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What we’re about

Hello, and thank you for your interest in Fun Fantastic 40+ Female Friends!
Many women find that it is harder to find friends as they get older. If that's you, you came to the right place! We are a group of awesome women in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and up who want to develop strong friendships and have fun experiences with each other. 
A few ground rules:

  1. Participation. We're all members of this group because we want to meet and develop friendships with other awesome women. You can't do that if you don't participate. Please attend events regularly.
  2. Courtesy. If you RSVP for an event, you are expected to show up. If something comes up and your plans change, you are expected to change your RSVP so that the event host knows who will be attending. If you "no show" more than once - that is, RSVP Yes and then don't show up with no explanation - you will be removed from the group. Also, if you're wait-listed for an event, please monitor the status so you are aware if you've been accepted, or remove yourself if you can no longer attend.
  3. Friendship. Make connections with other fabulous women. If there's something that you want to do, a show you want to see, an event you want to attend, etc, there's probably at least a couple other people who want to do the same thing. So step up and post an event, go out and do things, and make friends.
  4. Event hosts. If you want to host events, please let me know and I will designate you as an Event Organizer. You will be able to post and manage your own events without going through me. Please give members as much advance notice of your events as possible. One rule regarding types of events - events to try to sell things to other members (e.g., Tupperware parties) are prohibited. Those events will be deleted immediately and you will be removed as an Event Host.
  5. Dues. I think people feel more invested in a group that they pay to belong, so I'm going to charge dues. The first 3 months will be free, then to stay a member will cost $4/year. A small investment in improving your social life and making friends which will help cover the fees charged by Meetup.
    Feel free to message me directly if you want to chat. I look forward to hearing from you! 