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Sports & Hobbies groups near Albuquerque, NM

New Group

The Rationalist Review

Albuquerque, NM

The Rationalist Review
Welcome to **The Rationalist Review** Meetup! This group is designed for those who have a passion for deep thought, critical thinking, evidence-based reasoning, and rational conclusions on humanity and life at large. Join us as we explore a variety of topics such as philosophy, science, and ethics. Whether you are a seasoned philosophical mind or just beginning your journey towards a more logical mindset, this group is perfect for anyone looking to engage in stimulating discussions and expand their knowledge. Let's come together to challenge each other's perspectives, sharpen our analytical skills, and promote intellectual growth. The Rationalist Review's intent is to allow for a dialectic on matters between participates to stimulate constructive thought. Join us and be part of a community dedicated to rational inquiry and insightful discourse. The review will open itself to consider some great landmark thinking of western philosophy all the way to contemporary views on recent matters such as AI, ethics and determinism. Topics will be introduced from lectures and discussions available via online videos (YouTube etc). Do not let member limits here online stop you from attending if you wish While professionals with experience on topics are always welcome, the complete novice with a basic curiosity, humility, and the ability to articulate questions is encouraged to join. **Guidepost: Basic code of conduct:** (subject to revision as needed) A) The meetings discussion should start on the topic of that meeting B) Critic Ideas, Not people, unless said people blatantly violate the code of conduct or the rules C) When communicating ideas, give clear reasons for them D) Give examples whenever possible E) Reference the sources for the meeting topic whenever possible F) Speak freely- there is no need to raise hands, but be polite & don’t interrupt other people G) Ask away for clarity if needed but hold questions until people are fully done talking H) Make your point but try not to ramble. Respect the time for others to contribute as much as they respected yours. I) -For those with experience- Keep the vocabulary use accessible to as many as possible J) Do not expect anyone to ever be obligated to agree with anything you claim. But also remember the intent is to be constructive with each other. Use common sense and common courtesy. K) All participants are expected to be able to hold adult level respectful discourse without fear. **The HARD RULES of the Rationalist Review** that may get you ejected if violated. (subject to revision as needed) 1. Follow the rules and code conduct. 2. You may only argue topics from rationality, NOT spirituality. 3. You may not claim absolute certainty over vast topics without openness to rational discourse.
37 members · Public

Albuquerque NFL Football & social spotlight group

Albuquerque, NM

Albuquerque NFL Football & social spotlight group
Whether it’s the friends you brought along or the people seated next to you, sporting events bring people together. Maybe it’s the common interest in (or hatred of) a team that starts the conversation — or the simple joy of having a beer with a stranger. Not a football fan, no problem we will scheduling some random activities that are not sports related such as concerts, happy hours, karaoke, festivals, movies, sometimes we get invited to free advanced movie screenings, there will be other sports related events, ufc, boxing, live games, basketball, college football, baseball etc...or please message us with suggestions. All ages 21 & up are welcome. \*\*To join this group it is required that you upload a current photo of YOURSELF for the safety of our members and so we can find you easier at the events. list your favorite football team so we can try to schedule the meet ups when those teams are playing. Please read before joining: 1\. Unless there is at least 2 or more rsvp's besides host event may be cancelled\. 2\. Organizers/hosts provide event info and post fun things to do but all members are adults and take full responsibility of their own actions during event and to and from event\. 3\. We monitor this group very closely for any fraudulent or suspicious activity\, if there is any suspicion\, members will immediately removed by admin\. NFL meet up members will automatically be removed if: 1\. they haven't been active with the group within 12 months\. 2\. 3 no shows \*We will be scheduling a large variety of events to cater to a variety of members interests, including church events, just don't want anyone to be surprised. This is a FREE group! We do accept donations to help cover the Meetup fees paid every 6 months by organizer. Note to new members: I know it can be a little nerve racking coming out to meet new folks, but everyone is very nice and welcoming, so don't let that stop you from rsvping to an event!! This isn't a dating group but...who knows the future love of your life could be a football fan!:)🏈❤️ ...with all that said welcome to NFL Meetup & more! looking forward to meeting you! lets watch some football and have some fun!!!! Follow us on Facebook: []( Please drink responsibly:Dee has given you a FREE Uber ride (up to $5). To claim your free gift, sign up using this link: [](
795 members · Private

