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What we’re about

This group is for anyone interested in learning more about natural health and healing through nutrition and natural substances like herbs, nutrients, and the mind-body connection and our relationship with our body and stress. The intent of this group is to educate you on the principles of natural health and healing. As a board certified Naturopath, my passion is sharing how you can empower yourself naturally to live the healthiest, fullest life possible. Naturopathy is based on the belief in the body’s innate ability to heal itself when given the appropriate internal and external healing environment. Naturopathy deals with wellness and relief from conditions which are the result of stress and blockages of bodily systems, whether from nutritional, environmental, mental or physical factors.
This group will focus on educating you on how diet, lifestyle, toxins and stress contribute to ill health today and what you can do about it!
I have five years of experience working with patients in a functional medicine setting dealing with chronic debilitating disease such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, Lyme disease, and chronic infections like candida and parasites that contribute to anxiety, depression, digestive issues, pain and much, much more. I have learned that these manifestations of disease start with stress and toxic impact on the body.
Discover the importance of nutritional healing, detoxification methods and how changing our mental state from stress and trauma can have a powerful impact on your health.
Welcome to the group!
Note that when it becomes safe to gather again, we will invite you to join us in person.
Discover you root cause to wellness at my business Roots to Wellness,
found at

Upcoming events (3)

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