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Sports & Hobbies groups near Calgary, AB

The Calgary Black Connection

Calgary, AB

The Calgary Black Connection

Hello Newcomers;

Welcome to the Calgary Black Connection Group. The purpose of this group is to be a central-hub for all members of the Afro-descents family; namely Africans; Afro-Caribbeans; Afro-Latins; Afro-Americans; and Afro-Brazilians! HOWEVER THIS IS NOT A BLACK EXCLUSIVE GROUP AT ALL; FEEL FREE TO JOIN IN ANY OF OUR ACTIVITIES IF YOU HAVE INTEREST OR WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE VARIETIES OF CULTURES MENTIONED EARLIER. 

Lets get together; network; go out for events; and get to know each other. Members are free to create any event to that effect or host talks you feel relevant and constructive to the group. 

We are meeting on various occasions on this group for a variety of events; also just keep an eye on our sister meetup group that is mainly for professional gatherings!

RULES: No Rude Comments; No Bigotry; No Racial nor Religious Bashing. No Un-constructive Over-negative Victimization...Positive and Uplifting Ideas; Cooperation; Strategies; Legacy; Fun Activities are Welcomed!! 

You might find your Doctor; Lawyer; Babysitter; Dance Night; Restaurant; Church; or simply some new Friends here. 

PS: Join our whatsApps group for live interaction with members. 

TXT 4o3 6o4 5734; Name; Country of Origin; Profession; Hobbies to be added to our WhatsApp Group

In case our texting is too have an option to mute the group for 8hr.

....Welcome on board!

1414 members · Public

The Calgary Latin Connection

Calgary, AB

The Calgary Latin Connection
Bonjour/Hola/Oi/Ciao. Anyone Speaking; Learning; Practicing; or Exchanging any of the LATIN LANGUAGES is welcomed. We promote anything FRENCH, SPANISH, PORTUGUESE, ITALIAN in Calgary. Why? See the LATIN CONNECTION for yourself: # 💥 We will also give you tips to improve these languages or you can also befriend people with the language you want to learn in an exchange for the language you can teach them. All of this formally or informally. Our representatives and members are inclusive and include all members of the Broader Latin Language Speaking Family; # 💥 FRENCH: Franco-Europeans; Franco-Canadians; Franco-Africans; Franco-Middle-Easterners; Franco-Caribbeans and everyone Learning FRENCH as a 2ND Language. SPANISH: Spaniards; Latin-Americans; Afro-Latin; Afro-Caribbean; and everyone Learning SPANISH as a 2ND Language. PORTUGUESE: Portuguese; Brazilians; PALOP Portuguese Speaking countries as well as everyone Learning PORTUGUESE as a 2ND Language. ITALIAN: Italians; and everyone Learning ITALIAN as a 2ND Language. # 💥 All levels are welcome. For easier interaction with other members of the group; txt your name; origins; hobbies and profession @4o3 6o4 5734 Code: CLC so we can add you to our chat online group. # 💥 We have a strong set of interactive activities that will help you feel these Cultures real life via conversations; meet ups; dance, outings, and outdoors activities. We believe that it is through an interactive environment along with native speakers and non-native speakers alike that you will absorb both cultures and languages faster. # 💥 Like: []( For most of our dancing activities! Join us on online chat if you wish Txt/Call 💥4o3 6o4 5734 Latin Connection Team!
2606 members · Public

