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What we’re about

If you're a woman, 50+, settled on O`ahu and looking for long-lasting friendships, you've found the right group. We are seasoned, interesting, and supportive ladies. We are team players, believe in the Aloha Spirit, and in the wisdom of our 6th decade or more we have found self acceptance.

Finding Female Friends past Fifty (R) started in Los Angeles in January 2016, and took off! We have spawned many groups. This group in Honolulu has been formed as a charter group of the Finding Female Friends past Fifty (R) Meetup groups.

Woman over fifty are often in transition. Children are gone, careers may be winding down, and schedules tend to be less cluttered. Just when we have more time for friends, we are most disconnected from the networks that allowed us to find them. FFF>F taps into this need. It explains why the New York Times article about us was so widely read, and is still being shared:

We’ll meet for lunch, a picnic and sometimes an activity like a class, nature tour, live music or a museum visit. We’ll always spend some time in a group bonding activity to help facilitate friendship-making. And we’re in Hawaii, so we'll also explore the diverse cultural influences and take advantage of our beautiful weather!
We will not be charging any membership dues in accordance with the FFF>F philosophy of making this available to all women over 50. However, I will charge a small fee to help reimburse my payments to Meetup for hosting this group. Within three months of joining the group please donate at least $5 via the link on our meetup page or via paypal at

Important! We require a picture that shows your features--a close-up of ONLY YOU, of your head & shoulders, with no obscuring elements like sunglasses or low hats. PLEASE check your profile picture BEFORE you request membership. If your picture fails to meet the requirements, your request will be declined, and you will have to re-apply with a new picture.
Link to Meetup Help Menu profile picture instructions:
It’s essential, as a member of our group that you have your EMAIL UPDATES on the computer app, and NOTIFICATIONS on your mobile app turned on.
After a few meetups, you’ll make connections and begin to form friendships.... Let’s get together and build friendships and community. Aloha!

Upcoming events (4+)

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