ABQ SOCIAL CREW (Mid-20s to Mid-40s)

Albuquerque, NM

ABQ SOCIAL CREW (Mid-20s to Mid-40s)
***ABQ SOCIAL CREW (An inclusive social group for people in their mid-20s to mid-40s)*** We are an inclusive social group focused on creating a diverse array of events where attendees feel safe to be themselves. Our events will include: trying new restaurants and breweries, fine dining, happy hours, hikes, festivals, crafting events, sporting events, volunteer opportunities, online movie watch parties, and other fun social activities. We welcome individuals from all gender identities, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, socio-economic statuses, and abilities. We **do not** have strict age restrictions, but we are mostly comprised of individuals in their mid-20s to mid-40s. **IF YOU JOIN THIS GROUP, YOU AGREE THAT:** -you are 21 years of age or older -any guests you bring to events are 21 years of age or older -you will drink responsibly -you will cover any costs associated with your food, beverages, and other items purchased at events in their entirety -you will not attend any in-person events if you have tested positive for Covid or know you have been exposed to Covid -you will not share info about this group or its events with individuals who have been banned from this group -you will not participate in harassment of any kind, such as unwanted advances, unwanted solicitations, proselytizing, and unwanted messaging. If someone says no or requests you stop, you must honor that. -you will not use hate speech or discriminatory speech of any kind. This includes sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, and classist speech. -you will not engage in predatory behaviors (e.g., attempting to take advantage of another attendee by encouraging them to become inebriated, making advances toward someone who is significantly younger, etc.) -you will not participate in illegal activity \*\*Any violation of the above will likely result in removal from the group. Depending on the offense, you may also be reported. **LIABILITY WAIVER** By joining this Meetup group and signing up for events organized by this group, you agree that you are voluntarily participating in these events at your own risk and that you are solely responsible for your own safety and well-being. Current and former organizers for and owners of this Meetup group cannot be held responsible or liable for the actions of participants at events. You agree that you are medically able to engage in any event that you attend, and you agree to assume all responsibility and costs for any medical treatments, property damage, or other expenses associated with participating in this group’s events.
250 members · Private

Nob Hill and Downtown Social Club

Albuquerque, NM

Nob Hill and Downtown Social Club
Welcome all! This meetup group is about meeting new people, having fun, and socializing in the Nob Hill and downtown area of Albuquerque. Most events will take place in this area or areas close by. Events include but are not limited to, happy hours, dinners, wine tasting, sporting events, and any other fun happenings in the area. If you have a suggestion for an event or would like to be an organizer please let me know. This group is an inclusive group, any age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc. is welcome in this group. We will not tolerate any bigotry or harassment by any member. (One side note: some events may be 21 and up only) About me: My name is Tiffany and I’ve been an organizer of meetup events in the past when I live in Hawaii and in Kansas City. I am originally from central Texas, I am an Army veteran, and I am ¼ Japanese. I moved to Albuquerque 2 years ago and have lived in the Nob Hill area those 2 years. I am starting this meetup because I see most of the other groups host events that honestly are just too far or would cost too much to uber or lyft to. So my idea for this group was to host events that are within walking, biking or less expensive uber or lyft because drinking and driving is bad. RSVP: Please if your plans change make sure to update your rsvp. I know sometimes things happen, whether it be work, family emergency or you just don’t feel like going out that day. Please update so anyone on the waitlist may be able to join, or we won’t be waiting to order because we are waiting on you. If you have 3 no shows without changing your rsvp or contacting the host, you will be removed from the group. Lastly, you do not have to live in the Nob Hill or Downtown area to join this group, you just have to be willing to come to the area for the events.
1761 members · Public

