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What we’re about

We are the Fremont chapter of the globally connected Stoic Fellowship, your friendly neighborhood third space. Our mission is to cultivate stoic wisdom and resilience by creating spaces—physical, mental, and virtual—where reflection, mutual growth, and shared experience allow individuals to thrive. In these third spaces, we focus on the power of community, mindfulness, and tranquility to live well in a chaotic world. Our goal is to give our members, stoic tools to reclaim themselves; to be and enjoy the best version of themselves. Knowing how to thrive, living happily may be challenging, if we don't set the right foundation within ourselves. Through stoic philosophy we become rightly ordered, we set the right foundation when we live through the virtues. Serving "You" the community is our goal, we make that possible through the many events we host throughout the year:
-  Monthly meetings of our Modern School of Stoic Philosophy to discuss teachings from stoicism in a structured way.  The school runs from March to October each year, and is open to anyone interested in learning about and practicing stoicism (enrollment is FREE! - course material provided).
-  Annual Stoics Game night, Stoicon-X regional conference (October), and Holiday dinner to engage our fellow stoics from Northern California.
-  Weekly meetings to encourage practice of stoicism in daily lives, engage in intellectual discussions, around personal leadership, discipline, goals setting.
-  Occasional hikes, dinners, book discussions, and other fun events.
-  Newsletters where our fellow stoics share our learning about stoicism.
You are welcome to join us in any of our events and become part of the extended stoic family - worldwide! We live the good life (eudaimonia (Greek: εὐδαιμονία [eu̯dai̯moníaː]) using the stoic pillars of wisdom, justice, courage, temperance - all foundational  for the practice of virtue. Join us in this fantastical journey - you will not be disappointed !
To learn more about our Modern School of Stoic Philosophy, visit:
To know more about the global Stoic Fellowship, visit:

Gerry and James

Upcoming events (4+)

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