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What we’re about

Welcome to Green Hearts Gathering! This group is dedicated to bringing together eco-conscious individuals, art lovers, and spiritualists, passionate about learning through human connection for a healthier planet and lifestyle.

If you are interested in spirituality such as meditation, ART, sound healing, energy work, and more AND CRAVE COMMUNITY this group is for YOU.

Through discussions, mindfulness practices, and a love for nature, we aim to cultivate a community that values holistic well-being and environmental stewardship.

Join us for enriching gatherings that nourish your mind, body, and spirit as we explore ways to live in harmony with the Earth and create a beautiful community.

Let's create a greener and more heart-centered world together!

Future Events:

  • Park/Trash Cleanups
  • Group Meditations, Sound Baths, Yoga.
  • Art Parties
  • Poetry in the Garden
  • Book Club
  • Round Table Discussions on various topics
  • Journaling Workshops
  • Museum Trips
  • Park Meetups