New Mexico Cross Country Ski Meetup Group

Albuquerque, NM

New Mexico Cross Country Ski Meetup Group
This group exists as an offshoot of the [New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club]( ([]( They are a very friendly and welcoming bunch of people and besides - they pay the bills. We are not exactly them though. This Meetup group is free and is for those who are interested in discovering or rediscovering the world of cross country skiing. Our primary purpose is to offer lower-level outings so anyone can get out, have some fun and find out if this brand of winter outdoor experience is for them. If you find you like it, the [NMCC Ski Club]( offers a broader range of outings, destinations, education and outdoor cameraderie. We also hope to provide a forum for the exchange of ski info for the greater NM x-c ski community (snow conditions, trailhead locations, gear exchange, etc.). We at this Meetup are not about snowshoeing, down-hill skiing or other winter sports.  There are several local organizations that do an excellent job of providing these experiences.  Although this Meetup is all about helping the new or rusty x-c skier find or regain their snow legs, the [New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club]( welcomes cross-country, nordic, backcountry, telemark and alpine skiers as well as snowshoers.  check them out at: []( Note that for beginner type outings, there has to be good enough local snow to make it worth while.  That is outside our control and better in some years than others.
695 members · Public

Albuquerque Running Meetup

Albuquerque, NM

Albuquerque Running Meetup

Welcome to the Albuquerque Running Meetup!

The Albuquerque Running Meetup is first and foremost a social group of like minded people with an interest in the sport of running.

The initial plan is to set up a continuing series of meetups designed as training for half and full marathons which will run for 12 - 16 weeks.  There will be 3 meetups each week during the each training season.  5K and 10K races will be included as training events for half marathons, and marathons. We will also concentrate on VO2 Max exercises, working on strides and other technical aspects of running. Trail runs, interval training, drills and run/walking will also be part of the mix. Whenever possible we will try to include all running levels in these training events.

The group would like to expand to cover social runs, 5K and 10K training, nature runs in our beautiful state, etc, but we will need more organizers.  If you have ideas, will put safety first and want to plan events contact me.

Organizers are community members, not professional trainers. Running is inherently dangerous. It is up to the individual to assess their own fitness and skill levels, and accept responsibility for their own well being, when participating in any Albuquerque Running Meetup activity.  Do not participate in any meetup that you have any doubts about.

We would like to have members who are active and participate at least once a month.  Members who are inactive for over 3 months will be removed from the roll.  If you want to rejoin after being removed for inactivity, feel free to do so.

We would like to expand the number of assistant organizers over time.  Interested?  Get in touch with the Aaron Greenwood.  If you have suggestions lets hear about them.

A release of liability and waiver is required before you may participate in any Albuquerque Running Meetup event. 

Best regards,


370 members · Public

Albuquerque French Meetup

Albuquerque, NM

Albuquerque French Meetup

Peu importe d'où vous êtes, si vous êtes francophone ou francophile, nous aimerions vous rencontrer!

Nous organisons des rencontres amicales dans les lieux publiques autour d'un verre.    En général, on se rencontre presque tous les weekends pour prendre le café dans des endroits différents pour la commodité des membres.  On a aussi des pot-lucks délicieux pour des fêtes.

De plus, nous sommes ouverts aux suggestions pour toute autre activité culturelle, sportive ou sociale dans les lieux publiques, mais si vous souhaitez proposer une nouvelle activité, soyez au fait qu'il faut également un(e) volontaire pour assumer le rôle d'hôte(sse). N'hésitez pas à faire connaître vos idées aux organisateurs !

De votre côté, nous vous demandons de suivre les règles suivantes pour le bon fonctionnement du groupe:

1.  Utiliser votre vrai prénom et votre vraie photo sur votre profil pour que nous puissions vous reconnaître.

2.  Pour votre sécurité personnelle, n’utilisez pas votre nom de famille.  Si vous voulez, ulitisez la première lettre de votre nom de famille.

3.  Quand vous faites votre RSVP comme “Yes”, sachez que nous comptons sur votre presence.  Si vos projets changent, veuillez changer votre RSVP à “Not attending.”

4. Vous joignez notre groupe pour parler français et rencontrer d'autre francophiles et francophones. Vous ne venez PAS pour promouvoir votre entreprise et services. Ceci dit, il ne vous est pas interdit de répondre à des questions concernant votre occupation professionnelle, ni de partager vos informations si quelqu'un s'y intéresse et vous le demande.

Soyez le bienvenu, soyez la bienvenue !   Au plaisir de faire votre connaissance bientôt !


No matter where you’re from, if you are a Francophile or Francophone, we would like to meet you.  In general, we meet almost every weekend to have coffee in different places for the convenience of the members. We also have delicious pot-lucks for holidays.

