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What we’re about

The purpose of the Haywood County Walking Meetup Group is for families and individuals to get together several times each week to walk in Haywood and immediately surrounding counties, with occasional opportunities to do additional walking regionally.

Families and individuals who want to improve or maintain their health by walking several times per week should join.

Some of our walk routes will have been curated by America's Walking Club; for those walks we will sign in as we gather. (An international walking credit program is available for those walks for those who desire it.) Otherwise we will simply gather. When everyone is present who has let us know they are coming, we will briefly stretch and then walk. Participants will be encouraged to do group walking, but our walks will be friendly to those who cannot maintain pace or distance. Walks will normally have distance options, often 5 KM and 10 KM options, but feel free to participate if you need less or even more. There will be another opportunity to stretch at the end of the walk.

Upcoming events (4+)

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