What we’re about
This group welcomes open-minded, heart-centered people who are spiritual seekers and have interests in the Mind-Body-Spirit connection. Heathsville MBS is a place to meet like-minded people and to explore, learn, and share wisdom and experiences. Please note: just because I'M in Heathsville, doesn't mean YOU have to be. Anyone can join, connect, share their talents, and promote like-minded activities. Richmond, Fredericksburg, DC, MD...and those willing to travel for festivals (because, eventually, we'd like to plan some in the area...) join and stay in touch!
Some examples of topics include (but is not limited to):
Ascended Masters
Authentic Relating Games
Body image/self acceptance
Body scans
Bodywork and Massage
Complementary medicine
Conscious Parenting/Grandparenting
Conscious Relating/Relationships
Cuddling/Cuddle Party
Cultural Programming, and unpacking it
Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine
Drum circles
Ecstatic Dance/5 Rhythms dance
Energetic body/ aura/ chakra system
Environmental consciousness
Equality, Respect, Valuing
Flow states
Free Hugging
Grounding, Centering, and Shielding your energy
Healing Sound Baths/singing bowls
Healthy Touch/Infant Massage
Heart-centered life
Heartmath science
Holistic living/medicine
Intention, Intentional living
Laughter Yoga
Loving What Is/Byron Katie
Manifestation/Law of Attraction
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
Mindful eating, driving, walking, being, living
Natural living
Power of Now/Eckhart Tolle
Progressive ideas
Proudly Liberal
Reiki and Energy Healing
Social consciousness
Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Channeling
Thich Nhat Hahn
True Consent/ Healthy Boundaries
Unity Consciousness
Unschooling/World Schooling/Homeschooling
Vulnerabilty/Brene Brown
White Tantra
Woo-Woo, Wicca, and other Weird, fun stuff
Yoga (beyond Asanas!)
If you find yourself in the Tidewater area, and are seeking local Tribe, you have found it. Let's connect, create, and raise the Vibration of this lovely place. If you're elsewhere, but want connection with like minds, join anyhow! Community is powerful stuff.