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What we’re about

Enjoying life, At the same time connecting with powerful people that have a business mindset.

Learn Leardership, entrepreneurship, networking, marketing and social skills.
We invite Everyone with a positive mindset to join a circle of good professionals willing to network and give referrals. It is building a relationship by giving without expectations. It’s a giving relationship that may result in a long-term gain.”

The Business Network of Southwest Florida has been engaging in this “business tool” since 1986. The organization’s purpose, as stated in its bylaws, is to promote and improve the business of its members. This is achieved by exchanging leads, ideas and information. Club members are encouraged to do business with members, but memberships impose no such responsibility to do so. However, as one of our groups long standing members has often stated, “People like to do business with people they like and trust.” This has always been the case with our members and this is why we would like to get to know you by inviting you to a free Friday meeting and breakfast.