What we’re about
Welcome to the Green Tech South West community
We provide expert insight and thought provoking discussion on how technology can improve our physical environment and battle the massive, urgent issue of climate change.
We are a community/people focused group with an open and inclusive ethos.
We run regular meet-ups, both physical and virtual, from a range of speakers working in or researching green technology methods and their impacts.
Green Tech South West showcases a variety of topics, covering a broad range of considerations such as:
• How digital technology can help preserve our environment and tackle climate change
• The environmental impact of digital technology and how to mitigate it
• Actions we can take as individuals and businesses to harness technologies in a sustainable way
If you would like to see our previous talks, topics and resources please visit out website: https://greentechsouthwest.org/
Our upcoming events can be found here:
[https://www.meetup.com/GreenTech-South-West/events/ ](https://www.meetup.com/GreenTech-South-West/events/)
Your community organisers are:
- Ellen Davies, operations executive at LoveJunk - www.lovejunk.com
- Hannah Smith, freelance sustainable web consultant and speaker - opcan.co.uk
- Mike Harley, head of tech at ADLIB - adlib-recruitment.co.uk
If you would like to get involved in building and running our community please get in touch at greentechsw@gmail.com.
Find us on social media
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/greentech-...
Managing our own environmental impact
We use Bristol based company, Ecologi, to offset the carbon emissions of our meetup and digital activities. You can view our forest here: https://ecologi.com/gtsw.
Feel free to donate some trees if you've benefitted from the Green Tech South West community is some way. It's a great way to show appreciation for what we're doing and make a positive impact on tackling climate change.
Meetup Sponsors
Krystal - https://krystal.uk/
The Discourse - https://thediscourse.design/
ADLIB - www.adlib-recruitment.co.uk
Upcoming events (1)
See all- Communicating digital sustainability issues with impact (online only event)Link visible for attendees
Green Tech South West presents an online event showcasing the work of a truly inspirational individual - Sandra Sydow, President of Planet on Stage.
Communicating digital sustainability issues with impact
Have you ever struggled to get those around you, at work or home, to question how they perceive and use digital technologies? The sad truth is the environmental impact of digital tech (and its broader effects on our lives) has yet to receive the attention it deserves, both in public and research. As a result, awareness remains low.
In this event Sandra will share how we can change that and accelerate the spread of awareness in this crucial field.
She’ll also introduce two powerful and innovative communication tools deployed by Planet On Stage and The Digital Collage, two seperate non-profit organisations. These formats have broken away from traditional, uninspiring training courses and instead engage people through collective intelligence, collaboration, and visual storytelling.
Both have proved extremely successful reaching more than 120,000 people around the world in businesses, universities, schools and beyond.
Sandra will also explain how those looking to get more involved could learn to run these tools for themselves, joining over 150 “pitchers” who are trained to inspire action on critical global issues.
https://digitalcollage.org/As an added bonus, on May 7th Sandra will join us in Bristol to run the Planet on Stage digital impact conference especially for our Green Tech South West members. So cool! You'll be able to RSVP without charge soon - keep an eye on our meetup page for the announcement.
Sandra has 20+ years of experience in communication and advertising. A firm believer in the power of words, storytelling, and gamification, she integrates these elements into all her workshops, fostering motivation and optimism—both essential for engaging people in the global sustainability movement.
As President of Planet On Stage, a non-profit organisation, she is dedicated to accelerating the transition to a sustainable future through public speaking training and innovative communication tools on environmental challenges.
She's also actively involved in other non-profit organisations aiming to the same goal, like The Digital Collage and Climate Fresk.
Fun facts: She is passionate about musical theatre and also the extraordinary beauty of flowers, specifically orchidees!
OUR SCHEDULE🔓 12.20pm - CrowdCast room opens
👋 12.30pm - Event starts with a welcome from your meet-up organisers, Ellen, Hannah and Mike
📢 12.35pm - Our famous 60 second intros - a chance for attendees to introduce themselves, ask for help and tell us about something the group might find interesting
💚 12.45pm - Sandra's talk
❓ 1.15pm - Questions
🗓️ 1.25pm - Round-up, other community notices and next event announcement
The event will be recorded and will be available along with the slides to view shortly afterwards.
This is a free online event streaming via the CrowdCast platform. You will see the link once you RSVP. The evening before the event, we'll email those that RSVPed with more details about what to expect when using CrowdCast.
A huge thank you to our wonderful sponsors, without whom running Green Tech South West simply wouldn't be possible 💚The Discourse - thediscourse.design/
Krystal Hosting - krystal.uk/
ADLIB Recruitment - www.adlib-recruitment.co.uk/