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Sports & Hobbies groups near Seminole, FL

Tampa Co-ed Flag Football and other Sports

Tampa, FL

Tampa Co-ed Flag Football and other Sports

Run marathons? Ride your bike 50 miles at a time?
This isn't your meetup.

Sit at a computer most of the week and need an easy way to get some exercise?
Welcome home!

Remember recess from grade school? Yeah, we miss it too! So for those of us who work full time jobs during the week and don't get too much exercise, well... we're BRINGING RECESS BACK. In the evenings and weekends, give yourself a well-deserved break from work, and come out to play!

If you're looking to have fun every other week with people from the area and get a little exercise in the process, you'll find yourself right at home here. Welcome!


Flag Football Rules

If you do not have the time to read the rules, there is no room in this group for you. We want everyone to be informed and play safe. Everyone that has been approved for this group has also read these rules!


- Only those on the RSVP list have spots reserved. If you are on the waitlist, you are standby only.  Do not just show up and expect to play.  If we have 24 players (16 RSVP's and 8 waitlist) signed up, we will open up the game the morning of at 8AM for everyone to play. If we have 23 players of less at 8AM, we will only allow the 16 RSVP's to play.

- If you are on the waitlist, please check the lineup to see if the game has been opened up to everybody, this will happen at 8AM. If you are unable to make the game please cancel your reservation before 8AM, even if you were only on the waitlist.

- No shows are not acceptable! If you cannot make the game, please change your RSVP so someone else can have your spot. No shows will result in removal from the group.

- The first game starts at 9AM. Please be at the field dressed, stretched out, and ready to go at that time, not just pulling into the parking lot. If you are not at the field when teams are picked, you will sit out the entire game and if there is someone available to play at that time you will forfeit your spot for the entire day.  This is done help start the games on time as well as a courtesy to everyone that shows up on time.

- Games are usually played to 3 until the last game which is played to 5.  Typically, we will play 3 or 4 games per meetup, with water breaks in between.

- One team will be red, one team will be non-red. There are red pinnies available. If you do not want to wear a pinney, make sure to have a red shirt and a non-red shirt to wear based upon your team for each game. Keep in mind that one game you may be red and the following you may not be red, so make sure to always have a non-red shirt available.

- Teams will be divided before the beginning of each game. We will try to play with no less than 5 on 5, no more than 8 on 8. Less than 5 on 5 is not usually fun and more than 8 on 8 is too crowded. If we have enough people (typically 24 or more), we will play two games concurrently.  Check the rsvp list at 8:05AM the day of the even to see if you are listed as "Going".  If you are listed as going you have a spot, if you are still on the waitlist, you do NOT have a spot.

- We do not start a game after 11AM. We will finish the game currently being played if it extends beyond 11AM.

-  Guest spots are for out of town visitors, or people just giving the group a try.  A guest that has been here for a few games needs to join the group and manage his or her own reservations.  

Team Selections:

- For individuals asked to be a captain to pick teams, the first captain gets one pick and the second captain will get the following two picks. If there are to be two games concurrently, the picks will be ladder style for the entire selection.

- Each team will receive an equal number of possessions, barring a turnover. So if the game is played to 3 and the first team scores on its first three drives, the game is not over, the second team has an opportunity to even the score. The game is then played to 4, 5, 6...

Field Details:

- The field size is 70% length (70 yard field, 7 yard endzone) with the width being determined by the number of players. There is one first down at the center line.

- To determine if someone is beyond the end-line/first-down-line/out-of-bounds, one cannot be in front of one cone and not another! A straight line between the closest two cones is drawn and the person is on one side or the other of that line.

Rules of the game:

- WE PLAY NO CONTACT FLAG FOOTBALL! That means we do not allow tackling, pass interference, illegal contact, or contact blocking.

- We will not kick-off the ball at the start of the game or after scoring. The offense will get the ball at the 1 yard line to start a possession.

- The defense has 1 blitz per 4 downs.

- The defense can cross the line of scrimmage after counting to 7 Mississippi without using its blitz. If teams are not even, the team with more players must throw the ball before the defense counts to "7 Mississippi, Dead!"

- QB can only run if a defender crosses the line of scrimmage.

