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Sports & Hobbies groups near Mumbai, IN

Hobbies And Passion

Ahmedabad, in

Hobbies And Passion
Hello, Hobbies And Passion is 5 group of HappyMates family for all the Mumbaites looking for like minded people to pursue their hobbies. It can be any of the following. 1) Photography  2)Book Reading 3)Cooking 4)Blogging  5)Fitness , Health Awareness etc .  We also believe in peaceful co-existence and letting each one of us thrive without impinging on free will and right of others. Hence there are a few guidelines which each one of us is expected to adhere to: 1. **Respect your RSVP:** We value your time and expect you to value others' time too. If you are unsure of attending a meet up, do NOT RSVP. If your plans change after you have RSVP'ed promptly change your RSVP. If you are unable to change your RSVP, please make the effort of calling the event organizer in advance or texting him/her about your change in RSVP. If there are 3 no shows, we reserve the right to revoke the membership of such members. 2. **Be a sincere participant:** We expect all members to attend at least one meet up in 3-6 months. If you do not RSVP and attend any meetup in 6 months time, we assume that you do not wish to participate in the group and hence, we may remove you from the group. 3. **Treat others with respect:** No inappropriate language, rude/unkind remarks or personal comments please. 4. **No greetings on profile and calls for friendship.** 5. **No unsolicited emails/calls:** Please do not call/email other members with unsolicited business/friendship etc. We monitor the group very closely and any complaint against you from other members regarding inappropriate contact/harassment or unsolicited contact with result in revocation of membership. 6. **Sharing of phone number/email:** We will not share your email/phone number with anyone without your permission. You are responsible for sharing your contact details with other members and any exchanges outside the group. 7. **Show your real self:** We expect you to use your real name and photograph in the profile. Pseudonyms may not be used. Please use an identifiable photograph in the profile.  8. **Share and care:** We encourage you to share your skills, talent, knowledge, wisdom, learning, beauty and experience. 9. **Have Fun:** We believe in spreading beauty and fun and expect that you will experience loads of fun in our group. Make your life beautiful and keep spreading happiness. Organizer  HappyMates Team 
16968 members · Private


Mumbai, in


Welcome to "Happy Mates" 

What is real happiness all about? What is Being Happy for You ?

"HAPPY" here mean 

H-Hobbies , A-Adventures, P-Passion, P-Parties & Y-Youth in you.

Passion/Hobby is a fierce animal. It runs wild within us. Every time it calls, we are consumed by it madness. It's a feverish drive, fundamental to everything we covet and there's no greater rush than living your passion/hobby.

In our college/school day most of us would recall pursuing our passions with innocence and abandon.

  -Bunk for Movies 

 - A monsoon trek 

 - 3am coffee and maggie at highway

- Bike/car Rides

- Travel/Picnic with friend with games Antakshri , Bamsharas...

"HAPPY Mates" gives you a chance to renew that lost ardour. our fundamental idea is to create a platform  where you can find like-minded people for your hobbies, interest and passions in life. We Offen dream about experiencing and exploring a Hidden passion but very few take the step to life their dreams. We always say "One Day I will do it ". Happy Mates Gives you that one day to Create and experience the best moments in life. 

Now How we all can make this community bigger and better. Anyone want to create an event for following can contact me on 9920321224

Hobbies :- If Can be Anything eg, exhibition of your collection , Cooking , Reading & story discussion 

Adventure :- Adventure Activities ,Adventure Sports , Camping, Trekking .... 

Passion :- Sports meets,  Bike/Car Rides, 

Party:- Club, Disc, Wine & Dine party

Youthfulness :- Any thing else to keep youth in you alive.

 We also believe in peaceful co-existence and letting each one of us thrive without impinging on free will and right of others. Hence there are a few guidelines which each one of us is expected to adhere to:

1. Respect your RSVP: We value your time and expect you to value others' time too. If you are unsure of attending a meet up, do NOT RSVP. If your plans change after you have RSVP'ed promptly change your RSVP. If you are unable to change your RSVP, please make the effort of calling the event organizer in advance or texting him/her about your change in RSVP. If there are 3 no shows, we reserve the right to revoke the membership of such members.

2. Be a sincere participant: We expect all members to attend at least one meet up in 3-6 months. If you do not RSVP and attend any meetup in 6 months time, we assume that you do not wish to participate in the group and hence, we may remove you from the group.

