What we’re about
Finding Female Friends Past Fifty (FFF>F) is a group of seasoned, interesting, and supportive women. If you're looking for friends, you've found the right place! Many women find ourselves at this age without the social connections we yearn for, and finding friends in our age group can be a challenge.
If you join our group with an open heart, sense of adventure, and fun spirit, you may find that even after a few events, you will begin to make connections and form friendships.
Please take a moment to review our guidelines prior to your request to join:
MEETUP PROFILE: Our group is growing quickly and it is important for us to be able to connect and communicate with our members. And as a group of women, we are sensitive to being able to know who we are communicating with, as well as being able to recognize you and call you by name at our events. As a result, we require a few specific items regarding your Meetup profile:
Name: We require that you use your actual first name. You do not have to enter a last name, but your first name needs to be what you are addressed by. Profile names that appear to be obscuring identity will not be approved.
Profile: We require a close-up photo that shows your face, head and shoulders with no obscuring elements like sunglasses, a low hat or a mask. Please check your profile picture before you request membership. If your picture does not meet requirements, your request will not be approved. If you need help updating your picture, click here: https://help.meetup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002878591-How-do-I-change-my-profile-photo
Residency: We require that our members reside in the South Bay of Los Angeles. To see which cities are in the South Bay, please visit this website: https://www.metro.net/about/sba/.
Membership Fees: Meetup charges our group a subscription fee to be a part of their platform. Once a year we ask members to contribute $10 towards the cost of this Meetup subscription and other organizing costs. This occurs each year in September and you will be notified when you join or by email during September how to contribute.
Notifications: As a member, it is essential that you have your Email Updates and Push Notifications turned on in Settings both on your desktop computer and your phone app. It is also necessary to check back frequently in the days before a scheduled event in case there are any changes or if confirmation is requested. If you need help changing your settings, you can use the following links: Turn on Email Notifications: https://help.meetup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002879591-Editing-my-email-settings Turn on Push Notifications: https://help.meetup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002862972-Editing-my-push-notification-settings . PLEASE NOTE: If we are not able to reach you when needed, you may be removed from the group.
ATTENDANCE: When you have committed to go to an event (whether confirmed or on the waitlist), and something comes up preventing you from attending, if you change your RSVP to Not Going, and it is more than 24 hours before the event, no problem. It is not a Late Cancel.
If it is less than 24 hours before the event (or the same day), and you change your RSVP to Not Going, this IS a Late Cancel. This is preferable to being a No Show as described in the next paragraph. See the policy below for penalties relating to this situation.
A true No Show is a very serious offense. This is defined as an event for which you are marked as Going, but 1) you do not change your RSVP to Not Going, 2) you do not notify the host that you are not coming via messaging in the Meetup app, or 3) you do not post a comment that you are not coming. This type of No Show is not allowed as it is discourteous to your host and fellow attendees. See the policy below for the penalty related to this situation.
To avoid all the penalty situations, just keep track of your events you are confirmed or waitlisted for, and 24 hours before the event, set a reminder to re-check your availability. If you cancel before 24 hours, there is no penalty.
1. Late Cancel policy: DO NOT MAKE A HABIT of signing up for events when you have a lot of emergency things happening in your life. Once or twice, it is understandable. After 3 of these Late Cancel “No Show”s, you will be sent an email stating which events you Late Cancelled for, and notice that you are being removed from the group. You may request to re-join the group after 30 days.
2. No Show policy: If you are confirmed as 'Going' at the time of the event, and you make no effort to notify your host (see above), you will be sent an email stating which event you did not show up for and notice that you are being removed from the group. You may request to re-join the group after 30 days.
Event Fee Requirements: You may find that some of our events require an event fee to be paid within a certain amount of time. If you are not able to make the payment within the allocated amount of time, you will be moved to “Not Going” to the event. If you RSVP for multiple fee-required events and have a track record of not paying within the allocated amount of time, the event organizer can move you to “Not Going” at their discretion without giving you the allocated amount of time to pay.
Inactivity: You can risk being removed from the group due to being inactive. If you haven't attended an event in 3 or more months and or even checked out our site you risk being removed. We go through and clean up our membership data on a regular basis. You are free to rejoin at any time.
ATTITUDE: We pride ourselves in creating a welcoming, positive, and inclusive environment for our members. We are here to have fun and enjoy our time together. As such, the following behaviors are not allowed and we reserve the right to remove anyone from the group for violating these expectations.
~ Negativity: Our time together is reserved for uplifting and supporting each other. So please come with a positive attitude and leave any negativity at home.
~ Drama: We are grown women; drama in any form is unnecessary and will not be tolerated.
~ Business/Networking: Please leave your work hat at home. We are here to make friends, and not be sold to or recruited.
If you are looking for Female Friends past Fifty and these guidelines align with your personal values, please join us!
We are looking forward to meeting you!