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Sports & Hobbies groups near Gaithersburg, MD

MoCo Active & Social (45+)

Rockville, MD

MoCo Active & Social (45+)
Let's be social and get to know new people! This group is for Friendly people, new-in-towners, and people who have been in Montgomery County for a while and are simply looking for a new group of friends. We are a mix of single and married people that enjoy a variety of activities. This is not a singles group, however, we have a couple of engagements and marriages between members that met here! Membership is only $12 a year! This pays for bands, pickleball nets and paddles, birthday desserts, snacks at events, and other expenses as well as the annual meetup fees. You have 30 days to join with a trial membership and no fee; after that there is no refund. We enjoy live music, dancing, kayaking, golf, dinners, happy hours, festivals, sporting events, cooking classes, parties, and so much more -- mostly in Montgomery County (MoCo). We also have service projects, golf, top golf, axe throwing, bocce ball, disk golf, kayaking, biking, hiking, and local wine tasting. In the process, we can get acquainted with each other and decide what other similar interests we may have. Please share your ideas with us! This group is for social people that want to have FUN! HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON!! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*"THE FINE PRINT"\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* WE DO REQUIRE A PICTURE OF YOUR FACE TO JOIN. THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE. You also need to keep the photo on your profile or you will be removed as a member. This picture has to be big enough to be able to see your lovely face! If you are a habitual "no-show" you will be removed from the group. Mean, Rude, or unfriendly people need not apply. We are a social group and we encourage community! The annual fee is not refundable. There is a free 30 day trial membership.
401 members · Private

Health Talk For Healthier Living

Rockville, MD

Health Talk For Healthier Living
Do you want to learn how to live a healthier lifestyle? Do you struggle with diet and exercise? Does it sometimes feel overwhelming or frustrating? Or perhaps you do not even know where to begin or what your not doing efficiently? If you are looking for someone who will help you by answering all your fitness questions and coach you along your improvement journey then you've found the right Meetup group! Our Meet ups with be held Virtually for 45 minutes every Wednesday at 6 P.M. EST Every Wednesday, I'll be answering your health and fitness questions. We will be working together to generate a system that works exclusively for you and helping you overcome your personal sticking points. We will also be discussing where you would ideally like to be health and fitness wise as well as what some of your goals are. Other topics could include: The latest trends and studies from the American College of Sports Medicine In order to facilitate within a short period of time. It is strongly encouraged that all attendees fill out weekly forms prior to virtual calls. We will also be having in depth conversation on topics of discussion for those who would like more detail or practical steps Note\* To respect the privacy to all my clients no recording is allowed. Virtual calls will be indivialized I want to create a safe environment for everyone who attends can share their personal struggles without any judgement or negative feelings. Due to high demand of personalized physical meetups.  One on One training is only available with advance consultation to my ideal clients. Yes, i want to hear from you! I am committed to helping YOU demonstrate yourself how amazing you really are.
54 members · Public

MoCo Top Spinners (Montgomery County Tennis Meetup)

Rockville, MD

MoCo Top Spinners (Montgomery County Tennis Meetup)
Hello Meetup members, Following up on the last update on change of guard and Rules. Please find the rules below. In case of any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the organizers. **Mission Statement:** *Our goal is to provide a fun, friendly, competitive environment for tennis athletes. We encourage and promote good sportsmanship, respect and teamwork.* • **DEFINITIONS:** Committee member: An Organizer or Co-Organizer that will regulate and facilitate Meetup events and evaluate N.T.R.P. ratings for new members. Will decide amongst a collective, issues, grievances, warning infractions, suspensions and if necessary banishments. Event Organizer: a member designated by the committee to assist with arrangement Meetup events. Event organizers do not have the authority to issue warnings, suspend or banish Meetup members. Should an issue arise, the Event Organizer can bring it to the attention of a Committee member. Meetup Member: a member who abides by the Meetup rules set forth, membership dues are current and displays good sportsmanship at all times. • **THE COMMITTEE** The committee was created to assist the organizer with facilitating Meetup events and organizing match play. The committee members are active Meetup members and are very passionate about the sport of tennis. Committee members and Event Organizers are also subject to the same rules and regulations as Meetup members. Should an issue or grievance arise with a member of the committee or an event organizer, the remainder or the committee shall collectively decide what action is to be taken. The committee members shall have equal parts in the decision-making process and will utilize a majority vote system. The committee consists of in no particular order of importance Denese, Joe, and PY. \ • **GENERAL RULES** • All new members shall have their skill level evaluated by a committee member to determine their N.T.R.P. rating. This assessment is necessary to ensure proper placement and pairing for Meetup events. • Members N.T.R.P. ratings can be re-evaluated by a committee member and increased or lowered based on the progression or regression of the member. Members can request a re-evaluation, however the decision of the committee members is final. • Members are not allowed to organize pre-arranged matches. All matches will be facilitated by committee members or event organizers. • All matches will be guided by current USTA rules, unless otherwise stated. • Only members who have an RSVP will be allowed to play. Members on the waitlist will be allowed to participate after two hours after the event starts. • Members that RSVP and do not show, are over 20 minutes late or do not cancel within 2 hours of the start of the Meetup event, will be issued a warning infraction. • All members shall conduct good sportsmanship and be courteous to other members at all times. • Sexual harassment, racism, sexism or any kind of intolerance will not be tolerated and will result in the permanent ban from the group. • Members that do not adhere to the rules of the Meetup will be subject to warning infractions or banned permanently. • **Issues or Grievances** • Members are encouraged to report any issues or grievances they have to a committee member or event organizer as soon as possible. • All issues and grievances will be taken into consideration of committee members. \ • **Warnings Infractions and Permanent Bans** • In an effort to show fairness and equality, all issues and grievances will be presented to the committee and a collective decision will be made as to what action needs to be taken. • Only committee members are allowed to issue warning infractions or ban a member from the Meetup group. • If member receives three warning infractions, the member will be suspended from the Meetup for a period of one month. If a member is suspended twice (six warnings), that member will be permanently banned and any membership dues will then be forfeited. • **Membership Dues** • All Meetup members will be required to pay $10.00 in annual dues. • Dues will be utilized to maintain the Meetup website and fund meetup activities throughout the year. • Membership renewal dues will be on an annual basis based on the membership date. **Summary** *Members choosing to be a part of the MoCo Top Spinners Montgomery County Tennis Meetup are acknowledging the rules and guidelines set forth. Members are encouraged to participate in Meetup Activities, however all members play at their own risk. The Meetup Organizer, Co-Organizers, Committee members, or Event Organizers are not responsible for any injuries that could occur from participating any events or meetups. By joining this Meetup, you acknowledge and will abide by our rules and guidelines as set out by the Meetup committee. Membership is at will and can be forfeited at any time along with membership dues at the discretion of the committee.* \
256 members · Public

