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Sports & Hobbies groups near Bristow, VA

Game Nights at Crossroads

Manassas, VA

Game Nights at Crossroads
Crossroads Tabletop Tavern is a home away from home for tabletop gamers of all kinds...and to the gamer in everyone! We provide a clean, comfy space for people to face each other over a friendly game of...(fill in the blank), along with great food and ample drink. We welcome: \- Players of old school cards\, chess and go\, bridge and mah\-jongg\, euchre and canasta\, dominoes and backgammon\. \- Modern game hobbyists are welcome\, to play anything from the gateways of Catan and Ticket to Ride to Epic slogs through Twilight Imperium or Advanced Civilization \(well\, on the off days you can play these\) to the current hotness of Cascadia and Ark Nova\! \- "Muggles" are not only welcome\, they are encouraged to come\! This is the place where people who think they aren't gamers find out that they are gamers\! This is where you gamers might be able to convince your stodgy parents to try out something new\. \- Groups are welcome; we have hosted numerous catered events \(birthdays\, corporate outings\, ladies night out\, etc\) and can accommodate up to 50 at once \- Date night happens here ALL THE TIME\, and so does Family Game Night\, and so does every sort of permutation of friends and family over every type of game\. We have: \- a library of over 2\,000\+ games available for paying customers to play \(old and new\) \- a full game shop; all requests are honored \- a full service restaurant \(we are a scratch kitchen and source locally\!\) \- a full bar featuring 50\+ local beers and a nice selection of wines\, liquor\, and mocktails We are at 9412 Main St in Old Town Manassas, open 12PM daily until 11PM. Free parking nightly in adjacent parking lot, and across rails in parking garage. []( We are Samuel Partner and John Hornberger, the owners, and we think gaming is good for people and good for the world, so we'd like to do what we can to give fellow gamers the place they've been looking for, plus expand the hobby and reintroduce people to what people have been doing since the beginning of history: eating, drinking, and bonding together over the game table.
2170 members · Public

Chantilly Volleyball Group

Chantilly, VA

Chantilly Volleyball Group
We are a friendly group; however, we expect to play with adults who have the necessary skills for an event due to everyone's safety & other reasons. This meetup is for adults 18+. Please, no underage kids and beginners. We make events for intermediate, advanced, and those in between. We currently do not have any beginner meetups. Before signing up for one of our meetups, please review the description of each event. 🏐🏐🏐 If you don't make it on the list for an event, please don't get offended. We are all trying to have consistent playtime and fun. Each host has their way, trying to have equal playing levels and positions on the court at all times, based on the RSVP list or other reasons🏐🏐🏐 ==========================================**Payment & RSVP policy** === Players who make the 'going list' must make an advanced payment via Venmo, to @CCM-VB, within 24 hours to confirm a spot in the list. If you didn't fulfill the payment within that time frame, you may be demoted back on the waiting list where someone else will be given a spot for commitment. You may NOT receive a refund if you don't show up or if you cancel within 24 hours of the meetup. However, if you cancel more than 24 hours in advance, the amount will be credited back to you. If the meetup gets canceled for obvious reasons, the amount paid will be credited back to you. If there are any questions, feel free to reach out to any organizer. \*RSVP closes 2-6 hours before the game based on the event\* === \*Attendance\* Volleyball is a team sport. Each member is an essential part of the team. Please be considerate of people's time by coming on time and staying Meetup's full length. Let the host know if you will be late or need to leave early. \*Conduct\* We DO NOT tolerate any behavior that is abusive, verbally and physically. All members expected to have good sportsmanship.
1973 members · Private

The DMV Socialites

Fairfax, VA

The DMV Socialites
Founded March 2021, The DMV Socialites is a professional networking and social group comprised of diverse professionals, mostly in our 30s - 60ss, who are native or new to the DMV (DC/Maryland/Virginia area). The main purpose of this group is for Members to genuinely connect with one another during fun, inclusive, life-changing, and meaningful events year-round in the DMV and beyond. We gather frequently for fun activities such as group dining, domestic and international trips, game nights, sporting events, hiking, nightlife, day trips to casinos, beaches, etc., community service, Q & A discussions, movie nights, museum visits, and more! If you enjoy connecting with other professionals in the DMV of diverse cultural backgrounds, life experiences, and interests, this group is for you! All Members are encouraged to suggest activities they would like to see us do, and to consider helping us host and/or organize events for our group. As a Member of this group, you agree to treat all fellow Members, Organizers, and guests with respect during and outside of events. If you have an issue with a fellow Member, please contact me or one of the other Leaders so we can help resolve the matter. To remain a part of this group, if you can no longer make an event, you are required to change your status to "Not Going" before an event occurs, and by the RSVP deadline. Those who act disorderly during and outside of events, those who are frequent "No Shows" to events, and those who frequently cancel coming to events, will be removed. If you are fun, respectful, positive, and friendly, we believe you'll enjoy being a part of this group :-) We look forward to meeting you at our events. Thanks for helping to make us one of the best groups in the area - We ARE The DMV Socialites! :-) Vicky, Frank, Josh, Rize, Sasha, Tea, Troy, & John, Co-organizers The DMV Socialites
1443 members · Private

