What we’re about
Come play boardgames with us!
GoBo is a board game association for people of all ages and levels of experience. We provide locales to play in and boardgames (over 300 of them), have some snacks and drinks for sale and create different events. The purpose of the association is to bring people together through board gaming and to create a safe enviroment where everyone can feel welcome.
We're located on Falkgatan 7 inside of Studiefrämjandets locales and we're open every wednesday 17-22 and every saturday 12-22 (at the earliest). We also offer a variety of themed days and special events. Visiting us and playing with us is always completely free the first time and after the first time you have the option of becoming a member or paying a small fee each time you visit.
If you want to play something you can just drop in when we're open. There's no need to announce that you're coming or bring someone to play with, there are always people around ready to play something within a reasonable time period. You also don't need to have played board games before, we are always happy to explain rules for new players.
For more information on membership, how to get to us etc. you can visit our website on [www.gothenburgboardgamers.se.](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gothenburgboardgamers.se%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1sfn3yFfAB6B5qmqSYQo2f_gJ1Mk9Y21Dj-Smfe746ajTH6wGMvAy3VQE&h=AT3-GlcVLUkzu0Ac7Ssgvg9O5LW6Bj73bd-x6chXm0C9B-ggImutKRD5yxk6d14SYn7SHnS0QOBfpe60TOkQYnXvfvPRfjKIoJ5Rf05L_FtCQGC9cNcKDBexammloywfxQ&tn=-UK-R&c%5B0%5D=AT3Zm80FT7rliNwE1ITfOcyw2CeIOHuFcPCCIGQzpi_2BLjm_9MqLFsPFtMsQgHETxwpXXBL4F3O1hakoDV2c0JzuIQbVlr-gsXfnBIbLsbk-E3pgzYilzq-zllVjXwxtaJ2x1s2Iin2NqM2Jn6balxITiM3ZO-pY9W-IQoZUyNT-SC2r-8pHB4YBSTPlz7tuqI5926NM5IU)
If you have any questions feel free to ask them via social media or email and we'll get back to you as quick as we can.
Hope to see you there!
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Play board games with Gothenburg Boardgamers - Open every wednesday and SaturdayGothenburg boardgamers, Gothenburg
## What we're about
Come play boardgames with us!
GoBo is a board game association for people of all ages and levels of experience. We provide locales to play in and boardgames (over 400 of them), have some snacks and drinks for sale and create different events. The purpose of the association is to bring people together through board gaming and to create a safe enviroment where everyone can feel welcome.
We're located on Gyllenkrooksgatan 5, to the left of the main entrance and we're open every wednesday 18-22 and every saturday 12-22 at the earliest. We also offer a variety of themed days and special events.
Visiting us and playing with us is always completely free the first time and after the first time you have the option of becoming a member or a paying a small fee each time you visit.
If you want to play something you can just drop in when we're open. There's no need to announce that you're coming or bring someone to play with, there are always people around ready to play something within a reasonable time period. You also don't need to have played board games before, we are always happy to explain rules for new players.
*Please note that we are a large club with hundreds of active members, most of whom do not use meetup. The attendance numbers on this event are therefore much lower than the number of people who will actually be at the club.
For more information on membership, how to get to us etc. you can visit our website on www.gothenburgboardgamers.se.
If you have any questions feel free to ask them via social media or email and we'll get back to you as quick as we can.
Hope to see you there!
- Play board games with Gothenburg Boardgamers - Open every wednesday and SaturdayGothenburg Boardgamers, Gothenburg
## What we're about
Come play boardgames with us!
GoBo is a board game association for people of all ages and levels of experience. We provide locales to play in and boardgames (over 400 of them), have some snacks and drinks for sale and create different events. The purpose of the association is to bring people together through board gaming and to create a safe enviroment where everyone can feel welcome.
We're located on Gyllenkrooksgatan 5, to the left of the main entrance and we're open every wednesday 18-22 and every saturday 12-22 at the earliest. We also offer a variety of themed days and special events.
Visiting us and playing with us is always completely free the first time and after the first time you have the option of becoming a member or a paying a small fee each time you visit.
If you want to play something you can just drop in when we're open. There's no need to announce that you're coming or bring someone to play with, there are always people around ready to play something within a reasonable time period. You also don't need to have played board games before, we are always happy to explain rules for new players.
We are a club with hundreds of active members, most of whom do not use meetup, therefore attendance numbers on meetup do not reflect the number of people at the club.
For more information on membership, how to get to us etc. you can visit our website on www.gothenburgboardgamers.se or contact us via social media.
If you have any questions feel free to ask them via discord, facebook messenger or email and we'll get back to you as quick as we can.
Hope to see you there!
- Play board games with Gothenburg Boardgamers - Open every wednesday and SaturdayGothenburg boardgamers, Gothenburg
## What we're about
Come play boardgames with us!
GoBo is a board game association for people of all ages and levels of experience. We provide locales to play in and boardgames (over 400 of them), have some snacks and drinks for sale and create different events. The purpose of the association is to bring people together through board gaming and to create a safe enviroment where everyone can feel welcome.
We're located on Gyllenkrooksgatan 5, to the left of the main entrance and we're open every wednesday 18-22 and every saturday 12-22 at the earliest. We also offer a variety of themed days and special events.
Visiting us and playing with us is always completely free the first time and after the first time you have the option of becoming a member or a paying a small fee each time you visit.
If you want to play something you can just drop in when we're open. There's no need to announce that you're coming or bring someone to play with, there are always people around ready to play something within a reasonable time period. You also don't need to have played board games before, we are always happy to explain rules for new players.
*Please note that we are a large club with hundreds of active members, most of whom do not use meetup. The attendance numbers on this event are therefore much lower than the number of people who will actually be at the club.
For more information on membership, how to get to us etc. you can visit our website on www.gothenburgboardgamers.se.
If you have any questions feel free to ask them via social media or email and we'll get back to you as quick as we can.
Hope to see you there!