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Sports & Hobbies groups near Tonbridge, G5

Maidstone Sports and Social 40's & 50’s

Maidstone, G5

Maidstone Sports and Social 40's & 50’s
\*\* please note you require a recent profile photo to join this group. This is for safety of all group members & to allow recognition at events \*\* Looking to meet & socialise with local people who enjoy getting out and attending a variety of events. Are you an adrenalin junkie who doesn't get the opportunity to participate in sports. Do you enjoy long country walks having a social drink afterwards, listening to live music from local bands? I have created this small friendly active social group for those in their 40's & 50's (or close to that range) and who live in and around the Maidstone area. We are not a dating group. Most of our members are single people who want to socialise with like minded people. Member numbers will remain under 150 therefore there may be a delay in your join request being accepted. Priority will be given to those who are new to Meet Up & not members of multiple groups. Meet up charge a six monthly subscription fee to run the group therefore members are required to pay a £5 annual membership if they decide to return after attending the first event. I ask members to acknowledge that booking & admin fees that occur when booking various events. Your contributions will ensure the group is able to continue providing fun friendly social interactions. The events that require booking in advance please can I request prompt payment is made via bank transfer to secure your place. Some events will have a maximum number. This is for a variety of reasons including parking or venue limits. These details will be included in the event listing. I will try to find events to meet all budgets as some sporting activities can be quite expensive. Please ensure if you do RSVP to an event and you cannot go please ensure you change your status or drop me a quick message. Failure to show at two events which you have RSVP'd will lead to removal from the group. ANY MEMBER WHO SENDS UNSOLICITED MESSAGE TO ANOTHER MEMBERS INBOX WILL BE REMOVED. WE ARE NOT A DATING SITE. All non active members will be removed from the group after a period of 12 months inactivity. We need active members to keep the group running. Feel free to message with any local event suggestions
119 members · Private

Just Write - Kent & Sussex Writers

Tunbridge Wells, G5

Hi all,

Firstly welcome. 

Secondly meet up is quite an expensive platform and we can only afford to limit the group to 50 members due to its prices. 

Therefore we have to be quite strict on participation. We are sorry but we really need active members who are going to come along and support other writers. We can’t as a group of fellow creatives support those who just sit on our platform and do not participate. We do not have the funds. 

We want to be as inclusive and supportive as we can but we need you to do the same. It’s a two way street.

The group itself is for anyone interesting in writing, all kinds of writing whether its poetry, novel writing, screenplays, flash fiction memoirs, non- fiction etc. It is set up to help and support fellow writers and creatives in a environment where if they wish they can discuss in confidence their current works in progress whatever that may be.

It is to talk and share ideas about writing, share books that help each other progress, find inspiration and just chat about writing.

It is hoped that once established we can locate and share writing competitions for group members, attend literary festivals where we can meet writers and hear what has worked for them, find courses on writing to help improve our writing, and find out about literary agents. Plus it is also hoped that it may be arranged that we could have bestselling authors or literary agents come and visit and talk to us. If we do manage this obviously this could incur an extra charge for that event.

All writers dream about being published and this group hopefully can also share ideas regarding that whether its traditionally published, hybrid or being independently published through Kindle and createspace. <br>

Whatever stage you are at your writing every person who started writing was there once!

Writing can be a lonely occupation or hobby. This group hopes that it will make it a less lonely place. It is a group that is there for you!

Please can all writers join with a true likeness photo of themselves - this is to help event hosts recognise you when you come to a meet up so no animals, cartoons or children will be accepted.

Also please can you answer what type of writing you are doing, have done or would like to do if writing is something that you would like to try out. This is also to help us guide events that may interest writers such as author talks, literary festivals and other such things.

If critquing or giving feedback on another writer's or creative's work please remember constructive critisicm is always good but destructive critisicm is not and treat a fellow writer or creative how you would like to be treated please!

Unfortunately due to the cost of the meet up fees and also the hope in securing a good location we do have to charge a small fee per meet up. That is currently set at £1 per meet up. We have no other charges.

We look forward to welcoming you and really getting on with some good writing and hopefully we can get some good authors to come and visit our group and do some good writers stuff.