3. Treat others with respect: No inappropriate language, rude/unkind remarks or personal comments please.

4. No greetings on profile and calls for friendship.

5. No unsolicited emails/calls: Please do not call/email other members with unsolicited business/friendship etc. We monitor the group very closely and any complaint against you from other members regarding inappropriate contact/harassment or unsolicited contact with result in revocation of membership.

6. Sharing of phone number/email: We will not share your email/phone number with anyone without your permission. You are responsible for sharing your contact details with other members and any exchanges outside the group.

7. Show your real self: We expect you to use your real name and photograph in the profile. Pseudonyms may not be used. Please use an identifiable photograph in the profile. 

8. Share and care: We encourage you to share your skills, talent, knowledge, wisdom, learning, beauty and experience.

9. Have Fun: We believe in spreading beauty and fun and expect that you will experience loads of fun in our group.

Make your life beautiful and keep spreading happiness.

Hope See you guys Soon....As We Say 

                                            "Hum Hai Raahi Pyaar Ke ...Phir Melenge Chalte Chalte ..."

20782 members · Public

single singing birds (40+ age, veggies only)

Mumbai, in

“Om Shri Ganeshaya Namaha, Om Shri Sai Ram”

! Only to those who consider music as divine !

Hello, dear friends, Warm greetings to you all !!!

I am kumar.v. at the outset wishing you all & sending these greetings: Friends, we all are very well aware about the hectic lifestyle we are leading, namely: our working styles, coupled with various other commitments, habits, etc. all these factors, leads to stress, fatigue, depression etc.due to these, we are unable to give time to our hobbies such as sports, music, games, picnics etc. and as a result, we are forced to lead the same monotonous life without giving any time to our favourite hobbies ; instead, we go out in search of happiness by going out for dinners, movies, unnecessarily cultivating various vices etc, still we are short of happiness as we are unable to give justice to ourselves as, we don’t get time to go back to favourite hobbies.

Let me come to the point now, these wishes/proposal are open to only those music loving people who are 40+ singles, having a flair & appetite for singing, & who are ardent followers old Hindi film songs as well. In the present mode of life & moreover since, we all belong to different types of professions, it’s very difficult for us to pursue music as our hobby. Though, some of us may be good singers & know many old classic songs, we don't get a chance to render those & we don't get a proper platform to render the same. Before I place my proposal in front of you all, I would like to begin with a quote:

“Joy, sorrow, tears, lamentation, laughter — to all these music gives voice, but in such a way that we are transported from the world of unrest to a world of peace, and see reality in a new way, as if we were sitting by a mountain lake and contemplating hills and woods and clouds in the tranquil and fathomless water”.

Dear friends,I am in the process of forming a music loving peoples group called THE AMATEURS MUSIC CLUB & the group's theme would be “THE GOLDEN MELODIES ON KARAOKE TRACKS” where, the group would meet Bi-monthly in a small hall or restaurant, where we will have 3 to 4 hours of nonstop karaoke singing & we also will have a simple but, delicious lunch or dinner (Pure vegetarian) together. It would be an ideal platform for music lovers like us, where, we can sing our favourite songs to our heart’s content, & this in turn will act as a stress buster & ultimately lead to happiness.

To begin with I would like to have core strength of 15 or maximum 20 devoted members who are interested in singing & also love listening to old Hindi film songs. To run the group honestly & smoothly, without any internal politics, maintaining a strict decorum during the programmes & above all, making each & every member sing would be the motto of this proposed group.

Meetup: single singing birds (40+ veggies only).

About me: I am kumar.v. Age: 47. (, L.L.B., P.G.D.C.L.).Recently called it quits from my consultancy profession. I am also a professional singer, sings exclusively kishore kumar songs,"ek shaam kishore ke naam" on karaoke tracks i.e.: Golden melodies on karaoke tracks. I take up programmes for b'day parties, or any other get together, anywhere in Bombay. I do live shows too.

Brief about this meetup: single singing birds (40+ veggies only).

1. Who can join: male/female 40+ singles, interested in singing, also enjoys 1 day or 2/3 days overnight picnics to serene spots, & also loves to be close to the nature are welcome. (Main focus would be only on singing during all the meets & even during picnics). This group is basically designed for those music lovers who love to sing old Hindi film songs but don't get any time & also opportunity to exhibit their love for singing. (Please note: professional singers are not welcome).