In addition, we are open to suggestions for any other cultural, sports or social activity in public places, but if you wish to propose a new activity, be aware that it is also necessary to have a volunteer to assume the role of host(ess). Do not hesitate to share your ideas with the organizers!

For your part, we ask that you follow these rules so that the group goes well:

1. Use your real name and your real photo on your profile so that we can recognize you.

2. For your privacy, do not use your last name. Put the first letter of your last name, if you wish.

3. When you  RSVP as "Yes" for an event, understand that we are counting on you to attend. If your plans change, please change your RSVP to "Not attending".

4. You are joining our group to speak French and meet other francophiles and francophones.  Do NOT come to promote your business and services. That said, you are not prohibited from answering questions about your professional occupation, or from sharing your information if someone is interested in it and asks you to do so.

Welcome to our group...we look forward to meeting you soon!

608 members · Private

ABQ 20s and 30s Social

Albuquerque, NM

ABQ 20s and 30s Social
Welcome to the premier social group for young adults in Albuquerque (and the greater NM area)! If you're looking to expand your social circle, make new friends, and embark on unforgettable adventures, then you've come to the right place! We understand navigating life in a new place can be both thrilling and challenging, which is why we're dedicated to creating a warm and welcoming community where you can find support, laughter, and form meaningful connections. Additionally, be sure to inquire about our thriving **Discord server** when you attend one of our events, so you can connect with folks directly to plan other adventures and further strengthen your new friendships. Our group is devoted to fostering connections through shared experiences. These experiences include, but are not limited to: Exploring the vibrant offerings of our city, indulging in delicious food/beverages at local eateries/taprooms, watching the latest blockbuster film in theaters, playing new & exciting board games, competing in sports & attending matches, engaging in local volunteer work endeavors, nature walks, concerts & dancing, trying your hand at various arts & crafts, organizing carpools to festivals & unique attractions around the state, and much much more! *(And for the avid hikers, mountaineers, backpackers, and lovers of all things nature - we encourage you to check out our sister group - [ABQ 20s and 30s Hiking Group](* We hope to see you soon! *** **Rules and Regulations for Meetup 20's and 30s Social** **1\. Zero Tolerance Sexual Harassment Policy:** a. Members must **treat all participants with respect** and maintain appropriate boundaries. b. Any form of unwelcome sexual advances, comments, or behavior is **strictly prohibited**. c. Any **reports of sexual harassment will be taken seriously** and may result in immediate expulsion from the group. **2\. No Use or Consumption of Illegal Substances:** a. The use, possession, or distribution of **illegal substances is strictly prohibited** at all events. b. Members found in violation of this rule may be reported to the appropriate authorities and will be expelled from the group. **3\. Zero Tolerance for Discrimination or Hate Speech:** a. **Discrimination or hate speech** based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic **is not permitted**. b. Members are expected to foster an **inclusive and respectful environment** for all participants. c. Any instances of discrimination or hate speech will result in **immediate removal** from the group. **4\. This is Not a Singles or Dating Group:** a. The primary purpose of this group is to provide a social platform for individuals in their 20s and 30s to connect and build friendships. b. Members should refrain from using the group as a dating or hookup service. c. Any attempts to engage in unsolicited romantic advances or create an uncomfortable dating atmosphere will result in warnings and, if persistent, removal from the group. **5\. No Bullying:** a. Members are expected to interact with one another in a respectful and friendly manner. b. Bullying, including any form of verbal, emotional, or physical abuse, will not be tolerated. c. Any reports of bullying will be thoroughly investigated, and appropriate action, including removal from the group, may be taken. **6\. Sharing Event Info with Banned Members:** a. Members are strictly prohibited from sharing any event information, including dates, locations, or details, with individuals who have been previously banned or removed from the group. b. Sharing event information with banned members undermines the integrity and safety of the group. c. Any member found in violation of this rule will be subject to immediate removal from the group. Note: It is the responsibility of all members to respect and adhere to this rule, as it ensures the security and well-being of the entire group. **7\. Age Requirement:** a. This group is specifically designed for individuals **between the ages of 20 and 39**. b. Members who no longer fall within this age range will be removed from the group. c. The purpose of this age restriction is to maintain the intended social dynamic and ensure a relatable and engaging experience for all members. Note: Age verification may be required, and the group organizer(s) reserve the right to confirm members' ages if necessary. **General Guidelines:** 1. **Respect Privacy**: Members should respect each other's privacy and refrain from sharing personal information without explicit consent. 2. **RSVP and Attendance:** Members are encouraged to RSVP for events and honor their commitments. Frequent no-shows may result in removal from the group. 3. **Active Participation**: Members should actively engage in group activities and contribute positively to the overall experience. 4. **Positive Communication**: Members should communicate with others in a positive and constructive manner, avoiding hostile or confrontational language. 5. **Compliance with Laws and Venue Policies**: Members are expected to comply with all applicable laws and venue policies during group events. 6. **Organizer Authority**: The group organizer(s) have the final authority in enforcing the rules and making decisions related to the group's operations. Note: These rules and regulations are subject to change, and all members are expected to stay updated with any amendments communicated by the group organizer(s). ***DISCLAIMER***: You and your guest(s) acknowledge, understand, and agree that engaging in physical and/or outdoor activities can be dangerous, with the potential risk of serious bodily injury or possibly even death. You further agree that you will assume the risk of possible negligence by this group's organizers, hosts, and other members. Current and former members cannot be held responsible or liable in any way for the actions of any participant - including you - at any event.\*
1706 members · Private

