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Sports & Hobbies groups near Annapolis, MD

Singles on Sailboats

Annapolis, MD

Singles on Sailboats

The Meetup Singles on Sailboats Group is a vehicle to introduce prospective members to our club.

The club is an organization of singles in the Chesapeake Bay area (over 700 members) who enjoy sailing, or want to get involved in the sport. Members include skippers (boat owners - about 125) and crew looking for OPB's (other peoples boats) to sail on.

Experienced and novice sailors are welcome, and the club offers extensive learning experiences. Activities include a busy schedule of day sails, weekend cruises, and extended 10-day cruises during the sailing season (April thru November), and many social get-togethers during the off-season.

We also organize one or two bareboat charter events every year, to destinations literally around the world. Recent destinations have included several to the Carribbean, Australia, Lake Huron, Croatia For more info, visit our website at

Through the Meetup website we offer year-round monthly happy hours throughout the northern Chesapeake Bay area. These are located from southeastern Pa to northern VA, and numerous points in between. They are attended by both Meetup participants and active club members. Active members do not RSVP through Meetup, so you will find many more attendees at these events than this site might indicate.

During the off-season (November through March) we also offer monthly Sunday Brunches in Annapolis. These typically attract over 100 attendees, and always include a speaker on a subject of interest. Speakers have included noted authors, Bay Pilots, outdoors & nature photographers, celebrated sailors, among others.

Members and non-members are welcome at the happy hours and brunches, all posted on this site. We invite you to participate in our Meetups, meet club members, talk sailing, and consider joing the club.

2691 members · Public

DMV Rollers Cycling

Bowie, MD

DMV Rollers Cycling
**WHO WE ARE** The District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia (DMV) Rollers is a group of recreational road cyclists who appreciate and enjoy the fellowship and health benefits associated with our sport -- and we love riding our bikes! All skill levels of cyclists are welcome to join us, however most of our members do have at least a few years of road riding experience and are "B+/B" riders (16 -18 mph group pace on flat roads). Therefore, we strongly encourage riders of lesser experience and/or ability to join our rides early in the season as each week the rides will increase in length and intensity. Although our rides are "no drop", meaning we will never leave a cyclist alone on the road, if a rider is deemed unable to maintain the group pace and/or complete the ride, we will ensure only that the rider is appropriately safeguarded (friend/SAG pick-up, rest stop drop-off, etc.).    Additionally, the DMV Rollers take pride in giving back to the community via participation in numerous charity rides throughout the cycling season. For example, at the national level in June 2024 members participated in **"Bike MS: Chesapeake Challenge 2024"**, raising over $3,300 in support of the National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society. And local causes supported recently included the April 2024 **"Ride to End Hunger in Calvert County"** (Food Pantry's in Calvert County, MD), the June 2023 **"Tour de Talbot"** (Talbot Thrive, a non-profit in Talbot County, MD which promotes healthy and safe outdoor mobility), the June 2023 DIVA Cycling **"Colors of Cancers Awareness Ride"** (St. Jude Children's Research Hospital), and the October 2022 Artemis Racing **"From the 'Wood to the Beach"** (event in support of A Wider Circle, whose mission is to end poverty). **HOW WE ROLL** ***Safety First:*** Please keep in mind that in order to accomplish a successful day of group road cycling, rider safety must be first and foremost. The DMV Rollers encourage and welcome fellow cycling enthusiasts to ride with us. However, the DMV Rollers assume no liability for any of our posted rides: ***each participant rides at their own risk, bears personal responsibility for their own safety and is respectful of the safety of others***. In order to participate in the DMV Rollers' rides, cyclists must familiarize themselves with and adhere to the following: * COVID-19 SAFETY GUIDELINES: in good health, no recent contact with someone who tested Covid-19 positive, frequent handwashing, etc. * Always wear a helmet (proper fitting/adjusted) * Keep your ears clear (no ear buds playing loud music) * Pay Attention: keep your eyes and mind on the road and maintain awareness of your surroundings. It only takes a few seconds for something very bad to happen. * Obey all traffic signs and signals (act like a car) * Ride no more than two abreast (when safe to do so) * Call out car "back”, "up”, "right", "left" etc. to alert fellow riders to vehicular traffic * When a motor vehicle is behind you and/or trying to pass, ride single file * Call out your intentions to riders immediately behind you: “slowing” “stopping” “turning” * Call out to riders/pedestrians ahead of your intentions to pass: “on your left” * Use traffic hand signals when appropriate to alert riders/motor vehicles/pedestrians * Point to road hazards and/or call out to riders behind you: “gravel”, “hole”, "roadkill" etc. * Ride defensively and use common sense and courtesy toward motorists, pedestrians, and others * Stay Visible: use lights when biking at night or in low-light conditions. **PRE-RIDE CHECKLIST** * Properly fitting and adjusted helmet * Cycling gloves * Protective cycling eyeglasses * Spare tubes * CO2 cartridges and/or bicycle pump, tire levers, patch kit * Operational safety lights * Water bottle(s) * Food: bars, gels, fruit, etc. * Identification (such as Road ID) * Emergency money * Do a quick test of your bike to ensure that it’s in proper working order
1129 members · Private

