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What we’re about

Being a psychotherapist is a particularly unique self-muting profession, as our work is to hold space for others and spend our days showing up fully for our clients. While this is powerful and I believe privileged work, it also requires leaving OUR complex human selves outside the therapy room. This group aims to provide a respite from that self-muting work experience by bringing together a community of psychotherapists to do non-therapy related activities together with the freedom to be our full selves. This group will be community-driven so activities may vary widely depending on interest of members, but may include gatherings such as dinners, brunches, live theater or dance performances, hiking, games, art shows, and other enjoyable activities of our choosing. If you are a mental health professional (mental health counselor, psychotherapist, psychologist, social worker, etc.) I invite you to come share your fully human self with us!