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Sports & Hobbies groups near Pontiac, MI

Bloomfield 65 yrs & better Event and Movie Lovers!

West Bloomfield, MI

Bloomfield 65 yrs & better Event and Movie Lovers!
**We're a group of fun, active, interesting, cultured and positive 65 yr. old and better married, divorced, widowed and single professionals who enjoy a variety of events, movies and many other types of activities. This group is primarily a cultural events group. Since our group started in 2012 many of our members have found a best friend within the group and have found that special someone to share their life with.** **We meet one to two times a month for fun, excitement and to expand our interests and circle of friends.** **We are open to attending all types of events - wine tastings, new restaurants, cycling, nature walks, brunches, historical tours, art fairs, concerts, plays, sporting events, book signings, etc. Come join us! We would enjoy your ideas for events and activities.**  **Your friends are welcome but please extend us the courtesy of telling us your friend(s) will be joining us to insure we choose a theater and a restaurant large enough to accommodate everyone.**  **You must be a current MICHIGAN resident to belong to this group (meaning a current MI drivers license or ID).** **We look forward to meeting you soon! You must be 65 years of age or better please to belong to this group and you must be willing to verify your age. You're welcome to join us for one event before joining to check us out and see what we're all about.** \* Please be advised - you will be removed from the group when we have a dinner event with a Waitlist and a dinner reservation and you do not show up. If you are not accepted into this group it’s because you are not 65 years of age or older. We look forward to meeting you!
1197 members · Public

The Weekenders

Royal Oak, MI

The Weekenders

This group is for young people (20's & 30's) looking for a little somethin' on the weekends other than the usual grind. This is also a shout out to all of you who are new in town and are looking to meet people! So! Let's get together once a week and enjoy the "scene" here in the fabulous Metro Detroit area. Activities include outings to bars and restaurants, witty banter (if we're lucky), concerts, community events, and the occasional house party. <br>

Friendly Guidelines for Acceptance into the Group: <br> <br>1. Photo: please make sure your profile pic is a clear photo of you! That way we can recognize you at events. <br> <br>2. Profile Questions: Nothing fancy, keep it brief but informative! You really do have to fill them out before we accept you into the group. Pro tip: it says spots, not sports. <br> <br>Guidelines for Weekenders: <br> <br>1. You are responsible for yourself and your guests! We expect you and your guests to behave like responsible adults. Mind your P's and Q's, be nice and respectful to the other members, don't unload all your problems onto people just trying to have a good time, don't pressure others to do things they don't want to, etc. If there are any complaints, you'll be kicked out. :) <br> <br>2. This isn't a dating group! If you end up meeting someone you really fancy in the group, that's great. But this isn't a singles group or online dating site; our number one purpose is to make lasting friendships! If you're making other people uncomfortable with unwanted come-ons, you will be asked to leave the group. So.. don't be that guy or girl. <br> <br>3. Be courteous to your host and update your rsvp's: if something comes up and you can't make it, no worries! Just change your rsvp to "not going" so we aren't waiting for you for the festivities to begin. Excessive no-shows of "yes" rsvp-ers may be removed from the group at the organizers disgression. <br> <br> 4. Download the app: it's the best way to get real-time info about where to find us or last minute changes. Check the group the day of the event for any updates. <br> <br> 5. Help make this group awesome! You can suggest events and activities, and even to host them yourself. No promotional spam though, please. <br> <br>Please message the Organizer if you have any questions! <br>