Rebel Women Society

Annapolis, MD

Rebel Women Society
Welcome to Rebel Women Society! This is a group for women and their supporters who rebel against the conditioning and limitations imposed upon us (by our parents, family, society, school, the workplace, religion, partners, ourselves...). Those women who shun expectations of what she should be. Women who demand more out of life and themselves. Let's build a tribe full of modern renaissance women. An inclusive space to share experiences, pursue new hobbies, pass on knowledge, and foster meaningful connections. Life's too short to be like everyone else. All are welcome in this group regardless of age, race, ethnicity, orientation, identity, or affiliation... Except: No Assholes. No whiners. No Karens/Chads (unless that's actually your name, in which case ... I owe you a drink (or an appetizer <3))! Some events may be designated women-only. In this case, woman is anyone who identifies as a woman (cis or trans) or is nonbinary/assigned female at birth. Events will range from curated events, immersive experiences (sometimes costume optional), candlelight concerts, museum outings, sex positive events, foodie outings, spiritual activities, various art/creative events (blacksmithing, glass fusion, pottery, glass blowing, painting, et cetera), AFI and retro film nights, ballet/opera/symphony, live music, and more!!! Events will be held in and around Annapolis, DC, and Baltimore (sometimes in NOVA). Please ensure your profile has a photo of yourself & fill out all the profile questions to be accepted as a new member. Some of the events will be spontaneous and last minute, others will be scheduled in advance, requiring pre-purchase of tickets. Have an idea or suggestion for an event? Please post in the group comments OR send an email to! And don't forget to show up to each event as your glorious unabashed self! NO SHOW and LATE CANCELLATION POLICY: Please try to show up to events that you have RSVP'd to. It's understandable that emergencies happen, but if you repeatedly RSVP to an event and do not show up, you may be removed from the group.
14 members · Private

Baltimore Dads Group

Baltimore, MD

Baltimore Dads Group

Baltimore Dads Group is a diverse community of fathers who take an active role in our children’s lives. We host meet-ups several times per month, with our kids at parks, playgrounds, museums, sporting events, parent-and-me classes, and anywhere else we feel compelled within the Baltimore, Marlyand metropolitan area. We also host Dads Nights Out to give our members an opportunity to socialize, have fun, learn, and support each other as we navigate parenthood. We are a group with dads of all stripes: married dads, single dads, dads who share custody, adoptive dads, step dads, stay at home dads, full time working dads, work from home dads, freelance dads, etc. Our meet-ups occur both during the week and on weekends to accommodate both stay at home dads and working dads. We welcome all involved fathers in and around the Baltimore metro area who want to socialize and interact with other guys who enjoy spending quality time with their children. The only requirement to joining us is to be a dad. There are no group dues and no attendance expectations. We have some dads who come consistently to most of we do, and we have some dads who might only come out once or twice per year. We’re here for all dads whenever they are ready to come out. Through our blog and social media channels, we offer parenting resources, local guides, and give our members the opportunity to connect online in-between meet ups. Via our parent organization, City Dads Group, we offer occasional sponsored events in which our members and their families gain access to free experiences, educational workshops, free product demos, and prizes from brands. Join us on: 


& Instagram:

Baltimore Dads Group is part of the City Dads Group, a dynamic and diverse community of fathers dedicated to being active in their children’s lives and, by example, redefining what it means to be a dad in the 21st century. City Dads Group has active groups in many major metropolitan areas throughout the United States. Find them all here at

** Please note this group is strictly for Dads, we understand sometimes wives will try join for their significant others but we encourage them to join on their own accord. We want this group to be a comfortable place for Dads to learn and talk about anything dad related.

486 members · Public

Baltimore Dragon Boat Club

Baltimore, MD

Baltimore Dragon Boat Club
If you have never tried the sport of dragon boating or if you have never paddled with the Baltimore Dragon Boat Club before, we'd love to have you come out and paddle with us! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* People paddle with us for many reasons. The main reason is EXERCISE! Dragon boating is great for your mind, body and soul as you work on increasing your muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. The training is adjustable to all experience levels and our team members will work with you on technique and overall fitness goals. BDBC has open practices that allow new people to try their hand at paddling. No experience is necessary. BDBC welcomes paddlers of all skill sets--men and women, younger and older (must at least be 10 years of age). Whether your interest is recreational or competitive, our coaching staff will train you in safety, timing, and technique until you're zipping through the water, paddling in perfect unison with your teammates, 20 paddles one boat! The first practice that you attend is free and each additional practice after that is $10.00.  If you decide to join the club, membership costs $150 per season. Please check out the new paddler page on our website [here]( \*\*\* If you are interested in joining us for a practice but are hesitant to do so because it looks like there are only a small handful of people signed up to attend, please be aware that we typically have between 30 and 40 people show up for open practices.  We manage our practice attendance via an app called Team Snap.  If you attend a practice and find that you like it so much that you would like to attend another, we will send you an invitation to Team Snap so you can sign up for future practices and learn about other club events.  We use Meetup to attract new paddlers and make people aware of our club, not really to manage attendance.  \*\*\* Hope to see you there!
258 members · Public