Group name:FiveB Social Softball
New Group
Group name:#1 New York Shyness and Social Anxiety Meetup Group
Group name:Global Friendship Community
Group name:Open Diner: Connect and Be Heard
Group name:Social Mingling NYC
Group name:Loneliness Support
Group name:Greater NYC and Long Island social Fun
Group name:Talk to Strangers Philadelphia
Group name:Awkward to Awesome: Confidence for the Socially Awkward
Group name:MNP: Meet New People
Group name:Talk to Strangers NYC
Group name:Talk to Strangers Brooklyn
Group name:True Potential Toastmasters
Group name:North Jersey Language Group Exchange
Group name:New York Practice Public Speaking Meetup Group
Group name:Montclair Eat, Drink, and speak Spanish with native speaker
Group name:NJ Christian Singles
Group name:Polyglot Language Meetup
Group name:Positive Vibe
Group name:English Language Practice in New York