We are always looking out also for good quality and totally free venues. 

Writing isn’t a lucrative venture as people think but it’s art- it’s painting, painting with words to create pictures.

48 members · Public

Free Meditation & Yoga Sevenoaks

Sevenoaks, G5

Free Meditation & Yoga Sevenoaks
You can find daily online meetings via this link: Additionally you are invited to learn meditation via one of our free online platforms @ - - Here we host Online Guided Meditations @ 7pm Tuesdays & Thursdays Want to experience it now – Experience Self Realisation now – Guided Meditation Achieve Yoga & enter into a state of ‘thoughtless awareness’. Hello there! We'd like to welcome you to our FREE weekly Sahaja Yoga Meditation meetings in Sevenoaks hosted by Philippa mainly during term times.  You are welcome to text me or call on 07845 012 170  to find out where we are locally, as we often meet locally - out of term time - and/or to check the next meeting date. With Sahaja Yoga Meditation we normally sit on chairs to achieve yoga, effortlessly & spontaneously. So there is no need for mats and no special clothing required. 
Fun You Tube Video: []( 
 We are all volunteers of a Charity organisation and have many years of experience in offering free Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes. All across the globe, many are seeking new sources of energy. Meanwhile, the most transformative energy of all is hiding in plain sight, within us. It's natural, sustainable, and infinitely renewable. It's called inner kundalini energy. And everyone already has it — everyone!. It is often likened to an inner feminine or motherly energy which automatically knows about us and what is needed to help us restore balance and harmony within our subtle being. It works spontaneously, effortlessly, organically and cannot be paid for. The classes are designed to help those attending get into a genuine meditative state, which can be felt tangibly. It is quite effortless and spontaneous. The free classes feature introductory talks, video's, practical workshops and general question and answer opportunities, making them perfect for seekers trying to establish a state of yoga, and they are available across London most evenings and throughout the UK. The idea is that you don't do yoga - you Achieve Yoga! Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a simple, time-honored technique. It helps those who enjoy it, reduce stress and increase wellness and health holistically. It brings better focus and helps people become more centered and better balanced. Anyone can do it. Founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a world wide movement for peace and self awakening. All the meetings and classes are free of any charge. Each week we go through simple meditation techniques, often with guided meditations to help reduce stress and achieve the peace of true meditation. We share tips on how to help stay in balance during the day and how to meditate at home. The meditation is based on connecting with the inner chakras (energy centres) and balancing the subtle body. The tradition and aims of meditation are explained which in essence is to be in the present with no mental activity or thoughts about the past or the future. Occasionally there are 1 day retreats to help those interested, deepen their individual experience and hear advice and tips from those who have been practicing for some time. It’s ultimately all about getting into ‘thoughtless awareness’, a natural state of being. 10 Reasons to try-out Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Sevenoaks in 2020 It’s easy. You don’t have to spend years living in the mountains to achieve enlightenment. You don’t have to give up anything or spend weeks in silence. You don’t have to learn mantras or wear special clothes or even try to clear my mind. The meditation simply happens spontaneously. The classes are easy and fun, and as long as you keep up your daily ten minutes of meditation you find you are able to achieve a deep and peaceful meditation on a regular basis. It’s free. 
You don’t pay for your meditation. There are no catches, and there are no hidden expenses. If you missed attending classes one week, it doesn’t matter. You just picked up the classes again when you could manage it. It is simply the generosity of spirit of other Sahaja Yoga meditation practitioners that allows Sahaja Yoga to be taught to whomever desires it, at no cost. You can see results. 
You feel relaxed and you feel a deep sense of calm. Now you can also feel your chakras (energy centres) and through the meditation techniques learnt along the way you can understand the vibrations of your own energy centres. If you feel unwell you meditate and use the techniques you’ve learnt to heal your chakras, and you can then feel the centres clearing, and as a consequence your health improves. It’s all-inclusive. 
All the major religions and their core teachings are acknowledged and respected in Sahaja Yoga. No one’s spiritual journey is right or wrong. And through meditation the wisdom of all the great gurus and saints is easily revealed and understood. In fact, you’ll find that since you’ve been meditating you’ll come to understand and appreciate the teachings of great teachers such as Lao Tse, Buddha and Mohammed. You’re your own boss. 
You meditate and introspect at your own pace. You don’t have to keep up with others, or feel pressured into doing things you’re not comfortable with. You are your own teacher, your own guru, your own master. This technique of meditation empowers you and enables you to help yourself. You don’t have to rely on anybody else. Of course, there are many people who practice Sahaja Yoga Meditation who can teach you a great deal about the Yoga & meditation and its various techniques. However, all that you need is ultimately within you. It’s everywhere. 
Sahaja Yoga Meditation is practiced in almost every country in the world. So, no matter where you travel you can always locate a local Sahaja Yoga Meditation programme that you can attend. Whenever you get the chance, and no matter where you are, You try to link up with other Sahaja Yoga practitioners and enjoy a collective meditation. (Meditating with others is a much deeper and more powerful experience than meditating alone.) It’s portable. 
You don’t need to take anything with you to meditate: no mats, no potions, no special clothing or books. You can meditate anywhere – in a quiet room or on a noisy bus; at the beach or watching a movie. Thoughtless awareness (the state of meditation) is easy to achieve if you keep meditating daily, and it can be achieved in almost any situation. It makes sense. 
Everything you’ll learn will make sense. There is a lot of common sense in Sahaja Yoga meditation, and even though not everything was known to you (for example, the chakras and their respective qualities), once you have a chance to learn more about the meditation, it feels very natural and comfortable. Everybody does it. 
When you begin a hobby or join a new group, you often find that there are particular types of people who are in the group with you. For example, some groups attract younger people, others older folk; some groups have a lot of people who are wealthy, or people who live in a certain part of town. In Sahaja Yoga you will find people from every walk of life, from every demographic – male and female, young and old, rich and poor, every shape, size and colour, with varying interests, languages and beliefs. You don’t have to be a certain type of person to do this meditation. It is one of those rarities: something for everybody. You feel good. 
Without fail, every time you sit down to meditate you feel better. Whether you manage to have a deep meditation or not makes no difference, and as a consequence your family and friends are reaping the benefits. So there you have it......ten reasons......the eleventh in case you needed one, is that there are FREE weekly meetings across London in Anerley, Balham, Camden, Chelsea, Covent Garden, Ealing, Greenwich, Hackney, Hampstead, Harrow, Hounslow, Leytonstone, Norwood, Streatham, Swiss Cottage, Walthamstow, Watford. Attend a Free Sahaja Yoga Meditation weekly Meeting
265 members · Public