3697 members · Public

Metro Detroit Mountain Bikers

Royal Oak, MI

Metro Detroit Mountain Bikers
This group was started to share the love of mountain biking. We ride 3 or more times per week, on some days in multiple locations. With an open group, we expect to get people of varying skill levels. If you don't have any experience riding off-road, you are encouraged to reach out to the leadership team about how to safely get started. All our normal group rides are "no-drop", no one is left behind or waiting on the trails. "Drop" rides will be labeled, along with the ability level. Sometimes after the ride, we head to a local establishment for food and drinks. We can also meet at races, rides or any gathering that has to do with cycling of any kind. The primary focus of this group is mountain biking. However, from time to time, we will offer up different activities, such as paddle boarding. And during the winter months, we mainly ski and snowboard. Lastly, as with most other biking groups, we are responsible and will not ride trails that are in a bad condition, i.e. soft or muddy. Also, we clear and clean-up the trails when we can. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* MDMB Main Leadership Team & Roles: Dan McMillan- Leader/Financial & Marketing Manager J.Ross Yuzon - Co-Organizer/Founder Tim Werth - Co-Organizer/Design Manager/MISCA Coach Marc Stanley - Assistant Organizer/West Side Wednesday Ride Host Bob Bard - Assistant Organizer/Skills Instructor Mark Hock - Event Organizer/Trip Organizer/West Side Event Gear Keeper \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \ All Members' Participation Waiver: I acknowledge I have voluntarily requested to participate in a mountain biking activity with the meetup Metro-Detroit Mountain Bikers (MDMB). I AM AWARE THAT MDMB MEETUPS ARE INFORMAL MEETINGS OF MOUNTAIN BIKERS AND I SHOULD HAVE NO EXPECTATIONS OF OTHER INDIVIDUALS OF THE GROUP. My participation in the group rides is analogous to meeting strangers at the trailhead and making the choice to mountain bike with them. MDMB GROUP RIDES ARE NOT INSTRUCTIONAL IN NATURE. Any such instructional clinic will be advertised as such, conducted by a certified professional, and will include its own waiver. MOUNTAIN BIKING IS A DANGEROUS SPORT AND REQUIRES PHYSICALLY STRENUOUS MOVEMENTS REQUIRED TO CONTROL A MOUNTAIN BIKE ON NATURAL SURFACE TRAILS AND MAN MADE FEATURES. I AM AWARE THAT I COULD BE SERIOUSLY INJURED OR EVEN KILLED IN THE EVENT OF A CRASH. I AM VOLUNTARILY PARTICIPATING IN THESE ACTIVITIES WITH KNOWLEDGE OF THE DANGER INVOLVED, AND AGREE TO ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISKS OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, WHETHER THOSE RISKS ARE KNOWN OR UNKNOWN. WAIVER: In consideration of permission to participate in the MEETUP GROUP RIDES I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, personal representatives, or assigns DO HEREBY RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE THE ORGANIZERS OF THE GROUP RIDE, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, VOLUNTEERS, INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS, AND AGENTS FROM LIABILITY FORM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE ORDINARY NEGLIGENCE OF RIDE ORGANIZERS OR ANY OF THE AFOREMENTIONED PARTIES AS PART OF THE GROUP RIDE. This agreement applies to 1) personal injury (including death) from accidents or illnesses arising from participation in the clinic and to 2) any and all claims resulting from the damage to, loss of, or theft of personal property. ASSUMPTION OF RISK: Mountain biking, by its nature, carries with it inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. Group Rides will also involve other participants and trail users which present hazards associated with multiple users in a defined space. The specific risks involved in mountain biking can range from 1) minor injuries such as scratches, bruises, and sprains to 2) major injuries such as concussions, broken bones, and heart attacks to 3) catastrophic injuries including paralysis and death. I AGREE TO FOLLOW ALL POSTED AND/OR ANNOUNCED SAFETY RULES, AND ALL RULES COMMON TO MOUNTAIN BIKING. I agree to report any unsafe practices, conditions, or equipment to the event management. MEDICAL HISTORY: I certify that 1) I possess a sufficient degree of physical fitness to safely participate in Mountain Biking. 2) I understand that I am to discontinue any activity at any time I feel undue discomfort or stress, and 3) I will indicate to ride organizers any health-related conditions that might affect my ability to safely participate. EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE: In the event of a medical emergency, I authorize and give my consent and permission to organizers to provide any and all medical assistance, including but not limited to first aid, arranging treatment by medical personnel, physicians, nurses, or paramedics, and to authorize any emergency medical treatment. I further understand that in the event of a medical emergency that I WILL BE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY EXPENSES INVOKED. INSURANCE: I understand that I am solely responsible for any medical, health, or personal injury costs relating to my participation. I understand that I am strongly encouraged to have a medical physical examination and purchase health insurance prior to any and all participation in the clinic. IMDENIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS: I also agree to HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY ORGANIZERS from all claims resulting from my negligence and to reimburse them for any expenses incurred as a result of my involvement. I further agree to pay all costs and attorneys’ fees incurred by organizers in investigating and defending a claim or suit if my claim is withdrawn, or to the extent a court or arbitration determines that organizers are not responsible for the injury or loss. I have read the previous paragraphs and I KNOW THE NATURE OF THE ACTIVITIES of Mountain Biking. I UNDERSTAND THE DEMANDS of those activities relative to my physical condition and skill level, and I APPRECIATE THE TYPES OF INJURIES that may occur as a result of activities made possible by the mountain biking. I HEREBY ASSERT THAT MY PARTICIPATON IS VOLUNTARY AND THAT I KNOWINGLY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING: I HAVE READ THIS WAIVER of liability and indemnification agreement and fully understand its terms. I UNDERSTAND THAT BY CONTUING WITH MY MDMB MEETUP REGISTRATION AND ACCEPTING THIS DOCUMENT SERVES AS MY LEGAL SIGNATURE AND THAT I AM GIVING UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING MY RIGHT TO SUE. I acknowledge that I am accepting this agreement freely and voluntarily, AND INTEND MY ACCEPTANCE TO BE A COMPLETE AND UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY. \ \ \
96 members · Private