- If the QB laterals or hands off the ball, the defense can immediately cross the line of scrimmage without using a blitz.

- Fumbles are not live. If the ball is stripped or fumbled the player is down where the ball left his/her hands or touched the ground, whichever is further back.

- Tackling is unacceptable! If tackled, tackled players team gets a fresh set of downs, if constant or intentional you will be asked to leave.

- One foot in bounds is required for a completion.

- A player may get up and run after falling to the ground. The defense can down this player while he/she is on the ground by touching him/her.

- A player is marked at the spot his/her FLAGS were pulled and NOT where the ball was when the flag was pulled.

- If a player loses a flag while running he will be 1 hand touch.

- If sacked in the end zone this results in a turn over, no points are awarded.

- There will be only 1 forward pass per play. Multiple forward passes will result in loss of down.

- The intended receiver of either a pass or lateral may be deflagged immediately after first touching the ball – even while fumbling or bobbling the ball before possession is established. That receiver will be considered downed at the point he was deflagged.

- If both sides agree that pass interference has occurred the ball will be spotted at the spot of the foul. If both sides cannot agree it will be a redo of play.

- To protect the Quarterback from hand and arm injuries, if a defender hits the QB's arm while throwing, a first down will be awarded. A subsequent first down is now available at the midfield line as well.

- Teams should be ready to enter the ball into play within 45 seconds of the end of the previous play.

- We do not allow contact blocking, but players may screen block. This means you are allowed to stand still in place to create an obstacle for the defense.

- When a ball is intercepted the intercepting team will have four downs to score a touchdown. Crossing the midfield line will not grant a first down. The exception to this is if the intercepting player downs the ball in the endzone. His/her team will then be able to get a first down and the midfield line.

- Other rules are typical to Flag football such as no flag guarding.

- Both offense and defense can make foul calls. All players should respect and not argue over each other’s calls. An organizer will resolve any disputes.

- From time to time a pant leg or shirt will be grabbed rather than a flag, the player must immediately let go of the article of clothing. If not immediately released, the result will be a first down at the spot of the foul. If on the defensive side of the field, another first down is available at half field, regardless if the possession was "4 Hard".

- For all unsure or questionable plays not covered by the rules in this guide, the play will be explained and the play will be a do over. The rule will also be added to this list. ***Please use this passage to answer the membership question.***

- If there are any times that an agreement cannot be made it will be a redo of a play. Scott, Wade, and Kristina will decide on questionable calls if a redo is not enough for both sides.

- This is a physical game and at time people become passionate about what they are playing. If anyone makes aggressive remarks, gestures or actions to another member he or she will be asked to leave the field.

- There are no players allowed to play under 18 years old. Please understand this before coming out. If you bring a person under the allowable age they will not be allowed to play at all. This group is created for adults.

- It is very hot during the summer months. Please remember to stay hydrated and bring water for yourself as well as anyone that may have forgotten to bring some.


2020-10-02, There is still a lot of confusion regarding reservations.  Here are the bullet points:

1)  You really do not need to worry about the number of people signed up, I will open up the event to two games if we have enough people.  Just check meetup at 8:05AM the day of the event, if you are listed as "Going" you have a spot.  If you do not want to check in the morning, please cancel your reservation, sleep-in and sign up earlier for the next game.

2)  If you are on the waitlist, you do NOT have a spot.  If you come out to the field you will most likely be sitting the entire day on the sidelines.

3)  Expect teams to be picked at 9AM sharp.  If not at the field and ready to play at 9:01AM you will be considered a no-show and your reservation forfeited.  Multiple no-shows will result in removal from the group.

4)  If you cannot be available to play (even if you are on the waitlist) cancel your reservation by 8AM the morning of the game at the very latest so someone else has enough time to make it to the game.

5)  Anyone that has played with us more than twice needs to join the group and manage his/her own reservations.

I hope this clears things up.  See you Saturday.