The Dolly Mixtures - Medway Kent

Rochester, G5

The Dolly Mixtures - Medway Kent

Please note: <br>

Please provide a full photo - when requesting to join the group. This is a ladies only group.

New members wanting to join The Dolly Mixtures, please be aware that some commitment is required - as I only hold occasional meetups within the month and they are mostly all held at a Fixed Venue; within the Medway area. It is especially important that members try and come along and give the Dolly Mixtures a go, The group is a made up of very friendly and welcoming ladies; all waiting to meet you!!

The Group is aimed for ladies ages 40 and upwards, I am reaching out to members who preferably live in the Medway area- ie: Strood/Rochester/Higham or any surrounding Medway Towns- but I do have members that come from Gravesend/Dartford/Sittingbourne and sometimes a little further afield so if you are willing to commute the distance, then I have no problem with you joining the Dolly Mixtures. <br>

My main purpose is to bring together "like minded individuals" from a variety of backgrounds and cultures- to "form friendships be supportive of each other " and "have a laugh" and this year we are starting to get fit together! <br>

As my group is a small setting, I only have limited places for members at each meet-up so my intention is to take on members who "are genuine and actively want to particpate with the Dolly Mixtures Group" if you are an individual who is finding it hard to make friends through work or hobbies, or maybe you are on the "quieter side" then this group might be for you, who knows what new friends you might make! <br>

Meetups will include: <br>

Having a drink together, and optional food is available; having a chat and a laugh along the way!