Novi/Farmington Area Tennis/Pickleball Group - Intermediate

Novi, MI

Novi/Farmington Area Tennis/Pickleball Group - Intermediate
Welcome to our group page! We are in the midst of indoor season at the Sports Club of West Bloomfield--please see individual events for details. \*\* **PICKLEBALL**: We are starting to try adding Pickleball courts. If you are a player, feel free to apply for the group and note Pickleball in your comments. Assume all tennis comments below also apply to Pickleball. **\*\*** Below are the overall rules of the group. By attending any of our Meetup events, you agree to all of these and any additional details on the events. **\*\*\* GROUP OVERVIEW \*\*\*\*** Welcome tennis players. Our tennis group consists of a random group of people, some of which have been playing tennis for many years. This group was formed to find new and fun people to play tennis with, make new friends and to possibly take our game to the next level. We play outdoors in the summer and indoors at the Sports Club of West Bloomfield in the winter. Occasionally after tennis, we’ll go out for a drink. Please feel free to join us anytime. Please read everything below and join us for some tennis fun and exercise. See you on the courts! **\*\*SKILL LEVEL REQUIREMENTS\*\*** This Meetup is open for intermediate players and up (for example a [3.0-3.5 USTA ranking]( beginners, please. For this group, the minimum requirements are that a player is \*consistent\* with hitting and scoring medium-paced shots, keeping score, and serving. Sorry no beginners or learners, please. We appreciate everyone learning tennis (we've all been there) and just want to maintain a consistent level within the group. If you or the group's leadership team are not comfortable with your level, or if you just want a lighter level of play, please take drills or lessons, or join an appropriate group, such as: OR, if your level is too HIGH, check out our other group: **\*\*COURT ASSIGNMENTS\*\*** We organizers will do our best to match up similar skill level players with one another to keep the matchups fun for all. When possible we will switch courts and/or partners (if playing doubles) for variety. **\*\*WEATHER\*\*** In case of bad weather please follow the comment section of the current Meetup and the organizers will do our best make a decision between 4pm and 5pm on that day. **\*\*RULES\*\*** Players who fail to follow these rules could be subject to removal from the group. No-shows could also result in removal from the group. 1. MEMBERS ONLY: In order to join us for Meetups, you must be a member of Meetup and the group, no guests please. We need to ensure that every member has filled out the questionnaire for level of play to properly assign court matchups. See below for information on our one-time annual member fee. 2. RSVP POLICY: If you RSVP but are unable to attend, you can change your RSVP as soon as possible or at the very latest, by the cancellation deadline posted in the Meetup description. Not canceling your reservation could create an odd numbers of players and doesn’t allow those on the waitlist (see item 3) to play. For indoor season, since we have to pay in advance for court time we may ask you to pay for no-show time if we can't fill your spot. Players with 2 or more no-shows without proper cancellation are subject to removal from the group. Note: We understand that things happen in life and late cancellations may be necessary at times. We just kindly ask that you let the organizer know ASAP by sending a text/call, sending a Meetup message, or by posting in that Meetup’s discussion board so that they can make appropriate adjustments. 