; then the interlacing roots form a sod, fallen leaves soon cover their feet, and the young trees, closely crowded together, support each other, and the soil becomes deeper and richer from year to year."      Travels in Alaska, John Muir (1879) MOSS has an intentionally soft approach to ministry that strives to do the hard work of producing good soil as it bridges the reaction people instinctively have nature to who we know as Creator. MOSS activities are adventurous and purposefully challenging.  By pushing ourselves beyond what we think we are capable, we gain physical and mental strength and are able to learn to trust God in a unique way.  WHY OUTDOORS? By intentionally exposing ourselves to experiences that stretch us, we grow in body, mind and spirit.  Physical challenges can be used to represent our real life difficulties.  For instance, if we achieve a goal in the outdoors such as hiking a peak or kayaking beyond what you thought our limit was, strength can be drawn into your life experiences.  With MOSS, there will be opportunities to push yourself physically and the benefits will be reaped in your everyday life.  MOSS is an extension of Shannondale Springs Chapel in Harpers Ferry, WV. ( Contact: Peter P. Petretta 304-283-4628 []( [](
150 members · Public

US Hiking & Backpacking Club (US-HBC)

Lovettsville, VA

US Hiking & Backpacking Club (US-HBC)
**Who we are:** US Hiking & Backpacking Club (US-HBC) is an United States based outdoor group led by volunteers. Our mission is to model and contribute to a healthy life-style while leaving an ever-decreasing footprint. US-HBC was founded in 2015 by, then, Washington, DC resident Jin Zhang, a passionate outdoors lover. In 2021 she created another outdoor club, Budget International Travel & Trek Club (BITTC), to focus on outdoor exploration via international travel, hiking and backpacking while making it affordable to most outdoor enthusiasts. The US-HBC promotes and supports both local and national hiking, trail maintenance and watershed cleanup organizations and participates in such volunteer endeavors. **WAIVER** Your participation in any club activity resulting in bodily injury and/or death, and personal and public property damage or losses is your sole responsibility. You are responsible for your own safety, preparedness and mental & physical wellbeing. You need to know your trip-related skill level, experience, physical fitness and medical condition. Event hosts may suggest alternative route to you for the benefit of yourself and the group. You are expected to be fully cooperative. You are solely and fully responsible for any cost or fees accrued to you in case of search, rescue and evacuation involved. Your attendance on any organized event signifies that you have read and accepted the terms of this liability waiver and absolve the US-HBC of any responsibility. **10 Essentials** ([]( **EVENTS**: We focus on hiking, bike-packing, backpacking, kayak/canoe paddling, touring and other activities. **ACTIVITIES** These are the main activities US-HBC plans to have:. Class A: Hiking and Backpacking. Class B: Trip leading related training, skills & certificate classes. Class C: Canoeing, Kayaking, SUP paddling, Swimming and Sailing. Class D: Camping. Class F: Trail maintenance & watershed cleaning voluntary events. Class G: Sightseeing and traveling. Class H: Other events hosted by the Club. Class I: Other events not hosted by US-HBC leaders. Class J: Other events cross posted by other groups. Any success of a group depends on the contribution from all the members. We welcome and encourage all our Club members to participant in leadership by self-learning, training, co-leading and leading trips. It's a great personal growth and leadership skill learning opportunity. **EVENT FEES USAGE** “Pay it forward … according to need.” [MEMBERS & MEMBERSHIP]( (1) Everyone is welcome to join DC-HBC, free of charge. Members are encouraged to learn, to share and to grow through participating in our events. (2) Members are expected to follow [Hiking Etiquette]( and ["Leave No Trace 7 Principles" ]( participating in hiking events. (3) Members should try their best to avoid last minute cancelation or "NO SHOW" to the event they signed up. Unexpected things do happen, please change your RSVP or message the Event Host ASAP.
4653 members · Public

Have You Had a Spiritual Experience? Shepherdstown ECKANKAR

Shepherdstown, WV

Have You Had a Spiritual Experience? Shepherdstown ECKANKAR
280 members · Public

Blue Ridge Transgender Ladies

Boonsboro, MD

Blue Ridge Transgender Ladies

This Is a group for transgender women, cross dressers, and transsexuals to get together together socially in safe, transgender friendly venues.
We have sister groups in Rehoboth beach,Baltimore,Annapolis,Fredericksburg and Washington D.C. that we work very closely with
This is a transgender womens group, we do not accept Admirers or men as members and they are not welcome at our events,wives, husbands and significant others are.This is not a group to join if you are looking to sell your goods or services to our members

Our primary goal is support and empowerment of Transgender woman,here are some of the things that we do


For those just starting out and looking to meet other woman in our group, we hold Beginning Girls Get Togethers in a members home on a Saturday evening. It is an opportunity to meet others in our group, in a safe, privet setting,show up dressed or you may come early and get ready there .There will be a mix of new members and members that have done this for a while, you can get to know some of members in the group so you have a friend when you venture out to our other events.

Beginning girls get togethers are held 1 week before a Social

Chaparone Program:

For ladies new to stepping out, for the first couple times, we offer the Chaprone program. This program pairs new ladies with ladies who are senior members of our group. The senior lady will be at the new ladies side all evening, helping to calm nerves, answer questions and be there to support the new lady.

There is no cost for this service. If you are interested in having a Chaparone for a Social,, or would like more information, please contact Julie De’mon.

