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Sports & Hobbies groups near Weston-super-mare, M3

Cardiff Raptors Korfball Club

Cardiff, Y9

Cardiff Raptors Korfball Club
We are Cardiff Raptors Korfball Club! Korfball is the best sport you’ve never heard of. It is a fast-paced and dynamic game with similarities to basketball, netball, handball and rugby (no previous experience of these sports are necessary). Korfball is the only mixed-sex ball sport in the world and is inclusive and accessible to absolutely anybody. If you fancy getting fit, trying a new sport and meeting some brilliant people then please come along. No korfball experience is necessary, we have players ranging from beginners to international level within the club. Your first 3 sessions are free, so there is no excuse not to come and give it a go! Grab a pair of trainers and a water bottle and join us at training. Our current training schedule is: Monday: 20:00-22:00 Thursday: 19:00-22:00 Friday: 19:30-20:30 All located at Cardiff City House of Sport, Sports hall 2. We are a very sociable club, with club socials including cinema, bowling, lazer tag, nights out, crazy golf, BBQs, board game evenings and much more. We also have annual events including a Christmas social, end of season awards night and a trip to the Edinburgh International Korfball Tournament. For club updates or to get in touch, please check out our Facebook (@RaptorsCardiff), Instagram (@RaptorsKorfball) or Twitter (@RaptorsKorfball), where we have information about what is going on at the club, as well as lots of socials! Please get in touch with any questions or for more information!
228 members · Public

Things To Do!

Cardiff, X5

Things To Do!
Hi and welcome to 'Things To Do!' This group is for activities around Cardiff and the surrounding area, with walks, coffee's, regular meals priced to meet all pockets, special events and the odd sporting event thrown in too. Come along and meet new and old friends in a relaxed pleasant atmosphere. Attendance numbers for meals can be increased if there is a waitlist, and if the establishment can fit the request for extra places. **When joining the group, there is a membership fee of £4.00p for 6 months, or 12 months for the bargain price of £7.50p** 😉 Most dining events will require a £5 deposit to confirm your place, this charge will either be deducted from your bill at the end of the meal or returned to you in cash at the meal. The deposits will not be refunded if you fail to turn up, or your attendance is cancelled within 24hrs of the event, members on waitlists must be allowed time to book onto events, this is less likely if people book off on the day or day before. If you find you are unable to attend, then the deposit will be paid back to you, if someone on the waitlist for that event takes your place. This is also dependent on the restaurant requiring a deposit to confirm the booking. This group is for ages 30 to infinity. Inactive members will be removed after 6 months of joining the group, if this includes yourself, you will be most welcome to rejoin. **Membership & Deposit fees can be paid to:** **Andrew L Davis** **Lloyds Bank** **Acc no: 45589368** **SC: 30-96-91** **or** **Via PayPal @** **** Please mark the PayPal payment as **"Friends and Family'** to avoid transaction charges and please pay within 7 days, or you will be removed. This is a non-profit group, membership fees are used to pay the costs charged by Meetup, any additional monies that are received go back into the running of the group, booking events & occasional treats at events. Please use a picture of your self on your profile, this is for identification at events and members safety. If you are an experienced host, and would like to join the team and expand the events to offer, please contact me privately. 😊
102 members · Private

Gay Outdoor Club

Bristol, B7

Gay Outdoor Club
The [Gay Outdoor Club]( operates throughout Great Britain, and provides a wide range of outdoor and indoor sports and recreational activities for everyone in the LGBTQI+ community. Our 1,800+ members enjoy [over 500 events each year]( Activities include walking, cycling, swimming, skiing and mountaineering, boating and camping, weekend and overseas trips, arts & culture, history & heritage and social events. GOC is a members club and a charity – no one is paid for their role in it, and no-one makes a profit from it. The club consists of [about 40 local & specialist groups]( Members can join as many of these groups as they wish, and have access to all events of all groups around the country. [Membership ]( just £17 per year, following a 4-month free trial. We use this meetup group to welcome newcomers at monthly online social events, and at just a few of the many events organised by our different groups around the country - to enable you to meet GOC and some of our members, and to encourage you to join as a member yourself. As a newcomer you are welcome to attend\* up to three welcome events free via the meetup group. After that you are invited to join as a member via [our website](, where you can join any of our groups and book any of all their events. Alternatively, start your trial membership now via [our website](, and you are welcome to join all of our groups and events for free right away for 4 months! What are you waiting for? See you outdoors, or perhaps online first... -- **\*If you RSVP "yes" and then cannot attend after all**, please remember to change your RSVP to "no". Each "yes" will count toward your three welcome events.
327 members · Private

Mountain Biking Bristol

Bristol, B7

Mountain Biking Bristol

A group intended to be a meeting point for riders who already have some experience, reasonable fitness and basic technical skills besides love for the sport as well as meeting others of similar interests. 

Riding will happen more often around Ashton Court/ Leigh Woods but also in South Wales, Forest of Dean, North Wales and more. 

 Riders of different levels of fitness are welcome but there will be no 'family' rides, only grades BLUE and ABOVE (see bellow) will be organised. Our rides are not suitable for children!

We follow the grading system suggested by the mountain biking industry as described by the following sites:

In our own words:

• Blue -  Regular pace with time to catch breath, challenging but guaranteed to raise a smile.

• Red - Steady pace, technical elements, reasonable distance/ duration.

• Black - Fast paced and very technical, and or long distance. 

Important: this group hasn't got any intention of being or acting as a cycling club. It is simply a meeting place for people who want to ride in the company of other cyclists. Therefore it is important to understand that all riders must be responsible for their own health, safety and well being as well as being prepared for dealing with common situations typical of the activity like change in weather, mechanical problems, flat tyres, etc.Mountain Biking is a hard sport not free of risk  and this group cannot be deemed responsible for the exacerbation of any medical condition as well as any crash or accidents that might occur during our rides.

1597 members · Public