What we’re about
What we're about: We “Forty+ Fun, Friends” are a mixed group of adults who want to have fun and meet other fun people. Our members are 40 years old or more, men and women who live in and enjoy attending events in the Northern Calvert County area. We’re married, single, split, parents, not-parents – all are welcome. We enjoy a wide range of active social events from happy hour to hiking… workshops to wine tastings… kayaks to karaoke… bands to bingo. You get the idea. We’re open to any fun things we can find or create in the Calvert or Southern Anne Arundel County area. And we like meeting other fun people!
Ever look at an upcoming event and think “that looks fun, I wonder if I know anyone who wants to go”? Well now you do. Us! Check out our “40+ Fun, Friends” group and turn that around. You won’t be looking for someone to join you. You’ll be choosing from a diverse group of events we’re already attending.
Here’s How It Works.
1. Find an event that looks interesting and take a chance. Join us. Bring a friend if you want. Or don’t. We’ll be there. Just RSVP Yes.
2. We do the advance work – finding or creating events, explaining what we’ll do, where to park, where we’ll meet. We even try to get there early to scope everything out and reserve space. Trying new things can be unnerving. But we got this.
3. We ask that everyone join Meetup using a clear photo so we can recognize you when you attend an event. And use the Meetup app or website to RSVP. (Text messages and Facebook posts don't count.) This helps us build a community – we’ll keep an eye out for you. And it keeps everyone safe since we’ll know who to expect.
4. Membership is free – the app, the event planning, the coordination. No charge. But. We reserve the right to remove anyone who is disruptive or disrespectful to other members. Also, this isn't a dating group. Unsolicited and provocative messaging will get you tossed. Tolerance is low for meanies, whiners, and fun spoilers. You’ve been warned.
5. One more thing. No soliciting. We all love a good gadget or a worthy cause. But -- with the possible exception of Girl Scout Cookies -- not here. We're relaxing.