Co-Ed Safer Soccer

Silver Spring, MD

Co-Ed Safer Soccer
This is the safer soccer subgroup of the regular [Washington, DC Pick-up Soccer]( group.  This subgroup is used to communicate about the safer soccer lighter ball games.  All members subscribed to organizer messages will receive a weekly email from an organizer (usually Jason Taylor) about safer soccer. However, anyone is welcome to view the past \~10 years of emails archived [here](  If you are rsvping for a game, you need to be subscribed to organizer messages, since [those messages may contain information about last-minute changes]( All games in this subgroup use a special full-sized very light ball. We play in Silver Spring, Maryland, north of the beltway by about 5 minutes. No soccer experience is required, but do not join if you are injured. **NON-FIFA RULES:** ● Light ball. The ball we use is \~1/8th as heavy as a regulation ball.  It is the same size. It is harder to pass and dribble, especially in hot weather. Also, it doesn't feel the same as a 5.  If you are an older soccer player, it takes a game to get used to.  (We once played against a very good soccer team.  We beat them partly because they were not used to our ball. ) So, why do we use this ball? It prevents pain, but the main reason is because of a link between non-concussive heading and growth of a protein called tau. Tau probably strengthens brain tissue, which is good, and probably why this occurs, but in doing so there is probably a permanent loss of [mental ability](  If you'd like to know more about this, you can read here: []( []( []( []( (2 minutes) []( minutes 1:24-1:29 (6 minutes) **To join the group you are required to read [this](**.  If you say "OK, good to know.  No problem, I just won't head," realize that your reaction time is [~215 ms]( but it takes only \~[60 ms]( for a ball to hit you.  So all soccer players get hit in the head by the ball occasionally.  For reasons we can't discuss here, be skeptical of what you read about this topic. (Heck, be skeptical of everything!)  But for similar reasons, you are either for our group, or you are against our group (and, by default, for the majority/status quo). If you don't care at all about head injuries in the sports you play, you are not welcome here.  There are about 300 other soccer games in the DC area that you should play at instead. ● Injury-based foul system\*\*.\*\*  The ref does not care if you were going for the ball or if it was intentional or not. If you end up injuring anyone, even your own teammate, you will get a yellow card and will have to sit out for 2 minutes. Do it a few times and expect a red card and a ban.  This way it is to your advantage to look first.  Knowing where nearby players are increases safety.  Hands are always allowed to protect yourself from anything, but not if it was for an advantage. ● **Next point wins.** The traditional method of re-balancing lopsided teams is to have the best player on the senior team switch players with the worse player on the junior team. This is horrible for several reasons. It makes the worst player, usually a woman, feel horrible. We may as well make her wear the scarlet letter. It also means all the points the great player just got now count against him. It confuses people like me because the teams just got spaghetied up. Imagine watching the super bowl and having the quarterback switch sides at halftime. It's stupid. Indeed, there's no teams at all if the teams changed, IMO. So what we do to make the game fun all the way to the end is different. Let's call the “senior” team that with the most point. If they have 2 or more points more than the "junior" team when there are 10 minutes left, the “next point wins” rule may begin in which: If someone scores, their team wins. If nobody scores, the senior team wins. If you are on the senior team you may wish to play keep away to run out the clock. The captain of the senior team can contest “next point wins” by trying to pick a coin toss. If he/she gets it correct (50% chance), the game is played out normally. All American football players new to soccer are encouraged to view [this educational video]( before playing. ● No out of bounds. This makes it more interesting and easier to ref. ● No offsides. ● No goalies for the senior team. (The senior team is the one that is ahead in points.) This rule is used in place of an offsides rule, since it implies you cannot win by sticking some fat player who stands in front of their relatively small Pugg goal all day long. ● Goal resizing. Sometimes a strong player comes on mid-game after teams were picked by the two captains. If someone like Ronaldo joins a team and/or both captains agree to goal resizing to make the game more balanced the game will be stopped and the goal sizes altered to make it more even. This rule should be invoked quickly once an imbalance is suspected, if at all, not when it is too late or just before the 10-minute warning when next point wins can solve the problem a different way. [Jason Arthur Taylor](, Organizer of Safer Soccer and [Washington, DC Pick-up Soccer]( P.S.  I respond to all communications made using within 48 hours, including applications; if you messaged me for any reason and I didn't respond, I didn't actually get your message.
538 members · Public