New Mexico Motorcycle Riders (since 2009)

Albuquerque, NM

New Mexico Motorcycle Riders (since 2009)
**ALL RIDERS and their motorcycles are welcome!!!** New & Seasoned riders are welcome.  **We have all been a beginner at one time.** Suggestions for long or short rides, social events, charity events, and fun are welcome. **You or your significant other are required to have your own bike to join, there is not a passenger place on this Meetup group.** (Unless you are signing up as a couple and you are the passenger, this is not a passenger group) If you are a responsible Leader and would like to plan events, please let me know. But a bad, disorganized, thoughtless rider is not tolerable. Local (or not so local), day rides, and overnight rides, rides to attractions, museums, dancing, food establishments, and coffee spots are among the places we can ride to or meetup at. Leaving a rider behind is not an option unless they are being careless and unsafe. Please be mindful of all riding levels in the group. **We have all been a beginner at one time.** **Requesting membership to join this group and you ride or participate with us, it is understood by you, that every time you participate or ride with us, you and all parties involved (including those you bring as a guest) understand that you have volunteered to participate on our rides.  All parties understand that by your participation on our rides and meetup events, that you will hold harmless the organizers, group members, group volunteers, and and that you know that you are riding and participating at your own risk with this group.** Welcome to our group of motorcycle riders who want to get out and ride as a group while being safe and respectful of others. . We want to not only schedule official outings...we also hope you find others that you can ride with outside the group on your personal time who have common interests and work schedules or retirement schedules. We hope to offer riding adventures and possibilities such as: 1/2 day, day, weekend, & longer rides such as excursions to national parks, NM towns, state parks, etc. All riding levels welcome. However, these activities are dependent upon volunteers interested in leading these activities. We look forward to getting to know you and seeing you grow in your love for riding. Upon being accepted into this group you have agreed to the following: \*\*\*WAIVER of RESPONSIBILITY\*\*\* which covers all events and activities and interaction of this group. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-LIABILITY WAIVER AGREEMENT\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- By registering for and participating in this Meetup, you understand and agree to the following: • Meetup organizers are not tour guides and are not professional riding instructors. Expect the same risks and take the same precautions you would take if you were riding alone. You are solely responsible for your own safety and well-being. Do research before any event and be prepared. • By signing up for and/or attending this Meetup event, you acknowledge, understand, accept, and agree that motorcycle riding or any other outdoor and physical activities can be dangerous and can cause serious bodily injury and possibly death. You further agree that you assume the risk of the possibility negligence by other members or organizers of this group. Current and former members cannot be held responsible or liable in any way for the actions of any participant - including you - at any event. • All attendees participate at an event at their own risk and are solely responsible for any damage to their property, damage they cause to property of others, and/or any injury to themselves or their guests. • By signing up for and/or attending this Meetup event, you affirm that you understand this disclaimer, and that you knowingly and voluntarily agree not to bring any type of claim arising out of or related to this Meetup event against the organizers of this Meetup group. Motorcycle riding is a fun and great sporting activity, but it can be very dangerous, causing possible injury or death to you or to others, or possible property damage.
118 members · Private