Calgary's Pursuit of Happiness Club

Calgary, AB

Calgary's Pursuit of Happiness Club
The Heartiest of Welcomes to you from the Calgary's Pursuit Of Happiness Club. Calgary's Pursuit Of Happiness Club has one objective in mind: To bring together people, singles and couples, of all ages (18+), races, backgrounds, religions,  genders and orientations with the purpose of doing the one thing we want most, pursuing happiness in whatever form that may take. Whether it be going bowling for the evening, hiking the incredible mountains in our own back yard, playing wallyball, (yes, that is a, dancing, clubbing, socializing, dining, music bingo, pool, rafting, kayaking, or paddleboarding. The activities are as diverse as the country we live in. It's all about creating a fun. Calgary's Pursuit Of Happiness Club is not a group of strangers, just a group of friends we haven't met yet. We are always open to new ideas for activities or events. We are so fortunate to live in a country and society where we have the opportunity to do so many interesting and diverse things that makes our lives all that much more fulfilling. We are non-profit. All of our events do not include admin or meetup fees.  However, you are still responsible for (if necessary) purchasing event tickets, event entry/rental fees, facility cover charges, cost of food and drinks, etc. for the event itself. Organizers will post what the mandatory costs of the event are. If you, you and your partner or you and your family are new to this great city, post a message on our board and let us know. If you have a question, let us know. So join us. Say hi to your organizers as we all embark on the journey to Pursue  Happiness in all of it's many forms. General group rules: 1. You must provide a recognizable profile photo of yourself only. No one else should be in the picture, including friends, spouses, and especially minors. Your face should be clearly visible so event hosts can recognize you at their events (i.e. looking straight at the camera, with nothing covering your face). Far away shots with a small picture of your face, but a beautiful backdrop will not be accepted. 2. You must do your best to attend the meetups you RSVP to. The event hosts work hard to organize these events with the group and the venue. If you do not show up to an event or cancel your RSVP with less than 24 hours notice, the event host may mark you as a no-show. If you accumulate 3 no-shows, you may be removed from the group. 3. Do not crash events. If you show up to an event without RSVPing, because the event is full or otherwise, the host will not be happy, especially when reservations are required. 4. This is not a dating group. Unsolicited or inappropriate messages to other members will not be tolerated. Offending members will be removed from the group immediately and banned from rejoining. 5. Minors are not allowed at any events unless accompanied by their legal guardian. The guardian does not need to participate in the event, but needs to be present at all times. This is to ensure the minor's safety (for sporting events) and to ensure they are complying with their guardian's wishes. The Organizing Team
2387 members · Public

UofC Outdoor Adventurers (UCOA)

Calgary, AB

UofC Outdoor Adventurers (UCOA)
We are a group of students who decided to create an active outdoor club at the University of Calgary. We go out in the mountains as often as possible and share our love for sport in nature, wilderness, and amazing views. We also promote an active agenda of responsible, sustainable enjoyment of the wild, and environmental consciousness. In order to join, you must be a student or affiliated with the University of Calgary (i.e. staff, alumni) or a current student of other Calgary post secondary institution. When registering we require that you provide your full first name and at least the initial of your last name, as well as a photo of yourself. To come to events, you will need to pay an annual $10 membership fee and complete an event waiver; this waiver will be sent to you by the event organizer. Membership runs from September to September as per the school year and the one time annual fee gives you unlimited access to all of our events. We are always adding new events to the calendar, so we encourage you to check the website regularly. If you are interested in joining our executive team or becoming a club organizer, please fill out this form: A list of communal club gear can be found here: You can contact us at, and we will be happy to answer any questions! Join UCOA, and become a more awesome person!
1777 members · Private

Stampede City Ski and Snowboard Club

Calgary, AB

Stampede City Ski and Snowboard Club
We're about 1800 + people ***carving moments into friendships***!   Join in day and overnight trips and Meet'n Greet socials. 170+ events posted each year (in a regular year)  It's free to join in on day trips. We are the Stampede City Ski and Snowboard Club (SCSSC) celebrating our 53rd anniversary and our 8th year on M-Up! Our volunteer Executive has a plan for the upcoming season!   **Be a Member with Benefits!**   (To join, go to \*overnight trips planned for 2022-2023: To be Announced Very Soon \*1 or 2 subsidized bus day trip to a local mountain (seats to be reserved) \*1 subsidized overnight bus trip to a favourite mountain (seats to be reserved) \*discounted resort cards at a subsidized price \*free appetizers at socials \*door prizes at socials \*sponsor discounts eg. Abominable in Banff... \*shape the future of the Club at the AGM \* BRAND NEW OFFER ON MOUNTAIN COLLECTIVE - Coming Soon - TBA **We are totally volunteer-powered** (remember to thank our volunteers) Events are posted as often as people like you host and help out! Being a volunteer is an easy way to connect with people - be a Meet n Greeter, host an event, help someone new to the sport, host an event, videography or help out on the Executive.  It is a curious dynamic that giving to a group becomes more important than what you get out of it. Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy and promotes life satisfaction!   Follow us on [Instagram](, [Facebook](, Twitter, *Winter is cooler with us!*
1882 members · Public

