What we’re about
Finding Female Friends Past Fifty Orange County (FFF>F OC) is the Orange County chapter of seasoned, interesting, and supportive 50-ish women (most between 40 & 65). If you're looking to develop friendships, you're in the right place!
This New York Times article highlights the founding of the Los Angeles chapter of FFF>F:
We are a group of women who enjoy fine dining, casual dining, summer bike rides, beach walks, casual hikes, paddle boarding, kayaking, live music, happy hour, athletic activities, comedy shows, live theatre, seasonal events and anything else that interests our membership.
One thing that separates us from other Meetup groups are our high attendance rates. Our high attendance rates result from our “zero tolerance for no shows” policy.
Please note: a single “no show” without an explained circumstance, such as emergency, will result in removal from the group. Notify the event organizer immediately if that situation occurs (bad planning is not an emergency). The same is true with two "late cancellations" (those within 48 hours of the event) will result in elimination from the group.
If you need to change your RSVP to Not Going, please do so no later than 48 hours prior to the event. This provides waitlisted members a chance to attend in your place. If you need to cancel with less than 48 hours, please contact the host with an explanation.
Lastly, we remove members who have not visited our Events page in more than three (3) months, we tend towards a closed group to give our active members high odds of attending events. We do, however, open the group periodically for new members.
As you engage to find Female Friends past Fifty, these requirements and guidelines are here to help you get the most from our group. To the extent the guidelines align with your personal values, please join us! We are looking forward to meeting you!
Additional Requirements:
You live in Orange County
You use your actual first name in your Meetup Profile
You have an active Meetup Profile with a close-up face photo (not full body), without sunglasses, hat or mask obscuring your features. If you require help updating your picture, try this link: : https://help.meetup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002878591-How-do-I-change-my-profile-photo
Notifications: please set Email Updates and Push Notifications to on in Settings. Waitlists change quickly and at times confirmations are required; it is critical to maintain the high rate of attendance we enjoy; that means we may need to be able to communicate with you on short notice.
To set Notifications: https://help.meetup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002879591-Editing-my-email-settings
To Turn on Push Notifications: https://help.meetup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002862972-Editing-my-push-notification-settings.
PLEASE NOTE: If needed and we are not able to reach you via email, Meetup messaging or comments posted on the event page, you may be moved to “not going” for that event.
We reserve the right to not approve, and remove members, and potential members for any undisclosed reason, including the guidelines below.
Event Fee Requirements: For events that require an event fee; you will be moved to “Not Going” if you miss the “pay by” date.
Group organizer and assistant organizers assume no liability; attend at your own risk. By being a member of this group you hereby agree to assume all risks and liability related to or resulting from any and all group functions, including contracting Covid-19. You agree that neither you nor any third party will hold any of the group's leaders, officers, or representatives liable for any injury, loss, or damage to your own person or any members of your family, friends, acquaintances, children, pets, or property, arising directly or as a consequence from a group activity. You also agree that your membership of this group is based on an "at will" basis. We reserve the right to accept or decline any membership requests.