• Occasional "Sunday Roasts" will try and coincide those with farmers market days

• Coffee shop catch ups mid week and some weekends

• Card games including"Uno" and "Chase the Queen" <br>

• Occasional day trips, cinema and walks

• Gym and swimming. <br>


'Remember their are no strangers just friends whom have never met'



*** Please note: I now charge an annual £6 non refundable membership fee and this will be payable on the first meet up or via bank transfer - starting from April each year. This cost covers my expenses, and re-coups my costs of running and arranging meetups every month.

What I ask from my members - note: this is a small group so any non attendance obviously impacts on the group greater, please therefore consider this before responding as spaces are limited and if you can no longer attend please let us know as soon as possible so the space can be filled by another. If you find you have failed to attend I would expect an explanation for this for the event leader. Please note that 3 non attendances can constitute removal from the group and this is at the discretion of the event leader and myself Note that guests are welcome at some events if there is space available. Do doublecheck that you can bring a guest to avoid disappointment as of course members take priority.

Also to note, we have become a very jolly, harmonious,close, kind group and we welcome wholeheartedly new friends to join us so don't worry we were all new girls once, hope to see you soon ***


<br> <br>

61 members · Private

South East London Ceramic Arts & Pottery Classes Meetup

London, 17

South East London Ceramic Arts & Pottery Classes Meetup
**When RSVPing for any events please note that we do not reserve spaces. You will need to follow the link in the class description to book and pay for your event in order to confirm your place.** Looking for a new hobby and to unleash your creative side? Then pottery is your answer. This wonderful craft is the antidote to the stresses of modern life. My name is Aliya and I run a studio in Crystal Palace London where I do weekly classes in both handbuilding and throwing on the potter's wheel. I have a first class honours degree in Ceramics from Camberwell College of Art. I have now been teaching for several years in and around South London. These classes help you get started by learning the various techniques whether it is throwing on the wheel or taking things a bit slower with coiling, building with slabs, making pinch pots, relief work on tiles or learning slip and glazing techniques. I practice continuous learning in a fun but relaxed environment surrounded by some lovely people. If you are a beginner you will need to do the beginners course before continuing with the regular classes. The classes are every Saturday and Wednesday evening so there's something to suit everyone. All skill levels are welcome. Beginners Pottery: Throwing on the potter's wheel £40 per person (2 hour class)inclusive of all materials plus a £3 per pot firing fee (most people make 1-2). Regulars/experienced can book the wheels for £15 per hour to continue their learning (clay is purchased separately). Beginners Pottery: Handbuilding 5 week course £140 (inclusive of all materials and firings, can be spread over 8 weeks) Regulars/experienced: 2.5 hours £30 inclusive of all materials and firings. Let's fill this city with potters!
817 members · Public

Greenwich & Blackheath Board Games and Beer Club

London, 17

Greenwich & Blackheath Board Games and Beer Club
A group for gamers living and working around the South-East London area. We host a number of weekly events across each month at The Blackheath Newbridge Club. Weekday Evening Gaming @ The Blackheath Newbridge Club. - alternating Tuesday/Wednesday evenings (19:00 – 22:30). Saturday Afternoon Gaming @ various venues - final Saturday in the month (13:00 – 23:30). Sunday Afternoon Gaming @ Meantime Brewery (Greenwich) - 2 weekends after each Saturday event (12:00 19:00). These Meetups gives us a chance to meet & play games across an extended period, and perhaps bring out some of the more in-depth titles that may not be suited to a weekday evening. \-\-\-\-\- So what games do we tend to play? As a group, we have a vast array of board & card games. These are kindly brought along by our group members to each of our organised events. People are free to pick and choose what they prefer to play on the night or talk in advance via the message board. Our scope is quite varied in that we play, anything from the 'lighter' games/classics like 'Ticket to Ride', 'Carcassonne', 'Settlers of Catan', 'Dominion'; on to the 'heavier' end of the spectrum such as 'Battlestar Galactica', 'Dead of Winter', 'Viticulture', 'Orléans'... To fill the time, we also like to crack open a few lighter/party games such as 'Codenames', 'Love Letter', 'Sushi Go!' to name but a few. We are a friendly bunch, who recognise that with any growing hobby, there are plenty of people out there that want to take part, and are of differing levels of experience. Why not sign up and drop by to one, or as many evenings as you can attend.
3328 members · Public

