What we’re about
GMPS- Gay Men Palm Springs & Riverside County members are gay men in these Desert areas.
Members have said our meetups are: Fun friendly intelligent, silly , delicious, a opportunity unforgettable, relaxing, exciting, wonderful conversation enjoyable, hip, classy and stimulating!
Social outings include museums, culture, festivals, coffee and cafe dinning, and hikes, Single Wine dinner, musicals, drag shows, cocktails at local bars, Movies, or just shopping.
Membership requires a picture of your self clearly showing your face and of you only Please. Please no dark glasses or large hat. I Need members to recognize each other from there profile picture at meetup ups.
Please have a user name that has your first Name/ nickname you like to be called. When you meat a new friend they want to be able to recognize you at In person meetup. Please have a shirt on for you picture too.
Upcoming events (3)
See all- Railroad History Talk & La Quinta Museum following Main Street Coffee ShopNeeds location
11:45am Meetup at Main Street Coffee 78100 Main St Suite 102, La Quinta, CA 92253
1:30 pm Meetup at: La Quinta Museum 77-885 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta, CA, United States
We'lll tour the La Quinta museum after the Talk/discussion
See Webpage for the railroad talk Here
About: Speakers Series - Railroad Open the Door to Coachella Valley- Free Event On Thursday, March 13, 2025, La Quinta Historical Society will host Historian David Mackesey, who
will delve into the history of the railroads, the politics of the late 1800’s and how those
transformed our Coachella Valley into the community of today.
David Mackesey, author and historian, is a winter resident of La Quinta. He is the Club Historian
for Carnoustie (Scotland) Golf Club, Historian for Diablo (California) Country Club, and Co-Chair,
The Smith Society.https://laquintahistoricalsociety.com/event/speakers-series-railroads-open-the-door-to-coachella-valley-free-event/
- Tour Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena after Lunch at their CafeNorton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA
This event is cross posted for both Groups Palm Spring Meetup and my Los Angeles Meetup Groups Too.
1pm Meetup inside Norton Simon Museum Cafe outside
Restaurant 411 W Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91105You need to buy your ticket first to get in to museum to enter the restaurant.
If you want to car pool to Pasadena and Burbank this day with me message me on the app here.
Please Update your RSVP if your plans change.
- Singles Mixer & Dinner at Corral Cafe in Burbank | Bullet gay bar followsNeeds location
This event is cross posted for both my Palm Springs and Los Angeles Group
6:30pm Corral Cafe 3321 W Burbank Blvd, Burbank, CA 91505
Restaurant menue and prices here
Easy Parking. Beer and Wine are sold8:30 PM Cocktails at the Bullet Bar Follows -The Bullet is about half a mile west from Corral Cafe on same street