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Sports & Hobbies groups near Old Saybrook, CT


Guilford, CT


Are you productive in your daily life? Need to get organized? As a productivity expert, bestselling author and writing coach, I started these coffee chat groups to inspire and motivate each other to accomplish goals for organizing and streamlining our time, space and goals as well as work on writing projects on occasion, for those interested. Fun and practical tips shared in relaxed, casual meetings. Join us for a "cup of inspiration" and chat with us in a variety of topics. 

Don't let life just pass you by...become a DO-er!!! 

**Please note: Change of venue & program! As many of you know we are no longer holding weekly coffee chat meetings. Instead, we will present events on a variety of topics on occasion: From 'How to beat Procrastination' & 'Productivity hacks' to 'Vision Board Goal setting' and  'Writing books by organizing a step by step process'. Each season we will also offer free 'coffee & writing' get-togethers to inspire those of us working on book manuscripts or wish to get started on one!  I hope you will choose to stay with this group as we transition from household organizers to Productivity Producers and Book Writers!  I believe, in addition to keeping ourselves motivated and organized,  everyone has a book inside of them. What a lasting legacy to leave to your family! Your personal back-story, an expertise or hobby you know well...even publishing that fun bedtime story you made up for you kids over the years. For more info on my writing workshops, visit: 

419 members · Public

Dynamic Professionals 50 + Singles, Travel & Socializing

Middletown, CT

Dynamic Professionals 50 + Singles, Travel & Socializing
Dynamic Professionals (Age 50 + We are a SINGLES group) \*\*Please have a photo on your profile to be accepted as a Dynamic Professional member\*\* I request this for the safety and security of all of our members. If, for some reason you don't feel comfortable posting a photo, email me and I'll provide my phone number to speak to you personally prior to acceptance with our group. **Membership fees - No membership fees at this time.** **Removal from group** - **As the Organizer, it is my sole discretion to remove a member from the group. If I don't feel the member is a "fit", if a member doesn't get along with others, if a member causes undo hostility, if more than one complaint has been voiced about a specific member, just to name a few.** As you can see from our wide variety of past meetups - we have events and adventures for everyone. Favorite places to visit for daytrips and weekend trips, favorite local restaurants-both new and old, group dinners and more intimate dinners, dancing, sporting events, mystery theatres, boat trips, wine tastings, museums, historical sites, movies, theatre, cabarets, musical events (from new age to classical), visits to parks, hiking, skating, go carting, zip lining, paint ball, and the list keeps going. Many more activities to be had in the warmer months. **Be sure to hit SEE ALL as our events and trips go out more then 12 months.** Check out past events & adventures to wet your appetite and show you what a wonderful group this is. Read the reviews and comments and don't forget to check the photo's from previous events. RSVPs go fast within this group. Members should be 50+ years of age (or close to it) and SINGLE, but those numbers aren't set in stone, had to start and end somewhere. Once you're a member, you WILL ALWAYS BE A PART OF THIS GROUP and are welcome at any event even if you become a "couple" with someone in or outside the group. You must be an individual that cares about their appearance, has a zest for life, has an ACTIVE and healthy lifestyle and the means to join us for some of our events. Those that enjoy getting together with and being respectful of others. **Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated in anyway. Inappropriate comments and/or other harassment of any member will be grounds for removal from our group.** At times you will be asked to participate in bringing a dish or your beverage of choice. Posts will always give plenty of info and/or suggestions as to the nature of our event and what is needed. Please share your questions or comments. If anyone has an idea, please share with me and I’ll post and put it out there to see if there’s any interest. Let your friends know about Dynamic Professionals 50 +, we hope to make this a very popular meet up with a new concept and twists on old concepts. Thanks for your interest! Warm regards, Ellen Foster, Organizer
1870 members · Public