What we’re about
Rebirth of the Grenoble Cultural Exchange group! This reincarnation of the group will have a new theme: We will meet on the weekends (Dimanche pour la pluspart) and tour all of the Grenoble museum circuit.
Open to persons of all ages, genders, races, creeds, ethnicity, and nationality: A place for English speaking expats to build their language skills and exchange culture and enjoy the beautiful spaces around grenoble.
There are over a dozen museums in walking distance from Grenoble Hyper Center, and most are free!
Each week we'll pick a new museum, meet at a nearby pub or cafe for a beer and/or coffee, then head to the museum. When we run out of museums, we'll start tour other historic landmarks (Libraries, Universities, Cemeteries, Memorials, etc.) and we can also visit neighboring cities within 3 hours train.
Grenoble is a highly diverse city, a melting-pot of cultures -- perhaps it's greatest asset. This MeetUp is a week opportunity to exchange and share cultures, including language, music, food, and the arts. Come with an open mind, and come thirsty! If all goes well, hopefully you meet interesting people, and go away with more questions than answers!
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Musée de l'Ancien Évêché - Redux (En Anglais, "MUSEUM OF THE OLD BISHOP")Pain&Cie, Grenoble
=== Summary ===
One of Grenoble's incredible museums with entrance free (Gratuité) to all!
Clandestine....but hiding in plain sight: This museum's permanent contents cover the history of Grenoble during the Gallo-Roman era/age. The museums permanent exhibit feature sculptures, artifacts, paintings, tapestries, and other historical artifacts and elements...with a fully restored Roman era Crypt!=== Current Temporary Exhibition ===
[ To be completed]
=== About The Museum (Translated) ===
Local history in Sculpture, Artifacts, Paintings, and other mixed media -- with a fully restored Roman era Crypt!
Located in the heart of the historic center of Grenoble, in the immediate vicinity of the cathedral, the Musée de l'Ancien Évêché is housed in the former bishops' palace, a building protected as a Historic Monument.
The site presents in its basement archaeological remains of first importance, witnesses of the religious history of the city: the baptistery dating from the first Christian times.
The floors of the palace, which has become a museum, house the exhibition "L'Isère en histoire", inviting a chronological journey to discover a territory, its history and its people. Each year, the museum presents two temporary exhibitions on themes of interest to the heritage of Isère.=== The Plan ===
- We will queue at the café between 13:00 and 13:15 for coffee, snacks, etc.
- We will depart at 13:15h on foot ( the walk is < 5 minutes or about 150 meters to Museum )
- Follow all safety and sanitation rules and regulations posted in the museum.
- If you're late, ping me on WhatsApp at: +1-412-378-3823 (or inside Meetup messenger app)
- Spend as much or as little time as you want at the museum
- After the event we may catch a crêpe / coffee / beer / bubble tea.
=== Additional Resources About the Museum ===
One can can read more about about the museum and current exhibits at:
https://www.grenoble-tourisme.com/en/discover/essentials/old-bishop== What to Bring ==
* Comfortable Shoes
* Bottle of Water
* Cell phone charger/battery
* An open mind >:}
== 💡 Rules of The Day 💡 ==- 🚶♀️🚶♂️ The group is about cultural exchange, language learning, education, active lifestyle --- and sure, also socializing and making platonic friends BUT NOT about flirting or speed dating! We want everyone to feel comfortable during our events. ⛔
- Be sure to support the museums by buying a small gift, even if just a Post Card to send home to the family and friends.
- Don't be (too) late 😇 We have a large 15 minute queue window. If you arrive after we depart, call my mobile and we'll find a way for you to connect with us down the road.
- If you finally can't join us, please unsubscribe from the event or at least write a message here to announce your cancellation. 💜 That way, we won't wait for you 💜
- 💟 You are responsible of your own health and security
- If you have any medical conditions that we should be aware of in an emergency, please feel free to contact me privately!
- 😷 COVID-19 rules at the moment: https://www.gouvernement.fr/en/coronavirus-covid-19
- Museum d'Histoire Naturelle (Natural History Museum)French Coffee Shop, Grenoble
== Summary ==
What can we say? NATURAL HISTORY!
- 55,000 fossils
- 640,000 zoology specimens
- 20,000 minerals and rocks
- 1 very large elephant!
With every specimen clearly labeled, it presents an excellent opportunity to practice translating French to English and build your vocabulary.
