What we’re about
Hello! This group was created for LGBT and Gay-friendly gamers to explore Euro and American strategy and/or adventure games such as Settlers of Catan, Pandemic , Splendor, Carcasonne, Codenames, and Dead of Winter. Although we occasionally play party games such as Taboo or Say Anything! as warm-ups or icebreakers, this group's main emphasis is for LGBT gamers to experience the vast world of strategically and thematically rich board games which has really proliferated the last few years. If this sounds right for you, please join us!
Some more details:
- We'll be gathering at a variety of venues including local game- and gay-friendly businesses.
- Although this is an LGBT group, we welcome all friendly gamers regardless of gender or orientation.
- This is a group meant for LGBT gamers to try new games, meet other gamers and for those gamers to share gaming experiences and strategies.
- Please attend! Your attendance keeps the group going.
- If your RSVP is "Yes" and you're not going to come, please change your "Yes" to "No" before the event out of courtesy to the rest of the group. Many of our events have recently been hitting the RSVP cap limit, and it's only common courtesy for someone who knows that they cannot attend to change their RSVP, so that they can free up a spot for someone who might want to come...
We hope to see you at the next event!
Donations: Friends and Family please for no fees (Subject: Gift- GBG Meetup Fees)
DISCLAIMER: By joining this group, and by becoming a member you understand and agree that participation in (this group) “Gay Board Gaymers” carries with it the risk to you and anyone you bring as your guest, of personal or bodily injury (including death) and you willingly and knowingly participate in the group at your own risk. With this understanding, you, individually, hereby release, relieve, indemnify, hold harmless and forever discharge (organizer), co-organizers, co-hosts, event organizers, assistant organizers, event hosts, sponsors and representatives (in their official and individual capacities) from any and all liability whatsoever for any personal or bodily injury (including death) and loss of or damage to property that you may sustain, including but not limited to any claims, demands, actions, judgments, damages, expenses and costs, including attorney’s fees, which arise out of, result from, occur during or are connected in any manner with your participation in Gay Board Gaymers.