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What we’re about

This is a group for anyone interested in attending hikes or volunteering to help build, maintain, and/or promote the North Country National Scenic Trail from Starvation Lake Road (southeast of Mancelona) to the Wexford/Manistee County line at Hodenpyl Dam Pond in Michigan.

The Grand Traverse Chapter is a part of the North Country Trail Association (NCTA). We plan a variety of activities - various hikes along our route and work sessions to maintain our current pathway and build new off-road sections of the NCNST. We also schedule outreach events to promote this great community asset. Volunteers with all interests and abilities are welcome to join us. All help and levels of participation are appreciated. Hope to see you on the North Country National Scenic Trail!

The NCTA Grand Traverse Chapter values just, diverse, equitable, and inclusive trail experiences. We are committed to these principles for everyone’s enjoyment of the NCNST. We strive to better include those who experience barriers to trails by prioritizing equitable solutions to ensure all can connect to and care for the Trail in a way that is meaningful for them.

An ArcGIS Map of the North Country National Scenic Trail (NCNST) can be found here:

To receive notifications of our events and communicate with event leaders, please join MeetUp and NCTA Grand Traverse Chapter's Meetup group!

Upcoming events (4+)

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