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What we’re about

Are you looking to expand your social life and improve your love life?
Then, you have come to the right place!
Welcome to my group of Genuine Singles of DMV.
I am Irena, a group organizer, a Relationship and Life Coach, and an event host.
My goal is to create as many opportunities as possible for people to meet and connect, to feel less lonely and hopefully find relationships.
✔️All events are facilitated and structured to tailor to all introverts and extraverts. Whether you are socially shy or super outgoing, you are welcome at my events.
✔️All events are posted on multiple platforms and in multiple groups, and the number of attendees is always higher than displayed in any event.
So, gather up your social courage and come meet me and others! I promise it will be worth your time and effort. I am looking forward to meeting you.
~ Irena

Upcoming events (4+)

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