NoVA 35-55 Social

Fairfax, VA

NoVA 35-55 Social
**This is a social meetup for the fun & young at heart 35-55 yr old professionals in Northern Virginia. If you are an upbeat person that enjoys new activities and making new friends then we are the group for you!** The majority of events will take place in, but not limited to Fairfax, Falls Church, Arlington and occasionally Alexandria, Sterling and Washington DC. Events will be smaller between 20-25 people. They will consist of happy hours, dancing events, dining out, live music, karaoke, beer/wine festivals, comedy shows, sporting events, walks and whatever else we can think of. Let's get together, create fun memories and enjoy our lives! Respectfully, please be within the 35-55 age range, fill out the questionnaire and provide a clear and recent photo of yourself so we can recognize you at events. Please, no sunglasses in your profile picture. *We keep the group balanced with an even ratio of men to women so there may be a wait time to join.* This is an activity based, social meetup group with the goal of creating new friendships. This is not a "hookup" meetup. Drama, bullying, harassment or creepy behavior will not be tolerated. Any member exhibiting inappropriate behavior or creates problems within the social dynamics of the group will be removed. We honor a “no show” policy. RSVPs changed within an hour the start of a meetup with be considered no shows. After 2 no shows, you will be permanently deleted from the group. We look forward to seeing you at an event and celebrating good times!!
824 members · Private