Out and About events

This is a very active group socially,there are all kinds of events,Friday at Freddies',Drag shows,Karaoke nights at Shooters,Game night at the Continental Pool Lounge,Movie night,Dinner out,Sunday brunch,live music at JV's restaurant,live bands at transgender friendly places,and we cant forget Wicked Jesable our favorite band and so much more this group is all about going out and being all the woman you can be

The main events for our group are the Hotel Socials
We have Socials every 6 weeks at a major hotel in the D.C.area,basicly we take over the restaurant and lounge for the night,these are our big events,most are theme events,Valentines day,Spring fling,start of Summer,end of Summer,Halloween,and a our big event the Holiday Social,we tipically have between 50 to 80 Ladies attend with the Holiday Social having 100 girls
At all of our SocialS you can have dinner before at the same hotel,it is important to us to have food and theSocial at the same place,its just safer and more conveniant

144 members · Public

Loudoun Photo Club

Leesburg, VA

Loudoun Photo Club
Loudoun Photo Club’s usual meeting schedule is the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month in the season (September – May). See our [schedule for events]( for more detail. Informal meetings during the summer months are usually held on the 4th Thursday of the summer months (July – August). We would LOVE for you to join our group! We are a small group of very active photographers living in the Northern Virginia area. If you are interested in joining our group, please go to and click on the tab that says Join Here. The Loudoun Photo Club Meetup group is closed to Loudoun Photo Club Members only. If you would like to become a member, please visit our webpage (to join) or email us and request to attend a Zoom meeting to check us out before joining. The LPC is a vibrant community of photographers of all levels and interests in the Northern Virginia Area (NOVA). If you have an idea for a field trip, please share it and we will see what we can do to create a MEETUP for you! If you are planning a photography outing and don't mind others joining you, please share it and we will see what we can do to create a MEETUP for you! It DOESN'T have to be planned months in advance... sometimes spontaneous field trips are a good thing and you never know who will show up! Any ideas for fields trips, please submit at with “Fieldtrip Idea” in the subject line. By sending in an RSVP and joining any event hosted by the Loudoun Photo Club, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations (where applicable) of the event location and I am also agreeing to the terms of the following release and waiver of liability, which shall be binding on my heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. In consideration of my (and my guest's) participation in the Loudoun Photo Club event, I do hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless the Organizer, its members, officers, directors, employees and the leader(s) of this event from any and all liability by reason of any damage, loss, expenses, or injury (including permanent disability or death) arising from my (and my guest's) participation in this event, including that caused solely or in part by the negligence of any and all of the above-named parties to the fullest extent permitted by law.
1703 members · Private

Hike for Beer, VA

Bluemont, VA

Hike for Beer, VA

This group is for anyone interested in hiking longer distances (7+ miles), trips to cool pubs, and hanging out with like-minded individuals! We hike for several hours and then head over to a local brew pub. If you consider yourself an intermediate-skilled hiker, you are welcome to join us! Hike for Beer Next Step is a great combination of fantastic outdoor exercise and fun social interactions. You will be asked to sign a liability waiver on your first hike with the group.

If you feel that you are not quite ready to join us here (beginner-easy/medium skill-level hikers who want hikes under 7 miles in length), but you want to meet us and get to know our members, join our original Meetup group (Hike For Beer) where we seriously know how to have a good time! Most of not all of our leaders and members are involved in both groups! The people in both of our groups include different generations, genders, backgrounds, and cultures and we all bond over hiking and beer, food, wine, chocolate etc... this is a great group of hikers to be part of!

Visit our website!

Meet the Organizers!

Join us on Facebook!

[Quick Note:
Hike at your own risk. This group is simply friends coming together to hike through the woods with each other and then go to brewery's and events afterwards. Please consider your own skill level when deciding which hikes you would like to participate in. If you attend a hike, you should always research the area on your own prior to hiking in order to familiarize yourself with the area and hike difficulty. If at any time during a hike you should be concerned with the trail, the duration of the hike, or your experience level, feel free to stop at any point and walk safely back after letting someone with you know.
Always hike with plenty of water!

And of course, this goes without saying, but must be said: Any time you ever consume alcohol, always drink responsibly, and NEVER drive drunk or impaired. Don't drink and drive, drive with someone who has not been drinking or take an Uber.]

3353 members · Public

Leesburg Tennis Outdoors Meetup

Leesburg, VA

Leesburg Tennis Outdoors Meetup

The RJ TENNIS BOOT CAMP® adult tennis program is for all levels of play: Beginners to the 5.0 USTA player. When I was first getting into tennis as an adult I didn't know of all the options that were available for me to play tennis. As for tennis during the winter and rainy spring months, I thought indoor tennis was out of the question. I didn't know that you didn't have to join a club to be able to participate in any of the tennis clinics. Back when smoke signals was the form of communication from one location to another, I didn't know of all the great opportunities to play tennis at various locations. MEETUP is a great way for tennis players of all abilities to find opportunities to play. There are great MEETUP clubs on this platform. 

If you have been looking for a place to play some invigorating tennis and to work on growing your tennis game, may I encourage you to give the RJ TENNIS BOOT CAMP® adult tennis program a try.  Membership is not required to participate in any of the drop in clinics. There are member/non-member clinic fees to participate in all of the RJT clinics. 

If you have never done the RJT class before or if it has been sometime since you have done the class, please ask to get onto the RJT emailing list so that you can keep up to date with the schedule of classes.  And when your schedule allows, please email me to see if there is availability for you to drop in.

I look forward to the opportunity to serve you.


108 members · Public