74 members · Private

Suncoast Sailors Meetup Group

Saint Petersburg, FL

Suncoast Sailors Meetup Group
It is our mission to promote all types of sailing events which include but not limited to: Free Sailing Lessons, Racing, Buddy Sailing, Fishing, and Get-Togethers / Meet and Greets @ local venues. No experience necessary however, we do require you to be able to swim and fit enough to handle yourself in the event of a challenging situation (such as an attacking whale, ect.). Sailing can be very enjoyable and relaxing but can also be a rough and tumble sport. **We will not tolerate excessive alcohol or drug use which could endanger others onboard.**  Skippers are free to host events @ anytime or invite members to go sailing. Crew can also host events on this site (social gatherings, ect). Crew, please state your experience level and days you may be available to sail. Some skippers take their boats out on weekdays and weekends. Stating your skill level will help ensure a good mix on board. A boat full of newbies could be challenging and a boat full of only experienced crew will not bring new people into the sport. **Racing Rules of Sailing 2017 – 2020: Rule 69 will be in effect at all times whether racing or not.**  **SECTION C  69 MISCONDUCT**  69.1 Obligation Not to Commit Misconduct; Resolution  (a) A competitor, boat owner or support person shall not commit an act of misconduct.  (b) Misconduct Is:  (1) conduct that is a breach of good manners, a breach of good sportsmanship, or unethical behavior; or  (2) conduct that might need bring the sport into disrepute.  (c) an allegation of a breach of rule 69.1 (a) shall be resolved in accordance with the provisions of rule 69. Which will result in suspension from this organization. No exceptions.  **Membership in this group accepts:** indemnity / waiver of all liability and hold harmless the owner, his heirs and assigns against any claims, loss and/or damage which I, you or any member may suffer or sustain during or after any voyage or activity within this Meetup group (Suncoast Sailors Meetup Group). And without limiting the generality of this indemnity I, you or any member agree that it shall extend to and cover all and any claims and damage in respect of disability, injury, medical, hospital or chemist accounts, delays, loss of earnings and loss of property and whether or not such claims or damage arising from the negligence of or carelessness of any skipper or member of this group. I,you or any member acknowledge that I, you or any member are satisfied as to any members boats or yachts seaworthiness and any owner or members of this group’s qualifications. **LET’S KEEP IT SAFE AND HAPPY !!!**
156 members · Public

Evolve Social Community

Saint Petersburg, FL

Evolve Social Community
*[Evolve](* *is a social community focused on personal growth, relationship building through activities.* **What is Evolve?** We are a group hoping to connect people with others like them. Fill your calendar with fun things to do, evolve your personal growth, and make friends while you're at it. **Why Should You Join?** We host a wide range of events from yoga to beach cleanups, happy hours, and fun activities, such as ArtWalk and axe throwing. We also host sporting events, language events, and guided meditations. We currently work with Feeding Tampa Bay, Keep Pinellas Beautiful, local businesses, and sports teams to provide both fun and discounted activities, and an opportunity to give back to our beautiful St. Pete community through volunteer service. We encourage discussing what books we've been reading to evolve into the best version of us we can be. You can make friends while working on yourself! Find your people, grow with them, and participate in events that will help you evolve yourself. Fill your calendar with fun things to do, and make friends while you improve yourself by participating in events with Evolve. **What is Evolve United States?** Evolve United States is the parent company of Evolve, created to encourage entrepreneurship within our community, and generate revenue both for Evolve members who conduct classes, and Evolve, enabling us to engage in even more activities that provide the absolute best experience we can offer our members. *Evolve promotes local businesses, organizations, and entrepreneurs in an endeavor to facilitate economic growth, financial independence and the enrichment of human relationships.* Our community can be supported on Instagram by following [@EvolveUnitedStates](
1143 members · Public

