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What we’re about

The Seminole Canoe and Kayak club is a private club located on the Ortega River in Jacksonville, FL. The club has a long heritage, founded in 1921 and originally chartered as the Seminole Canoe and Yacht Club in 1925. Our focus is to provide opportunities for people with their own paddle crafts to paddle and socialize together.  
Although the original members raced and sailed canoes and brought home trophies, today we like to cruise. We enjoy paddling the local rivers, enjoying nature, friendship and an occasional swim in the springs as we pass.
The club organizes several trips a month on local water ways such as the Ortega, Suwannee, St. Mary’s, Santa Fe, and Ocklawaha rivers, nearby lakes Disston or Sampson, as well as local springs like the Ichetucknee, Rainbow, Salt and Juniper Springs.  We also venture occasionally into the Okefenokee Swamp or plan overnight trips in Florida or Georgia. 
In addition to club paddles, we gather at the club house for festivities such as the annual Green Corn Festival (an Indian tradition), Fall Festival, and Christmas party. The club house is also available to club members for private events and boat storage.
The Board of Directors usually meets at the club house at 7:30 PM on the second Monday of each month. While this is a business meeting all club and prospective club members are invited to attend, and many do.  It includes descriptions of recent and future paddles. Occasionally the meeting is preceded or followed by a presentation.
The club is funded by annual dues from a membership base comprised of couples, families and singles and represent a wide age group with many longtime members. Most of the fees are used to maintain or improve the clubhouse, boat storage facility, and property.
Membership is by application, available by clicking on this link or copying/pasting URL in your browser

Applications are also available at the clubhouse if you are able to attend a club meeting. After your application and appropriate fees are received, the Board will review your application at the next Board meeting and grant access to the facilities and the website where members are listed and events are posted.

A signed waiver is required annually by our insurance provider, PaddleSports Risk Management, Inc., by all members and guests who participate in at least one paddle trip or any event at the SCKC clubhouse.   We prefer that it is signed online, so the provider receives it immediately.   Follow this link to the online waiver:   If you do not have access to the internet, then it can be printed and given to the event coordinator or mailed to the club after it is completed and signed.
If you are interested in joining the club or learning more about it please contact our commodore us at Please join us at one of our monthly meetings. Better yet, join us on one of our paddle adventures!

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