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Sports & Hobbies groups near Mount Vernon, WA

North Sound Dual Sport Riders

Mount Vernon, WA

North Sound Dual Sport Riders

Love to feel the wind in your hair but don't want to be restrained by pavement? This group is open to anyone with a desire to stray slightly off the beaten path, and pick up a little dirt along the way.

Dual sports, thumpers, and endures riding tarmac, forest service roads, single & two track, and anything in-between.  Experienced roadies, green newbies and camp rats are all welcome.

We don't have to have the same bike or skill level to have fun riding together. However, we do believe in having respect and patience for fellow riders, that you always and forever ride SAFE, and that you share your wisdom during the ride and your beer afterwards.

Group Requirements:

1. There are no fees

2. We do not take responsibility for other riders safety - but we stress safety-first

3. We do not take roll.  We do not keep track of riders that show up at events

4. Meetup photos of individual people are recommended in order to become a  member.

5. You must be 18 years of age or older.

Registration assume you accept the terms and conditions of membership as a "rider" of this group.  By joining as a member you...

1. Acknowledgment of Risks and Personal Responsibility. You wish to go on a motorcycle ride or rides as a recreational sporting activity arranged through or the North Sound Dual Sport Riders.  This is not a commercial group or business, but is simply a group of friends and acquaintances who met online and wish to go on motorcycle rides together.  The group leaders have not charged and member fees to participate.  You understand and acknowledge that motorcycles are dangerous, that the terrain may present challenges and hazards, and that by being near others who are riding motorcycles or riding a motorcycle myself you may be permanently injured or killed.  Although a ride may have an organizer or a leader, you agree that neither the leader nor the organizer has agreed to take responsibility for my safety.  You are solely responsible for your own navigation, motorcycle maintenance, survival and equipment repair, and every aspect of safe motorcycle riding.

2. Voluntary Assumption of Risk. Nobody on this ride has any leverage or authority over you; you may ride or not ride with this group as you choose. You agree that you completely understand the final and binding nature of this release and waiver.  If you have any confusion about the meaning of this, do not sign up as a member and do not participate in any events.

3. Release, Waiver, and Covenant not to sue. In consideration for receiving permission to participate in this group, you hereby RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE North Sound Dual Sport Riders, the Organizer(s), their Co-Organizer’s, their Event Organizer’s, their Assistant Organizer, or members who lead or participate in events (hereinafter referred to as RELEASEES) from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me, or to any property belonging to me, while participating in such activity, while in, on or upon the premises where the activities are being conducted, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LOSS IS CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES, or otherwise and regardless of whether such liability arises in tort, contract, strict liability, or otherwise, to the fullest extent allowed by law.

4.   Hold Harmless.  You further hereby AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the RELEASEES from any loss, liability, damage, or costs, including court costs and attorneys' fees that Releases may incur due to my participation in said activities, WHETHER CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE OF RELEASEES or otherwise, to the fullest extent allowed by law.

476 members · Public

Bellingham Japan Meetup Group

Bellingham, WA

Bellingham Japan Meetup Group
(日本語続く↓) ~The number of ways in which people feel connected to Japan are as many as the myriad of colors in the midsummer sunset over the Salish Sea~ Were you born and raised in Japan? Are your parents Japanese? Have you lived or worked in Japan? Do you speak Japanese (including what you learned when you used to teach English there)? Do you have Japanese family, friends, or a life partner who is Japanese? Are you studying some aspect of Japan? Do you watch Japanese TV Dramas? Do you dream of a future trip or long-term residence in Japan as a traveler, student, or worker? If any of these words resonate with your heart, this meetup may be for you! Yes, I’m creating this meetup group to bring all of “us” who feel connected to Japan together, so that we may have a place in Bellingham to gather around our shared connection! In a spirit of friendship, I will start with (in-person) meetups at coffee shops, but hope to expand activities as I hear from our community. Do stop by sometime to say hi and share your thoughts! \* This meetup group is not just for people who live in Whatcom County! For those of you from Skagit County or Canada; or those of you from farther away within and outside of Washington, you are most welcome to join us! 黄昏の港町、「The City of Subdued Excitement」べリンハムで新しい友達を作ってはみませんですか? 本集会は日本で生まれ育った、日本に住んだことがある、日本人の家族や友達またはパートナーがいる、日本の文化や言葉に興味がある、など、心の中に「日本」との「繋がり・縁」をもつ全ての人のために。また、そんな皆がいつでも気軽によれるミートアップを作りたい、と、そういう思いを胸に発足でーす。イエーイ(^_^)v。 まずは喫茶店で集まりたいと思いますが、違う形式のミートアップも検討中です。 スカジット郡、カナダ、またさらに遠い処に在住の方も、ウエルカム!是非来てくださいまし~! \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- Vision Statement: Let's cherish, in each unique moment of meeting up in Bellingham, the myriad colors of each other and what bring us together across differences in language, culture, time, and place! 「お互いのことを、十人十色を、一つ一つ異なる人生を、言語と文化の違いを、ワシントン州で集まれる二つとない期会(「一期一会」)を、大切にしよう」。 \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- House Rules (1) Be respectful. Although I hope to never have to do this, I reserve the right to -at my sole discretion- ask individuals to leave a particular meetup or to permanently remove members from the meetup group. (2) Please use words other than "Native Speaker" to describe yourself. The reaon for this rule is that, among other limitations, I feel that the word promotes a fixed mindset that actually limits one's potential to learn; regardless of your language level. Instead of using the word "Native Speaker", consider telling a story about yourself! Where did you learn languages? Do you have hobbies? Have you encountered English/Japanese or another language in formal education? Have you used the language in a real-world workplace? What kinds of Books/TV/Anime do you watch? Please feel free to be creative and to be yourself!
32 members · Public