3. WAITLIST: Due to court availability, we place a limit of 8-12 players for each Meetup. If there are more than the limit, Meetup will automatically create a "Waitlist" and will move people from that list to RSVP if there's a cancellation. We respectfully ask that all players on this list be available to play in case someone drops on the RSVP list, even on the day of the Meetup. If you aren’t sure that you can make it please remove yourself from the waitlist. Note: If there are enough RSVPs on the waitlist, the organizers may open the Meetup to add a court for the players from the waitlist. This will depend on court availability at that particular location. 4. PHOTO: We request that members display their actual photo and name on our meetup site so we know who you are when you show up. 5. ARRIVAL TIME: We ask that all players do their best to show up on time and stay until the end of the meetup. If you are running late, please post on that particular Meetup’s discussion, PM or text the organizer. 6. EVEN NUMBER: We prefer an even number of players. If you were the last RSVP and you make it an odd number we kindly ask you to change your RSVP to “No” before the Meetup starts. We will do our best to see if we can find a player to keep it even. It is not always possible to avoid this situation. 9. USTA RULES: When playing, try to follow the [USTA rules]( We encourage this for those players that play on USTA teams, and for others to develop good habits. “If it’s close, it’s in.” 10. DELAYS: If playing in early spring, late summer or fall and there is a high school match being played, please do not go on the courts until an organizer confirms that it’s alright to do so. 11. RESPECT: Please be kind, courteous and respectful to everyone. We are all here to have a good time while getting some exercise and improving our tennis skills. 12. FORMAT: Unless stated in the Meetup header the format will be as follows. If enough players are willing to play singles, and we have enough courts available, we will do so. Otherwise, we will default to doubles. When possible, we will switch partners and/or opponents for variety of play. 13. TENNIS BALLS: Bring some tennis balls! Please don’t assume everyone will have some. If we all pitch in, it will be a lot cheaper for everyone in the long run. 14. FUN: Lastly and most importantly: have fun!!! **\*\*ANNUAL OUTDOOR FEE\*\*** We ask each player attending our outdoor Meetups to contribute a $10 ONE-TIME annual fee, which covers our $180 annual Meetup fee while giving you the convenience of a managed group and regular events. Any excess fees will be used to purchase balls or cover a fall outing. You may attend one Meetup without cost to see if you like it. If you'd like, you can PayPal, Venmo, ApplePay or Zelle to Ron Flannery (, 248-318-5016). Just be sure to say who you are. **\*\*RELEASE AND WAIVER\*\*** By signing up for this Meetup group, I agree that the organizers of this group and its members will not be held responsible for the actions of any participant at any event including myself. Each person attends an event at their own risk and is solely responsible for any injuries, losses, illness, or consequences to themselves or others, damages to equipment or other personal property, and any other consequence. Minors are allowed provided: A) They in good health and meet the skill requirements for the group; B) A parent or legal guardian must be present, the RSVP must be done in his or her name, and he or she must notify the group via the discussion in that particular event; C) Parent or guardian accepts the release and waiver above for the minor. **COVID preparedness.** We will be practicing recommended guidelines. Please also view the following safe tennis COVID-19 guidelines and stay home if you aren't feeling well or have been exposed: []( **\*\*CONTACT US\*\*** If you have further questions, comments, suggestions or concerns please contact us via text message or by sending us a Meetup message. Ron: 248-318-5016
588 members · Public