Tampa Bay Adventures

Saint Petersburg, FL

Tampa Bay Adventures
***Welcome to Tampa Bay Adventures! Providing fun for fun people in Tampa Bay and throughout the world since 2011.*** **TBA has been a LOT less active the last 5 years so we recommend you join RANDOM FUN, a more vibrant group with over 8500 members and dozens of events monthly.** **JOIN AT [www,](www,** **It is FREE. We have also made this TBA group free and reinstated over 4000 members who were moved out thanks to** **[](** ***The mission of TBA is to "Have fun and make friends!''*  We also do many volunteer & charity events, striving to be a positive force in the community. *Our main focus is in and round St Petersburg and the South Beaches of Pinellas County.*** ***We  also ask that you contribute by suggesting events, being friendly, and telling your friends about us.*** ***Many of our events involve physical activity and the risks associated with adventures, sports and crazy parties. Please enter at your own risk. Tampa Bay Adventures expects it's members to drink responsibly and never drive while under the influence. We also expect you to be cautious and aware of the risks associated with online communication and dating.*** ***Member back ground checks are not part of the membership criteria prior to acceptance. Therefore, The Organizers of TBA do not endorse any member's credibility. Please report suspicious or inappropriate behavior to appropriate local law officials immediately.  Inappropriate messaging and or behavior is grounds for immediate dismissal. Therefore, Members are encouraged to screenshot inappropriate messages and forward them to TBA Leadership for disciplinary action.***  ***You must keep a personal/recognizable photo of yourself  posted to your TBA profile at all times. This allows us to recognize you at events and make you feel welcome.  Member profiles without photos are subject to deletion.*** ***Now lets get out there and Live the Adventure!***
4819 members · Private

New Yorkers Living in Tampa Bay Area

Saint Petersburg, FL

New Yorkers Living in Tampa Bay Area
**Calling all Native New Yorkers** \- and we don't just mean just the 5 boroughs\, wherever you lived in New York state\. If you have fond memories from there and want to hear a familiar accent\, share laughs\, memories and fondness for things that just didn't travel down I\-95 with you \(good food\, good shows and friends\, fun cruises and more\) or just want to explore your new surroundings with those who "get" your wit and sense of humor\, then this is the group for you\.   **Membership Requirements and Policies**   We set **no age restrictions**. Our members are 45 and up and are a mixture of singles and couples.   **To join**, for security & recognition purposes, please post a photo of yourself; the Brooklyn Bridge or your pet is not acceptable. New members will not be approved without a recognizable photo and valid email contact information. Please complete the profile questions and agree to the policies and await acceptance.   Our events are primarily located in the local tri city area, St Petersburg, Clearwater and Tampa.   Although Meetup does charge an annual fee, **our group does not charge** members annual dues. Some members do occasionally voluntarily donate funds to help cover costs of running our group and this is greatly appreciated.   Please **RSVP** for a meetup only if you are responding “Yes” (A “No” response is not necessary, as it is implied by not responding).  RSVP deadlines vary for each event and are determined by the event organizer based on the venue management requirements. Anyone who responds to an event after the deadline or after the maximum number of attendees is reached will be placed on a “wait list”. We ask that you be respectful and considerate toward those on the wait list by cancelling or updating your “No” response or updating your number of guests attending no later than 48 hours prior to the event. Late cancellations will be considered a **“No Show**”.  Any member with two or more “No Shows” will be removed from the group.   All members are **expected to conduct themselves appropriately,** in a manner that represents the positive, friendly spirit of the group. This applies to conduct toward other members and event staff, both at events and online.   **Deposits** are requested for shows and for other large events. We have begun requesting deposits for some restaurants for dinner reservations. This is due to the fact that more and more restaurants have started requiring a guaranteed minimum number of attendees or minimum dollar amount for large groups. If a deposit is required for a dinner event, you will be asked to mail your check promptly to the organizer.  Checks will be held until the event, at which time, the deposit will be returned to the attendees. If you have paid your deposit and updated your RSVP to “No” by the deadline, arrangement will be made to refund your deposit.   Please carefully read event details and requirements before responding to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings. If you have any questions about an event, please feel free to contact the event organizer.  Arlyne is the primary organizer for our group and there are currently seven additional co-organizers.    **To remain an active member**, we ask that you attend at least 2 events per year. If you no longer wish to be a member, we request that you be considerate and remove your profile from our meetup group.   We are a fun-loving group of NYERs and we welcome new members with open arms. All members are encouraged to make suggestions for future events related their own experiences, interests or hobbies. Please contact Arlyne or other organizer, if you have a suggestion. If you would like to host an event, you can choose the activity, the location and time. Simply contact Arlyne, so she can insure there is not a conflict and set you up as a host on meetup. The more suggestions and hosts we have, the greater the variety of event types and venues, the better for all.
231 members · Private