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What we’re about

The theme for this book club is "Great Females in Literature" and includes any genre that has great female characters or authors. Our club is for women only, (including trans, cis, and NB women); we do not accept men into our group. Our club meets on the second Wednesday of every month. Join us if you love reading and discussing great books with ladies of all types!

What kind of book club is this?
This is a book-focused group, which meets on the second Wednesday of every month at the Aroma Cafe in North Hollywood.
How serious is this discussion?
Not very. We welcome all input, there's no wrong opinion, this isn't a competition to see who's got the deepest understanding of literature. Disagreement is fine, disrespect is not.
Is there wine?
No, but Aroma's liquor license is pending....
Who Should Attend?
Women (including NB, trans, & cis) of any race over 18 who love discussing books!
What is the format?
We meet at Aroma Cafe in North Hollywood at 6:30 pm. Traditionally, we have an icebreaker question in order for us to get know one other a little better. Then the group leader reads the biography of the author. We will have questions to get discussion started.
How do you decide what books to read?
Member suggestions, leader suggestions, we usually chat a bit about future book options at the end of each meeting, and feel free to message Amanda with ideas as well.
Where do you get book suggestions from?
Members, best of lists, book reviews.
What if I'm late?
It happens. Just try not to be disruptive. We're all adults. If you need to show up late or leave early, it's understandable once in a while.
If I haven't read the book, may I still attend?
Yes. As long as you don't mind hearing spoilers of the story and ending, but I think you'll have more fun if you do. If you have said you'll attend, and something comes up that prevents you from doing so, please change your status from “going” to “not going.” That way you won't be listed as a “no show.”
Why Am I STILL On the Wait List?
Generally the wait list clears out before the event so expect to come anyway if you are on the Wait List! It's pretty rare that someone can't get in.
Anything else I should know?
Just be a generally nice human. Don't interrupt others. Read the room; speak up, don't hesitate to contribute but don't feel like you have to chime in on every single thing. Not every meetup is a good fit for everyone. Name calling, slurs etc. will not be tolerated. Membership is at leader's discretion. Have fun, it's just book club!