We are so excited to bring you a BRAND NEW DANCE in Kennesaw GA!! At the historic 1808 Event Venue downtown on their beautiful hardwood floors!
Dancing the popular West Coast Swing, we will have lessons and a social dance! We will dance to a mix of pop, contemporary, blues, and hip-hop. Perfect for meeting new friends or a date night!
No Partner Needed!
No Dance Experience Needed!
Dress code is street clothes -- whatever is comfortable!
7:00 - LEVEL UP * Lesson
7:45 - BEGINNERS * Class
8:30 - Social Dance!
Lessons by Champion Dancer Jerome Subey
DJ - Jerome Subey
Cost $15 (Includes the social and lessons!) (Credit cards accepted at door)
Water fountain will be available, but feel free to bring your own water bottle. No alcohol.
Event is located at The 1808 in downtown Kennesaw, across the street from the Lazy Labrador.
2871 Cherokee Street NW, Kennesaw, GA, 30144
*Beginners Class - This class is designed to teach you what you need to know to feel comfortable on the floor and get you dancing quickly! The content will repeat every four weeks, but each is designed so you can drop in on any lesson!
*Level Up - For those who have their basics down and are ready for some higher level technique and concepts. Dancers should be confident with fundamental patterns and mechanics like stretch, compression, sugar push, and passes. Ideally, dancers will have attended the beginner class several times before attending the Level Up class. Talk with an instructor if you're unsure.
We are so excited to dance with you!