With current temporary exhibits located at Annex building at "The Orangery"
== Temporary Exhibition ==
[T.B.D. - To Be Announced]
== Plan ==
We will meet at the square near the [ French Coffee Shop ] between 13:30->13:45 . At 13:50, we will begin to walk towards the museum (about 10-12 minutes walk).
Temporary exhibit will be normally in the Annex building (Accessible via the Courtyard); normally visit this first.
Stay as briefly or as long as you want; it is an series of expansive and voluminous buildings with many exhibits.
Don't forget to visit the gift shop at the end of tour; the museum might be free, but you should buy a postcard to support them! Send it to your mom (or someone else's mom! )
After existing the Museum, there are beautiful garden grounds to enjoy outdoors within the courtyard.
Schedule NOTE: This Museum doesn't open doors until 14:00 on Sunday/Dimanche, so this event starts ~15 later than normal.
== Additional Information ==
One can read more about about the current exhibits at:
https://www.facebook.com/MuseumdeGrenoble/== Price / Tarifs ==
Libre et Gratuite (Free as in Freedom, Free as in Beer, respectively) on first Sunday of each month
== 💡 Rules of The Day 💡 ==
- 🚶♀️🚶♂️ The group is about cultural exchange, language learning, education, active lifestyle --- and sure, also socializing and making platonic friends BUT NOT about flirting or speed dating! We want everyone to feel comfortable during our events. ⛔
- Be sure to support the museums by buying a small gift, even if just a Post Card to send home to the family and friends.
- Don't be (too) late 😇 We have a large 15 minute queue window. If you arrive after we depart, call my mobile and we'll find a way for you to connect with us down the road.
- If you finally can't join us, please unsubscribe from the event or at least write a message here to announce your cancellation. 💜 That way, we won't wait for you 💜
- 💟 You are responsible of your own health and security
- If you have any medical conditions that we should be aware of in an emergency, please feel free to contact me privately!
- 😷 COVID-19 rules at the moment: https://www.gouvernement.fr/en/coronavirus-covid-19
If you have any questions, please ask! Feel free to send me a Private Message or on WhatsApp (+1-412-378-3823)
- Chartreuse: Museum of the Grande Chartreuse (Visit Museum + Small Hike)Gare de Grenoble, Grenoble
== Summary ==
This is a hybrid Meetup, combining elements of the Museum circuit, with the endurance of one of Albin's GAC hikes!
The main event will go by bus (TransIsere 7000), but you are of course welcome to go by car and join us there.
Details about the museum
The museum shares a stretch of land with a Monastery as well as several other related buildings (A chapel, etc.). Our proposed hiking path will take us past all of these landmarks.
The museum is RE-OPEN from 4 April to 1st November 2020 April, May, September, October; November: July and August: the every day
Open: 10 am -6:30 pm except Sundays 2-6:30 pm== THE PLAN ==
To find us: We will meet at Gare Grenoble Routière, Lane #3, from where bus 7000 departs. I normally wear a high-viz vest.
General Plan:
- 08:30 Take the bus [TransIsère 7000] to stop [LA CORRERIE] departing at [08:35]
-- That's AM, AKA, in the morning, for the French attendees >:}
-- You will need to buy a TransIsere bus ticket: Zone A+B+C
--> You can buy it on the Kiosk
--> You can buy it via SMS, so please arrive early. - 09:30 Arrive, hike up to the museum
- 10:00 Visit/Enjoy museum (and gift shop!)
-- There is an entrance fee (Full price: € 8.50)
--> Some discounts my be available for certain groups (Students, etc.)
--> Hopefully it includes a shot of Chartreuse? - 11:30 First Lunch (Picnic on the museum grounds (Weather Permitting)
- 12:15 A 8-10km hike/randonee around the museum grounds (Details below)
- 17:17 Catch the bus back to Grenoble
- 18:30 Back in Grenoble for drinks and afterwards (after-words?)
== What to Bring ==
We'll be doing some moderate hiking, so:
- Extra FFP1/2/3 Masks
- 2-3 Liters of Water
- Hiking Boots
- Sunscreen
- Hat/Chapeau
- Your lunch + Snacks to keep your blood sugar up
- Rain Coat, Just in Case (Forecast 7 days out shows no rain)
- Hiking Poles (Batons)
- High viz vest, as we have to cross over some roads.
- Whistle/Sifflet
- Medicines or Prescriptions for Allergies you may have.
