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What we’re about

Welcome to our AWS Cloud MeetUp group! If you're looking to advance your career in the cloud, earn certifications, and make some new friends along the way, this is the place for you.

At our meetings, we provide helpful tips, study tools, and encouragement to help you on your cloud journey. We cover a range of topics from beginner to advanced, with lectures, demos, and study guides to help you prepare for certification exams. All skill levels are welcome, and we discuss a variety of cloud providers, including AWS, Azure, and Google.

Our meetings are currently held online and are free to join. You can also find us on

Meeting Minutes YouTube:
Qaillc (Generative AI Youtube):
LinkedIn at
Hugging Face Account:

We look forward to seeing you at our meetings and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need help with a topic. Join us and let's learn and grow together!

Note: For hands-on experience, consider joining Mike in Hackathons. You can become a team member by contacting him on LinkedIn or through Meetup. This opportunity is excellent for enhancing your resume, making new friends, and is just great fun!