Another Hike Event

London, 17

Another Hike Event
Be part of a gathering that shares the pleasures of hiking amongst mysterious strangers, new acquaintances, potential friends and familiar faces. Join the conversation and talk about anything before, during and after hikes. Be enriched with memorable moments while experiencing the benefits of improved well-being. Nothing happens when we procrastinate; we just get older. Perhaps you'll relive your youth whilst on another hike event, so join AHE and can come out to play. Meetup and all Meetup organisers have no legal responsibility for your safety during any Meetup event; please read []( 6(2) regarding a waiver that all members sign on joining Meetup. **Satisfaction Guarantee:** If you attend AHE without smiling once and photographic evidence supports such a claim, or you can't make it for some reason after booking. Your contribution may be carried forward upon request to another hike event pro rata. Laughing may occur and is included for free. As a born and bred Londoner, I started experiencing organised outdoor adventures with the cubs and scouts. I've arranged diverse activities for many organisations, including education providers like an American summer camp and university societies. I've undertaken wilderness first aid instruction at the University of London Union and carry an emergency care kit on hikes. It has been enlightening hiking the Appalachian Trail within the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia and life-changing Potomac class 5 white-water rafting. Before it became an Olympic sport, snowboarding in the famous French Alps and more remote -22°C Swedish Sälen mountains broadened my horizons. UK hikes and rock climbing in National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty have included the Lake and Peak Districts, Snowdonia and Pembrokeshire within Wales, plus Cornwall, amongst other British places. My backpacking adventures have included parts of the North and Central Americas, plus interrailing all the compass regions of the EU. Local urban walks are exciting and fun too.  Jonathan
148 members · Public

Another Bike Event

London, 17

Another Bike Event
Be part of a gathering that shares the pleasures of cycling amongst mysterious strangers, new acquaintances, potential friends and familiar faces. Join the conversation and talk about anything before, during and after rides. Be enriched with memorable moments while experiencing the benefits of improved well-being. This is an ideal opportunity for people who relish exercising in dynamic outdoor settings beyond what's possible in static indoor situations, such as gym workouts, yoga sessions and spinning classes.  Nothing happens when we procrastinate; we just get older. Perhaps you'll relive your youth whilst on another bike event, so join ABE and can come out to play. [Wearing the proper clothing, such as breathable water/windproofs, means the weather](, such as rain, may be incidental to another bike event going ahead. Therefore, another bike event will probably happen unless blizzards, earthquakes, tsunamis, or locust plagues are forecasted. [Wearable technology such as heart rate and GPS monitors]( may quantify your efforts and present another dimension of self-awareness within Another Bike Event. The purpose of Another Bike Event may have been positively reinforced when an attendee said, ***"Thanks for organising the ride. I've passed this beautiful pub many times, always wanting to know what it was like inside, but I've never felt comfortable going in alone"***. Please don't show up to another bike event without a helmet, worried about helmet hair, trying to be a cool hipster, "oh, you rebel", etc. For peace of mind (literally), please wear a helmet with your cycle for the sake of yourself, if not at least for your family and friends. Meetup and all Meetup organisers have no legal responsibility for your safety during any Meetup event; please read []( 6(2) regarding a waiver that all members sign on joining Meetup. **Others pay an £8 annual contribution via the button on the left margin.** As a born and bred Londoner, I started as a toddler on a tricycle. Between freestyling in skate parks around London, I competed in BMX races as a child long before it became an Olympic sport, partly inspired by two childhood friends who happened to be British number one. I was back on three wheels again as a sidehack co-pilot in some BMX race events. More recent BMX encounters include owning an adult-sized cruiser class that evokes golden memories. I currently ride on various terrains such as technical mountain biking, coastal, forests, urban cities mixed with canal and river paths, and smooth country lanes with challenging hills. I have taken ride leader training with the London Cycling Campaign, plus wilderness first aid instruction at the University of London Union. I carry an emergency care kit on rides. I have arranged diverse activities for many organisations, including education providers like an American summer camp and university societies. Jonathan
305 members · Public