2. There will be karaoke singing sessions held bi-monthly (duration of max 3.5 hrs) & over night picnics once in a quarter or half yearly. Our group’s theme would be “THE GOLDEN MELODIES ON KARAOKE TRACKS” the group would be known as THE AMATEURS MUSIC CLUB.

3. Maximum members during each meet will not exceed 20, the reason behind it is to offer each & every member at least 3 songs to sing during the 3/4 hrs bi-monthly meets.

Tracks played during the programmes cannot be transferred or copied, members need to buy their favourite tracks for their practice at home & if they wish they can sing on their tracks too in the meetups.

However, once the group settles,we can buy some tracks & give a copy to all the members.

4. All the expenses incurred during each meet i.e. arranging karaoke set ups, sound, snacks, lunch/dinner etc. would be shared equally by all the members present during that particular meet.

5. Each bi-monthly singing session would be followed by a simple vegetarian lunch/dinner.

(But, not jain type food).

6. Only members would be permitted & they cannot bring any guests.

7. Members will have to select their songs & mail it to me before the meet.

8. Strictly no smoking & drinking during all the meets /picnics. please do not use any kind of perfumes,sprays etc. whenever we meet. it is very harmful for the throat & would affect the singing of others too.

9. If anyone, male/female has any attitude problem, ego, status mindedness, money power flaunting etc. please stay away, this group is not for you.

10. Down to earth persons who like to sing, meet & make new friends are welcome.

Sorry to say, membership is not open for persons from certain professions namely: lawyers, brokers from all the fields, & insurance agents.

11. Only singles allowed male/female. (Strictly this group is only for the singles).

12. Only 25 members would be inducted in the group after the initial approval, & during the meets the first 20 members who make the payment would be able to attend that particular meet. Why only 20 members, the reason is already given in the point no.3 above.

Since people belonging to all the communities would be inducted,only one or two persons from a particular community would be inducted to form the group, for this reason, all may not be able to join, even if they wish to do so. 

12. The appx. cost per member per bi-monthly session would be around rs.1000/- for a group of 15/20.

13. If due to any reason if a member is unable to attend after making the payment, in that case Rs. 100 would be deducted & the balance would be given back if he/she withdraws 1 week prior to the meet.

But, all last minute withdrawal only 50% of the amount paid would be returned, because I would have already arranged everything & it should not cause a problem or burden to the attending members.

14. I do not want people to join this group blindly & be a part of it, I need only those persons who are serious about singing & are willing to attend most of the meets & be a part of the music group.

15. I would meet & be in touch with each & every member, & all the members would be informed about the programme schedule etc.

16. All the members would be treated alike, so, no groupism, politics etc. would be entertained once the group becomes active.

17. Why only 40 +: after forty, the running around, opportunity etc gets reduced, so this group is especially designed for only those who are 40+.

18. Why only vegetarians: Music is divine, the mind should be calm & cool & that can be felt with the help of music, we meet for pleasure, it’s not a good practice to obtain happiness by relishing on flesh etc. on one side & singing on the other. Hence, it would be strictly only vegetarian food during all the meets. (But, not jain type food). Period.

19. Why only singles: married have their own lifestyle, commitments etc. singles may have many friends but, at times, may feel alone & aloof. Hence it’s only for singles to come together.

20. Why singing: the subject of this group is singing “THE GOLDEN MELODIES ON KARAOKE TRACKS” & only old bollywood numbers. so only those who love to sing old hindi film songs need to approach & try to be part of this group.

21. Why birds: look at the cute birds, see how free they are, always singing freely & flying from one place to another without troubling anyone. This group will be like birds always trying to sing freely, going for picnics, singing & enjoying life.

As far as conducting the programme, induction of members, & overall management are concerned, I myself will see to it that only the deserved & proper persons are made members.

Before I conclude with a quote, as a final point, I assure you all, that, we will have a wonderful time together & our life will become more pleasant.

“Music is well said to be the speech of angels; in fact, nothing among the utterances allowed to man is felt to be so divine. It brings us near to the Infinite”.

Thank you for taking time & reading my proposal, Respond if interested, at the below given e-mail id / phone. (

All the best, Happy singing


1 members · Public