What we’re about
Welcome to a group of high-vibing, heart-centered people coming together to elevate one another and have fun through various social activities. Together we'll lift one another up, explore outdoor adventures, take walks and hikes, share meals, dance, laugh, spread more love in the world and create a safe and welcoming community where we all can be our authentic selves.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Avila Beach Qi Gong - Moving MeditationMulligan's Restaurant, Avila Beach, CA
Qigong with an ocean view!
By allowing ourselves to flourish and sharing what we've discovered, we ignite others to flourish. Qigong practice produces an environment where the vitamins of flourishing are abundantly active and available.Location: Avila Beach Golf Resort/Mulligan's on the grass, or if it's not warm, upstairs in the clubhouse. Rain cancels
Open to the Public - $12 per person
Payment Options PayPal | Venmo | Cash on Site
(outdoor class, come hydrated, bring layers and sun protection)
This class is taught by Cyndi Silva, an amazing human being! https://www.cyndisilva.com/qigong_workshop/
PS, If you want the most amazing human design and or Gene Key reading, I highly recommend you connect with Cyndi ASAP!