== References ==
Proposed Hiking Route:
https://www.alltrails.com/explore/map/map-aug-8-08-37-pm-f8ff8b2Full Bus Schedule:
https://www.transisere.fr/ftp/documents_CG38/fh-7000-2020-2021-18-janv.pdfYouTube Video Mashup:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4nTptukEN0== What to Bring ==
* Comfortable Shoes
* Bottle of Water
* Cell phone charger/battery
* An open mind >:}
== 💡 Rules of The Day 💡 ==- 🚶♀️🚶♂️ The group is about cultural exchange, language learning, education, active lifestyle --- and sure, also socializing and making platonic friends BUT NOT about flirting or speed dating! We want everyone to feel comfortable during our events. ⛔
- Be sure to support the museums by buying a small gift, even if just a Post Card to send home to the family and friends.
- Don't be (too) late 😇 We have a large 15 minute queue window. If you arrive after we depart, call my mobile and we'll find a way for you to connect with us down the road.
- If you finally can't join us, please unsubscribe from the event or at least write a message here to announce your cancellation. 💜 That way, we won't wait for you 💜
- 💟 You are responsible of your own health and security
- If you have any medical conditions that we should be aware of in an emergency, please feel free to contact me privately!
- 😷 COVID-19 rules at the moment: https://www.gouvernement.fr/en/coronavirus-covid-19
- 08:30 Take the bus [TransIsère 7000] to stop [LA CORRERIE] departing at [08:35]
- Musée de la Chimie à Jarrie (Chemistry Museum)gare routiere, Grenoble
== Background / Introduction ==
This museum is in the basement of a historic home in a small Ville/Municipality just south of Grenoble. We will probably take a group ride on the Tram and/or a Bus to get there.
"It gathers industrial machineries, laboratory appliances, documentary pictures and pictures.
The museum recounts Marcel Deprez experience who succeeded in carrying an electric current which was generated by a hydraulic turbine from the Jarrie railway station to the grains covered market in Grenoble.
An incredible “special fabrications” room unveils the manufacturing process of synthetic gems thanks to the Verneuil's process.The museum has been entirely renovated in 2000."
Or maybe we wait to nice weather, and do a group bicycle Ride!
NOTE: There is a small entrance fee for this event (most musee are free!)
== Plan ==
[ Pas des Plan; pas Encore !]
== Links to read about this Musee ==
COVID-19: "The museum is closed to all audiences (updated February 03, 2021)"
== Opening Hours / Horaires d' Overture ==
Open all year round to the public from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Closed on Thursday. The museum is open several Saturdays a year as part of the cultural program, but also during heritage days, etc.
Horaires d’ouverture
Ouvert toute l’année au public de 14h à 17h30 le lundi, mardi, mercredi et vendredi. Fermeture le jeudi. Le musée est ouvert plusieurs samedis par an dans le cadre de la programmation culturelle, mais aussi durant les journées du patrimoine, etc.== Tarrifs / Prices ==
Individual visits
• Adults: 3 euros (free visit), 5 euros (guided tour by appointment)
• Reduced price: 1 euro (students, young people under 18, adults with the Pass Jarrie card) reduced price 0.50 euro (young people under 18 years old holders of the Jarrie pass)
• Free for children under 11 years old== Address ==
The Chemistry Museum
100 montée de la Creuse
Le Clos Jouvin
38560 JARRIE== What to Bring ==
* Comfortable Shoes
* Bottle of Water
* Cell phone charger/battery
* An open mind >:}
== 💡 Rules of The Day 💡 ==- 🚶♀️🚶♂️ The group is about cultural exchange, language learning, education, active lifestyle --- and sure, also socializing and making platonic friends BUT NOT about flirting or speed dating! We want everyone to feel comfortable during our events. ⛔
- Be sure to support the museums by buying a small gift, even if just a Post Card to send home to the family and friends.
- Don't be (too) late 😇 We have a large 15 minute queue window. If you arrive after we depart, call my mobile and we'll find a way for you to connect with us down the road.
- If you finally can't join us, please unsubscribe from the event or at least write a message here to announce your cancellation. 💜 That way, we won't wait for you 💜
- 💟 You are responsible of your own health and security
- If you have any medical conditions that we should be aware of in an emergency, please feel free to contact me privately!
- 😷 COVID-19 rules at the moment: https://www.gouvernement.fr/en/coronavirus-covid-19