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Sports & Hobbies groups near Brandywine, MD

Kickstands Up Motorcycle Riders

Clinton, MD

Kickstands Up Motorcycle Riders
What makes Kickstands Up (KU) different from other Motorcycle Meet ups? KU Rider Francois said it best\*\*! "Out of all of the groups I just joined, yours is the most active. Congrats! " Don't want no Drama just fun!\*\* We've already rode over 500 events. No Commitments, no vests/colors, no mandatory meetings or, prospecting. Just RSVP and arrive at the meetup location ready to ride with a "FULL" tank of gas. New to riding, don't worry! you're welcome too. Kickstands Up started the SSR Events. Short Sunday Rides. If new to riding & riding with a motorcycle group, consider the short Sunday afternoon rides first. **KU Rider Charles Caleb Colton said, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".** And yes It is flattering when other motorcycle meetups copy our description, ideals & events. Especially the motorcycle aafety training events. We all want the same thing to just ride when time and weather permits and have fun doing it! We ask "all riders" to please: 1\. Be respectful to the organizers 2\. Be respectful to "All" Riders & their "Guests" 3\. No drinking or Marijuana use on or during a ride\. 4\. Always "Ride YOUR Ride\!" Ride at your own risk with or without proper riding gear \(KU is not responsible for your mishaps\)\. 5\. Request that you **post your safe arrival home after each event.** \*\* All types of motorcycles (touring, sport and cruisers though welcome should be in good working condition.\*\* **DISCLAIMER**: By RSVPing and attending Kickstands Up events, you acknowledge that Kickstands Up and the Founder is not responsible for any tickets, fines, bike damages, injuries, or deaths that may occur while riding with the group. Additionally, you agree to be photographed and/or videoed. Photographs or videos may be taken as a record of the event, for publicity purpose. All riders ride at their own risk and accept all liabilities that may occur from riding their motorcycle. LET'S RIDE!!!!
554 members · Private

The Armchair Dreamer - Imagination Skills Made Simple

Alexandria, VA

The Armchair Dreamer - Imagination Skills Made Simple
**LEARN, DISCUSS, AND PRACTICE:** How to **VISUALIZE** \- basic skills and steps\. Get good and apply your skills for stress control\, sports performance\, creativity\, problem\-solving\, wellness\, or creative performance\. How to **IMAGINE** \- imagination work allows us to go from visualization to free play and exploration of what is in our unconscious\. Get good and apply your skills for creativity\, inner work\, problem\-solving\, insight\, and more\. How to do **DREAM WORK** \- basic skills you will need to become aware of your dreaming\, capture your dreams\, and explore what's going on in your dreams\. **MEETUP MEETING FORMAT:** -Quick introductions -Quick presentation -An invitation to try visualization, day-dreaming, and imagination-accessing techniques. -Explore dreams brought by attendees in a dream group setting. **THE ARMCHAIR DREAMER IS:** **1** a Meetup Group **2** a YouTube channel **3** a blog **Go to the  Armchair Dreamer blog [here](  READ A LOT MORE ABOUT THESE THREE TOPICS. Don't miss the Armchair Dreamer blog.** ![]( **INSTRUCTOR:** Gary Goodwin has led dream groups since 1991 and has received training from major dreamworkers Jeremy Taylor and Monte Ullman. He has completed training with imagery instructors David Bresler, Mark Lawrence, Belleruth Naperstak, Les Fehmi, and Ann Weiser Cornell and supports this work with ongoing training in neurofeedback and biofeedback. In 2005 founded the *Armchair Dreamer* as a resource for imagination training and advocacy of the wider use of imagination-accessing techniques in our daily life. For nearly 10 years he taught a large variety of introductory classes at the Washington Society for Jungian Psychology and has led panels at the International Association for the Study of Dreams conferences. \>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\> Certified – *Interactive Guided Imagery* – Academy for Guided Imagery – Santa Monica, CA –  A comprehensive didactic and tested knowledge course with two practicums for using imagery in a wide variety of non-medical, peak performance, counseling, teaching, and medical settings. Certified – *Open Focus Coaching* and *Neurosychrony EEG Equipment rated* – Princeton Biofeedback Center – Training covered how to train people (using and not using biofeedback equipment) to produce alpha brainwaves across the brain. Instructor: Dr. Les Fehmi. Certified - *Level 1, Guided Imagery and Music Guide*. Dr. Helen Bonny techniques of using various types of music guide people into and through imagining. Certificate of Completion – *Imagery guide*, Center for Healing and Imagery. Dr. Mark Lawrence techniques of using imagery, EMDR, and related approaches. Certificate of Completion – *Initial Professional Training* – Center for Mind-Body MedicineCertificate of Completion – *Advanced Professional Training* – Center for Mind-Body Medicine. Dr. James Gordon techniques of group leadership with an array of mind-body approaches. Certified – *Group Facilitator – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy* – National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists. How to use Rational-Emotive and stoicism principles to self-challenge habitual ways of thinking about problems to lower stress and produce more objective and helpful decisions and perspectives. Certificates - *Mind Mirror Practitioners Training – Level One*. How to train people to produce alpha, theta, and delta brainwaves using Mind Mirror eeg equipment and without equipment. Certificate - *Add Heart Facilitator* (how to use the Inner Balance HRV equipment and app; HRV techniques); Heart-Math Institute Certificate - Neurofeedback Bootcamp for Beginners: BCIA Didactic Course, C.E. - Partial list: Alpha-Theta Brainwave Production, Center for Brain Training Belleruth Naperstak, Imagery Training, various Stens Corporation - Professional Biofeedback Certificate Program Ongoing – Coursework towards Certificate of Completion – Biofeedback Certification Institute of America In-depth exploration with a variety of neurofeedback and biofeedback personal use equipment including: Neurofeedback - Muse, OptiBrain, Neurosky, Philips Deep Sleep Headband, UrgoNight, and Zeo. Biofeedback - Thermal (HEG, hand thermometer, Mindfield eSense); Respiratory (Spire, Foci, Respirate) GSR equipment (Wild Divine, The Hub) HRV (Heartmath Pro, Inner Balance), EliteHRV, Wild Divine).
977 members · Public