After The Truth - Cult Support Group

Calgary, AB

After The Truth - Cult Support Group
**After the Truth** (ATT) is a peer support group based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada for those who are leaving or have left a high-control group, cult or religious sect. Our desire is that no one suffers alone after they wake up from the deception and manipulation of a coercive, and controlling group. We wish to create a safe environment, where we can share our knowledge about cults, and the mind-control, dehumanization, ostracism and abuse we experienced; but more so, the journey towards building an independent and self-directed life, through our support group meetings and social events. These meetings vary slightly in guidelines and goals. Our main goal is to equip members with practical advice as they navigate through the aftermath of challenging post-trauma symptoms, distance themselves from a pseudo-identity and get in touch with their authentic selves. We believe that people are at different stages of change, with beliefs coming in many forms, so the acceptance and growth of people as unique individuals are something we value. However, we understand how difficult leaving a high-control group can be, especially when facing the loss of community, so our events also serve the purpose of making new social connections. Our support group meetings are based on the book, ***The Challenge to Heal After Leaving A High-Control Group***, by Bonnie Zieman, who was a former Jehovah’s Witness, and now a psychotherapist. It offers “vital information to help anyone free themselves from a high-control group, and to recover their autonomy and emotional equilibrium”. Persons interested in participating in this group should obtain a copy of this book, as well as the accompanying Journal, available on, as soon as possible. Some other material may be referenced from leading cult experts and professionals such as Marlene Winell, Steven Hassan, and the ICSA. *Please note that we do not claim to be the experts, so it is always recommended that people seek professional therapy in addition to peer support, and the advice found in this book.* Our **Social Events** are designed not only to find a new community but to introduce new interests and hobbies to grow your world. Gatherings will be held in a variety of venues and on civic holidays. We believe that by supporting one another, we can build hope, trust, and a life worth living – to go beyond surviving, to fully thriving! \* For privacy reasons we are a PRIVATE meetup group. **GROUP GUIDELINES** 1.  **Demographics** \- Members must fit the criteria to join this group\, namely being born into\, or having long\-term involvement in a high control group or cults\, such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses or Mormons\. 2.  **Confidentiality** – Keep members’ names and personal information about other group members confidential. 3.  **Arrive on Time** – The support group will also run during specific times, so attendees are expected to arrive on time and stay until the end. RSVPs are also equally important in coordinating events, so please try to respond either way. 4.  **Safety 1** – Based on the nature of support groups, many possibilities exist for individuals to become triggered or feel unsafe. Off limit topics at our social and support group events include:    a.  Religious debates    b.  Armageddon or end times 5.  **Safety 2** – Members should refrain from arriving under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs to the support group. Should alcohol be part of the social event, members are expected to stay within the legal limit for driving, or use an alternative means of transport to get home. 6.  **Safety 3** – Use common sense when deciding whether to socialize outside of the group with other group members. Behaviour such as bullying, sexual harassment and verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated. **Support Group Etiquette** – Members are expected to:    a.  Listen without interrupting.    b.  Avoiding personal or side conversations during the meeting and keep cell phone use minimally.    c.  Acceptance of differences including social, cultural, religious differences and where an individual is in their recovery journey.    d.  Validate each other, avoid judging each other, and assume the best about each other.    e.  Giving helpful, noncritical feedback when asked.    f.  Be mindful of the time so that everyone who wishes to share can do so.
195 members · Private