Virginia Easy Riders

Haymarket, VA

Virginia Easy Riders
Virginia Easy Riders is a motorcycle sport-touring group based primarily out of Haymarket VA.  Our riding territory extends generally through Virginia, western Maryland, and West Virginia, north to the Pennsylvania line and south as far as Harrisonburg,VA.  We enjoy riding single lane backroads and two lane mountain highways described as twisty, but also routes with interesting scenery and minimal traffic.  Interstates are sometimes used to get to and from the "playground" areas, but we try and keep interstate usage to a minimum.  Day rides on the weekends are generally 175 to 250 miles roundtrip from the meetup point, which is usually near Haymarket or Marshall.  Weekday rides of 150 to 175 miles are occasionally scheduled, usually on short notice as work schedules permit.  Pit stops are taken about every 90 minutes and a lunch stop is always included.  Lunch can be anywhere, although we don't do fast food shops.  Several members of the group enjoy riding year round if that interests you. We encourage safe, responsible, and pleasurable motorcycle riding.  While women and men of all experience levels are welcome, our pace is usually brisk and we enjoy leaning into the technical stuff.  But always, RIDE YOUR OWN RIDE! All types of motorcycles are suitable for our trips although it helps to have a bike with a bit of ground clearance.  Members are currently riding larger bikes including Harleys, Goldwings, BMWs and others.  We avoid gravel and dirt routes. We ask that you respect all of your fellow riders and avoid displaying any potentially offensive words or symbols.  Please read and honor the following ride guidelines: 1\. Ride no more than 70% of your skill level to leave room for error\.  We will wait for you at turns and forks\. 2\. New/slower riders in the back\, experienced/faster riders in the front\. Ride leaders will wait at all turns for any riders separated by traffic conditions or riding style\. 3\. Riders with a desire to be in a certain position \(i\.e\.\, wing person\, sweep\) should express that at the pre\-ride check\-in\. Riders should maintain their position in line from designated stop to stop so that line adjustments can be safely communicated\. 4\. Keep a safe and consistent distance from the rider in front of you\.\(interstates 50\-75ft\.\, divided 75\-100ft\.\, unlined 100\-150ft\.\)\.    5\. Maintain staggered positions in closer formations on interstates and divided highways to prevent traffic from splitting the group; single file on twisty and/or unlined roads\.  6\. When the person in front of you passes a car on back roads\, do not assume you also have enough space\, do not follow right away unless the road is clear\. When you pass a car on back roads\, continue at passing speed well past the car being passed to allow those behind you enough room to safely pass also\. 7\. If the rider in front of you goes down\, do not look at the fallen rider\, look for the escape route so that you don't run over the rider\. 8\. Pay attention to the road\, look for road hazards such as gravel\, tar snakes\, black ice\, pot holes\, animals\, etc\. 9\. Do your best to be skillful in emergency situations\, don't just give up\. 10\. Be courteous to one another on the road; and\, no smoking while riding\. 11\. Slow down before sharp turns\, blind hills\, and blind corners\. 12\. Do not pass the ride leader for everyone's safety\. 13\. In entering main roads from an intersection\, do not assume the turn signal on a car who has the right of way is true\, wait for the car to turn before entering the street\. 14\. If the ride leader slows down and stops on the side of the road  \(usually turning on his flashers in advance\)\, slow down in single file and stop single file behind him as far to the right as safely possible so that the leader may have a clear view from the left mirror\. The Leadership Team Bike inspection tips All riders: I can not impress enough the importance of thoroughly inspecting AND test riding your bike in the week before our weekend rides especially the long ones.   These comments apply to you if:   1) you're not regularly riding and/or 2) you haven't ridden your bike in over a month and/or 3) you've had your bike in a repair shop and the only test riding you've done is to ride it home. Unless home is over 10-15 miles away.   Food for thought:   \- Check tire pressures before every ride \!\!\!  Bring a gauge with you\. Don't waste your money on cheap gauges\. Buy the best\.   \- Check oil   \- Check brake pads   \- Inspect/lube the chain OR inspect the drive belt \- No you do NOT typically lube a belt \!\!\!   \- Check clutch cable\. The inner wire cable usually has a small area exposed at top when you depress the lever and many times it wears out right at the lever   \- Check all lights and horn   \- Rubber seals dry out and leak when any vehicle sits for a long time\. Look for oil leaks on the inner fork tubes and engine\. Look underneath the bike at the bottom of the engine with a flashlight\. This is where the oil leaks go to in many cases if you can't see it on the sides or front\.   \- Mechanical equipment in many cases give warnings that something is wearing out ie\. strange noises\, vibrations\, Oil pressure  light occasional flickers, bike handles differently,  etc. You know your bike better than anyone always watch and listen for these warnings. Look for things that might be wrong. Some riders may not want to know it because it's gonna cost them money but you can't stick your head in the sand on this one. A break down 100 + miles away and the major inconvenience to you and us all will be more costly.  One rider recently paid $300 for a 75 mile tow to the nearest Harley shop.    \- Starting: Unusual starting or unusual hesitation when accelerating   \- Battery:  Wet cell batteries only last a couple years. Stop using them as soon as possible.  And in most cases they act up intermittently and in the worst situations. I've found that the AGM sealed are the best. The new lithium batteries are still on the fence ie.  they are too new and don't have a dependable track record yet. You'd be one of the ginny pigs if you buy one right now. I've found that batteries in general are extremely variable in their life span.  But how you maintain it is a huge factor.  Pay close attention to the battery power while starting. Did the starter turn nice and fast or was it slower than usual or have a fast then slow hesitation ?  And if you ever hear the ole "click" like one of our guys did this past Sat ride then check the cable connections if tight. If all OK there then yank out that battery and get it tested before attending a ride.  This is a big reason why you should start your bike by Tues or Wed prior to every ride especially if you have an older bike  (over 5 yrs) or and old battery  (over 2 yrs) and especially if you don't ride more than once a month.   Every time you let your battery run down (even if it doesn't go completely dead) you're not only reducing the life of the battery but you are also reducing the amount of charge that it will hold when "fully" charged as per the LED's on a battery tender. The best way to maintain a battery is to start it out on a tender immediately after purchase and never forget to plug it in after every ride. I've gotten 12 yrs out of a Harley Factory battery.  Due to alot of riding every weekend plus keeping it on a charger all the time. 2 HD service mgrs I know both said they've never seen anyone get even 10 yrs from battery.   If you don't have your battery on a battery tender charger you need to invest $30 for one and keep it on the charger all the time the bike sits. DelRay sells a good one. Tender Junior at WalMart. I just bought a new one there for only $28.   \- When possible take it out for at least a 10 mile spin during the week\. Find an open road so you can open up the throttle some\. Especially if you don't ride more than once a month\.   So please respect everyone else's ride and time. Do the visual inspection at a bare minimum and ideally do a test ride prior to our rides.   If any questions call or text me [703-304-6670](tel:7033046670)   Thank you, Larry Co-Organizer Virginia Easy Riders Group | [![](]( | Virus-free. []( | | --- | ------------------------- | |
24 members · Private